
Reality check

after reaching the shore, we continue walking.

when we were walking, naruto suddenly threw a kunai in the bushes.

"...okay you just scared the crap out of me, this better be good".

naruto walked over and searched the bushes, there was a white rabbit.

wait... that's, crap.

grasping my sword, a get ready for combat.

suddenly kakashi yells for us to get down.

kakashi takes down sakura with him, naruto hits the ground but this time, since sasuke was not near the client he could not save him.

cursing under my breath, I enhance my body with chakra and rush to Tazuna.

pushing him away, I try to deflect the giant spinning sword that was going to cut him in half.

my sword broke in half, but it was enough to deflect the thrown weapon.

but I didn't get out unscathed, I got a fist gash my clothes and armor that I'm wearing under it had a giant gash in it, but no blood.

releasing a sigh of relief, I look over at where the sword landed.

next to it stood a man with no eyebrows.

"Haruto, are you okay?" asked kakashi.

nodding in response, I take out another sword from my storage seal.

moving into a position to cover the client I just leave fighting that guy to kakashi,

if I want to fight him then I had to waste most of my free stat points, but if I need to do it then I will.

"ah Kakashi of the Sharingan," said the man as he took the sword out of the ground effortlessly.

"Zabuza the demon of the mist" responded kakashi, taking out a kunai.

"oh what's this, you took on students? little kids think their ninja?"

after saying that the mist surrounded us, using the Chakra Dome to sense my surroundings.

I sense the others, but suddenly another presence appeared behind me.

swinging my sword back, I manage to stab Zabuza through the chest.

but the man turned into water and splashed down to the ground.

the real one appeared behind me and swung down the sword, thankfully Sensei was there to block him.

spinning on my heel I try to slash at Zabuza's head.

he jumped back and started going through the hand seals, Kakashi seeing this pulled up his protector that was over his eye, revealing the Sharingan.

the pair of the same jutsus met and water was sent everywhere, kakashi which was in front of me turned into water.

wait, that was a water clone?.

the real kakashi, who was underground tried grabbing Zabuza's legs, but failed when the man jumped to the lake that was near us.

quickly flashing through hand seals, I send [lightning impact] to the lake.

not expecting it, he got hit.

not the one to pass an opportunity, Kakashi, rushed in with a Kunai ready to strike, but before he could, two senbon hit Zabuza's neck.

"thank you for weakening him, I have been tracking this man for months now"

said a person with a mask, wearing a hunter-nin outfit of Kiri.

kakashi visibly relaxed after he checked the body for a pulse.

as the hunter tried picking up Zabuza I send a [water bullet] his way, the man jumped to the side, holding Zabuza, and disappeared in a Shunshin.

sighing I let my body relax, and as the adrenaline rush fades away I feel dead tired.

this time however kakashi did not faint, the battle didn't last as long.

sheathing my blade I look over at the one that broke.

(that could have been me.)


knocking at the door of Tazuna's house, I keep thinking about the resistance seals.

my stats are not going up anymore by training normally, and if they do go up it takes a while.

"sensei?"I start looking at him.

looking over he raises an eyebrow.

"I'll need to get some weights when we get back, and a taijutsu expert"

he shivers but nods, I assume he just thought of "THE FLAMES OF YOUTH".

"Okay, I'll see what I can do"


it's been two days since Zabuza attacked.

it's my turn to guard the bridge while kakashi is training others.

looking at my stats, I'm thinking of adding more to my AGI and DEX, maybe even out everything?.

deciding to think about it after I'm back at the house I look over to see another worker quitting.

the workday will be over in an hour, so not long before we go back.

"hey Haruto, how are you?"

looking back I see kakashi walking over.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why do you ask?".

"well you nearly got cleaved in half so, you know"

I chuckle at that, that's so damn true, I almost died.

"nothing a cup of sake won't fix"

"so your outlet is drinking?"

"And yours is reading porn?"

he sits down next to me and looks at the bridge.

"don't make it a habit to drink,"

"...then what do you suggest?"



"Okay I won't drink anymore"

"I'll hold you to that, now go back to the house I'll take over"

nodding my thanks, I head back, maybe sasuke wants a spar or naruto...or both.


okay, 6 days passed and the bridge is almost done.

"so what now?" asked sakura.

"Now let's hope we don't die tomorrow"

she flinched at that.

"why do you say that?" she shot back.

"because, we are genin, and he's one of the seven swordsmen of the mist, if anyone could take him it's sensei"

"We can take his partner though, right?"

"yes, yes we can"


done, yey,