
Through the Millenuium: The Hittite King's Artemis

Having been reincarnated for nine times, Artemis wanted to save her beloved, Saru. But she failed again and again. The only thing she could do was to watch Saru die in front of her nine times. She was deeply disheartened. A vicious curse made Saru hate Artemis, but he still wanted her, and he loved her even though she was destined to betray him in the end. At the tenth reincarnation, their memories all disappeared. Artemis crossed the Millennium according to her inner guidance and meet Saru again. At that moment, the violent vibration of their hearts made them know that they had found their true love at a glance. On their wedding day, Artemis confessed to Saru affectionately, "I love you." However, the response she received was that Saru suddenly pushed her away like crazy, covering his heart and falling to the ground in pain. The curse of Apollo came true again. "Your love is not blessed by God, and you can only resent each other from generation to generation." Artemis could only see that the deeper Saru loved, the more painful he was. She began to doubt whether her crossing was correct. Then, her memory of being the Moon Goddess was restored. Her favorite brother cursed her so maliciously that her favorite man was going to die. This time, she didn't want to watch Saru die. She chose to use her life to break the curse--She raised her silver arrow and ruthlessly inserted it into her heart. Apollo and Saru madly stopped her, but what happened to them in the end......

MariosNikoleou · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 14 The Gaze of the Beast

Saru rode a tall black stallion, and his innate temperament of a King was admired by the commoners. Although he was a brutal monarch, it cannot be denied that he was a good emperor, a good emperor who could protect the land and let the people live a good life.

All the officials gathered at the entrance of the palace to greet their king, but Saru's heart stayed with the girl in his arms, who remained in a coma for three days without ever waking up.

He shooed away the nobles and officials who were whispering flattering words in his ears and walked briskly to his chambers, impatiently inviting the imperial doctors to treat her. It was only after four imperial doctors examined her in detail and told him that she was fine and only needed to rest that his irritable anger was extinguished.

In the night.

In his chambers, Saru lazily lifted his hand and pushed his long hair back behind his shoulders, removed all the clothes from his body, and then lazily lay down on the couch to sleep.

"Em ..."

A subtle sound made his eyes snap open and he ordered his maid to light the candles around him brighter, then squinted at the beautiful girl on the big bed.

In the bright candlelight, he could see her lying on her back, her bare shoulders showing that she was naked under the silk covers.

He couldn't wait to get to the bedside and ruffle the silver hair from her face. Although he had already seen her face but he still gave a sigh of admiration for her beauty.

He had seen many beautiful women, but she was the only one who could give him a mind-blowing experience.

With her soft silhouette and snow-white skin, she did not look like an Egyptian or Syrian, and he could not think of any other country in the world that could have produced such a beautiful girl.

His fingers rubbed her cheeks, from her eyes, to her nose, to her mouth. Her body was really petite, but terrific, and his manly instincts made him feel so hot, but he suppressed it.

Green eyes stared intently at her in her sleep, he did not immediately take possession of her, not because he did not want to, but felt that it lacked a sense of accomplishment. She was a superb blazing horse. To get her, he must first make her submissive.

Artemis frowned uneasily in her sleep, always felt like she was being watched by a beast, the oppressive feeling forced her to slowly open her eyes, but unexpectedly as soon as she opened her eyes, a pair of very aggressive green eyes was here.

She was caught.

After only a moment of confusion, she knew her situation, and this fact made her sit up immediately and look warily at the man in front of her.

But her first reaction was to marvel at how handsome this man really was. The first time they met she didn't have a chance to look closely because he was wearing a helmet. This close encounter caused a flash of amazement in her eyes and a shiver of pleasure to rise in her body, as if she had been close to the whole face a long time ago.

Saru's gaze lingered even more indulgently on her alabaster body, exclaiming, "You are beautiful."

Artemis then realized that she was naked. But without panic or shyness, she pulled the silk quilt over her body without a trace, and she asked, "I came back with you, and according to the agreement, the people of Mandorla..."

"Just a prisoner, do you think you still have the capital to negotiate with me? You don't seem to know what it is to be afraid!" Seeing that she still concern those people in mind, Saru leaned down close to her with some displeasure and covered her mouth with his hand, stopping her from continuing to speak.

Artemis' violet eyes widened and she tried to struggle, but the man's strength was too great.