
Through Your Eyes

Just when I thought I had successfully moved on from a loveless relationship, I realized I had made the same mistake again. I fell in love again with a kind and handsome billionaire, and I thought he was already the perfect man. Before our marriage took place, I learned about his deep secret--the secret that evolved around my identity. And the secret that shattered my respect for him. I broke off our engagement and claimed everything that belonged to me. I hated him like he was the fiercest criminal in the world. I accused him as a thief, stripping him off from his once, dazzling glory. But then, a particular event led me to the truth. Only to know that I was late already!

gents46 · Urban
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129 Chs

The Love Triangle


I dreamed I was standing on a mountain top, looking down at the cliff below. The stiff breeze coming from the sea that sprawled beyond the cliff ruffled my hair into a mess. Instead of listening to the chirping of the birds, the gushes of the wind, and the rustling of the leaves, I heard the beeping of machines.

I felt the omen of death coming closer to me. Suddenly, I heard someone whispering into my ear. I listened carefully, and those whispers came with a sob. Who could be sobbing for me? I'm already alone in this world, and Eric did not love me enough that he would cry for my departure. Then I remembered I was already with Sean, but he, too, hadn't learned to love me yet. He was kind and showed me the respect I hadn't experienced with Eric. However, he also was not perfect. He loved someone else, and they were soon having a baby!

"Red, please hang on. There are so many things you need to know. The old man I adore so much is none other than your grandfather. He left me his wealth and adopted me as his son. Yet, the moment he knew about your existence, he asked me to marry you."

"Who is that old man?" I asked the man who whispered into my head, but my mind was too tired to say it louder. The white cloud from the sky was sailing closer to me, and I jumped in so I could lie down and sleep on its fluffy cushion.

I tried to speak louder, battling against my drooping eyelids, but I stopped because I started to hear his whispers again.

"He showered me the kind of love he should have given you, but he was not able to make it until I could find you. When he asked me to marry you, I understood that he was hesitant to take back everything he had entrusted me. But I am not greedy, Red. Everything he had is yours, and I am already giving it back to you. His love and kindness to us were enough for me. And I could live happily at the thought of it until I die."

Who is having what? And why is he giving it to me? I started to close my eyes because the cloud started rocking me to sleep. I heard him spoke again after a while of soft sobs. I pulled the cord at the side of the bed to stop the cloud from moving away. I wanted to hear him; his voice was like a soft feather, caressing my heart.

"Get well soon, dear, and I promise I will no longer force you into the marriage if you are not happy with me. You can always hire someone capable to help you in running your family's legacy."

I did not hear him speak again after that, so I continued to sleep. I didn't know how long I dozed off; those beeping sounds I heard in my dreams woke me up. I took a deep breath, forcing myself to open my eyes. Then, a louder alarm sounded from the machine, and I heard a male voice shouting at someone.


I heard loud footsteps coming towards me, and the alarm sound stopped.

"Sir, she already has her own breathing. That alarm sounded because her own breathing goes against the flow of the air from the machine."

"Does it mean she's getting well soon?"

"I think so, sir. But we have to hear what the doctor has to say."

I listened well to the voice of the man speaking now, comparing it to the voice that cried in my dream. It sounded different. I laughed at myself inwardly. Why wouldn't it be different? That was just a dream, and this voice now is real.

I held my breath again to summon the strength within my system so I could open my eyes. Just as my eyes flew wide, I met Eric's face, gazing at me worriedly.

"Red! Oh, good. You're awake already. Thanks, heavens! He heard my prayers."

I stared at him and tried to speak, but my voice wouldn't come out. I looked around, and my heart fluttered when I saw machines around me. The bigger box beeped louder, and Eric stormed out of the room, shouting for the nurse to come over.

I touched my mouth and nose--it had tubes. I lifted my arms--it also had IV tubings. I began to shudder, and with the cloud of confusion in my mind, I pulled out the tube in my mouth!

The door at my far side opened, and when the lady in white uniform saw me, her eyes flew wide in shock.

"Goodness! You are extubating yourself!" She hurriedly picked up the bag valve mask and cupped the mask cushion over my nose and mouth. Then she began pumping the self-filling ventilation bag.

I lifted my hand and wiped her hand away. I pointed a finger to my nose, trying to tell her that I'm alright without it. She froze for a moment, but then, she pulled out the bag valve mask and replaced it with a nasal cannula. I smiled, assuring her that I was okay. She gathered her brows and glanced at the monitor. I followed her eyes and saw that my oxygen percentage was 98%. The rest of the numbers blinking on the screen showed my vital signs were normal.

"My goodness, Dr. Red! You scare the life out of me. But thanks God, you're now awake!"

I smiled again, giving her a thumbs-up sign. "Okay, then, I'll leave you to your guest."

I remembered Eric, so I turned my head at my side. He was there towering above me. I watched him take a deep breath, and the scare in his face slowly disappeared.

"You're here," I opened my mouth to speak, but my voice would not come out yet. But I guessed, he was able to lip-read.

"Why not? I'm sick worried about you," he said, pulling a chair at the bedside. Once he settled himself, he reached out for my hand and held it.

"Red, please get well soon. I need you."

I smirked. He needed me because I could do many things for him. I could be his doctor, sex partner, and a trophy to show to his business colleagues.

"I'm sorry that it takes a disaster first to make me realize that I need you in my life."

I looked away. Those words made my skin crawl with goosebumps.

"Red, you may not believe me, but I truly love you."