
3. The Hellsing Manor

The ride back went by in a flash. Apollo and Sir Integra discussed Apollo's payment during the ride. The Hellsing Organistion will take care of Apollo's basic needs. A place to rest inside the Hellsing Manor. And Apollo will get a bonus for every monster he kills. The stronger the enemy the higher the bonus.

The car stopped in front of the Hellsing manor. Sir Integra got out of the car and Apollo followed suit. In the dungeon of the mansion Alucard was sitting on his throne. Waiting for something with a bored expression on his face. But a smile was formed the moment Apollo got out of the car. He could already sense Apollo.

"Hahahaha. Interesting, so your clone project actually succeeded Sir Integra. I can not wait to meet this specimen. Perhaps I will have another worthy companion to fight by my side. Along with the police girl. More and more monsters are showing up all over the world. We could use a little extra help." Alucard said.

Apollo could also sense the presence of a strong vampire somewhere in the mansion. "It appears you have a vampire in your house, Sir Integra." Apollo said.

"Yes, his name is Alucard. Your body was cloned from his DNA samples. He is one of the two vampires serving the Hellsing organisation. The other one is currently out on a mission. Her name is Seras Victoria. You will meet her when she comes back from her mission. I will take you to your room first. It is in the dungeon. A coffin filled with sand from the ground of the research facility where you were created has been put in your room. And after that I will take you to meet Alucard" Sir Integra said.

The room was not that big being the size of a normal bedroom. It was luxuriously decorated. And an assortment of clothes hung in the closet. Prepared for Apollo when he was out on his mission.

"You have seen the room. It is now time to meet Alucard. I bet he is already waiting impatiently for your arrival." Integra Hellsing said.

The room where Alucard stayed in was not that far from Apollo's new room. It only took about a minute to walk there. Sir Integra opened the door and walked in. Apollo following her into the room.

"How interesting. To see your little research progress was a succes. And to now finally have a worthy sparring partner. You have really outdone yourself my master." Alucard said.

"It was ordered by the Queen, Alucard. I trust you. However it is not bad to have another specialist for the Hellsing organisation. The times have changed Alucard. More and more supernatural monsters are sighted. And not just vampires. You will get along with him do you understand. That is an order." Sir Integra told Alucard in an authorative tone.

"As if I would harm your new test-subject. It will be more interesting to see how succesful he is. Killing him would be boring and a waste of resources." Alucard said.

"You know I can hear you right? The name is Apollo by the way. I hope we will get along. We will become comrades fighting together after all."

"Yes, I look forward to that. So about these supernatural creatures that have shown up master. Any new sightings? I am itching for a good fight. And I am curious to see how well Apollo holds himself in battle." Alucard asked.

"There are vampires sighted in Oxford. According to the intelligence we received they do have some peculiar abilities. They can summon familiars to fight alongside them like you and Apollo. They might be a new breed of vampires. So try to bring back one of them alive. Maybe the researchers will uncover some new data." Integra said.

"I will do my best. My master. So… Shall we go to the helicopter? Mister Apollo." Alucard asked Apollo. "You lead the way." Apollo said. Alucard stood up and walked out of the room. Apollo followed him suit. 'Let's hope they bring back at least a part of a vampire.' Integra thought to herself. A smile forming on her lips.

She did not really care if they did not bring anything back. Only the members of the round table would question her. But they could not do anything to her. Britain needs the Hellsing organisation. They would need a hundred men to kill even a single vampire. And out of those one hundred men only a few would return alive.

The Hellsing Organisation was one of the best at dealing with supernatural threats. Along with the Vatican's Section XIII. However they do not operate in Britain anymore after the ninth crusade. They were still licking their wounds from their failure in London.

However with the rise of supernatural creatures. Other organisations have surfaced as well around the globe. Some specialising in a specific monster and others dealing with all kinds of monsters. None have appeared in Britain though. Perhaps due to Hellsing dealing with the monsters.

A helicopter was already waiting outside for Alucard and Apollo. The engine was already running and a pilot wearing the Hellsing uniform along with a pilot's helmet was waiting for them. Both Alucard and Apollo got inside of the Helicopter.

The pilot was quite nervous during the flight. Two of the strongest vanpires were casually sitting in the back. He was still new to Hellsing. A lot of new recruits joined the Hellsing Organisation. After the battle last year with the nazi vampires all the Hellsing soldiers were killed. It also did not help that Apollo and Alucard both did not talk the entire ride until Oxford was finally in view.

"What a beautiful moon tonight. Makes me want to have a bite to drink. Don't you think so as well Apollo." Alucard said staring at the moon. "Well we will see how the night turns out. I just hope these new vampires can put up a bit of a fight." Apollo said. "Yes. I wonder the same thing. It has been a while since I last fought a worthy opponent." Alucard said a nostalgic look on his face.

"We have arrived at Oxford sirs. We will drop you near the university. Most of the victims discovered were students attending the university. So they should be hiding somewhere close by." "No need to land the helicopter. We will jump down. Find a safe location to land the helicopter and wait for us to finish the mission." The moment the last words left Apollo's mouth a green translucent bird hit the helicopter on the tail. The helicopter shook but the attack only left a dent in the tail.

"Good. This saves us time looking for them." Alucard said as he opened the door and jumped out. "Find a safe location to land. Leave the area." Apollo said as he too jumped out of the helicopter. Alucard and Apollo both turned into a swarm of bats landing in front of the four vampires waiting on one of the rooftops of the university. Each having a translucent animal probably made of energy by their sides.

"Truly a foolish decision to attack us. You could have fled and had a chance to survive. But here you are. Offering us your lives on a silver platter. Not even knowing you are already dead." Alucard said.

"What nonsense are you spouting dude. We have the numbers on our side. You think we will lose." The guy with the green bird said. On closer inspection the bird seemed to be an eagle resting on the young man's shoulder.

"Let's just kill these two guys and go back to party. I saw some girls heading off to a party. I am hungry for some fresh blood." Another young man said. A red bull made of energy standing next to him.

" You and your thirst for blood. Do not be impatient. We should handle this first. These guys seem strong." A more level headed young man said. A blue lion laying calmly in front of him.

The other young man in their group did not say anything. However his familiar was a shark that floated in the air. A bloodthirsty smirk on the man's face as he was eagerly awaiting to fight. Or perhaps drink blood.

End of chapter.

For some reason Author's thoughts did not work in this chapter so I will put it here for now and update it later.

so uhm how did you like the chapter?

btw in my story alucard returned 1 year after the battle of london. instead of 30 years later.

other creatures/monsters will appear in my story and not only vampires. other organisations will also appear. please recommend monsters and organisations that fight monsters.

I plan to write one chapter a week. Two if i have more time. I do still have work and other things after all.😅

And p.p.p.p.s I have never been to Britain before.😅

happy hunting😁