
Chapter 22: Gaap Ending Trial

Salutations! Good to be back on the air! It's finally the end of the month, and I'm happy to have survived to give you this new chapter. I hope you enjoy this and look forward to many more coming.

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The narrow path stretched ahead, dimly illuminated, as Sakura and Kouen walked side by side. Sakura clutched the pearl, contemplating its purpose and scanning her surroundings for any sign of the next gate. However, the newfound alliance with Kouen left her feeling uneasy.

'I did not think this through,' Sakura admitted to herself. She had envisioned navigating the dungeon solo, her own pace and decisions guiding her way. The unexpected partnership with Kouen now felt like an encumbrance.

Beleth's calm voice offered a perspective, 'He doesn't seem to mind, my king.'

'I am not going to let this guy slow me down,' Sakura affirmed to herself.

Kouen broke the silence, addressing the matter of Stolas's poison. "So, one of your djinns can produce poison," he remarked, a hint of criticism in his tone. "An earlier warning might've been appreciated."

Sakura shot him a glare. "I did tell you to hold your breath during that attack," she retorted sharply.

"But you did not mention the poison," Kouen countered.

Sakura grumbled under her breath about 'ungrateful rich brats' who couldn't handle anything beyond swinging a metal stick. As they continued walking, something else nagged at her. Kouen possessed a Djinn, and yet, during the onslaught of monsters, he hadn't utilized its powers.

"You have a Djinn yourself; why didn't you use it?" Sakura questioned, her frown deepening. His sword had proven ineffective against the dungeon monsters, and her curiosity demanded an answer.

"I was considering," Kouen replied cryptically, leaving Sakura hanging. Her suspicions intensified, and she prodded further.


"I chose not to," he stated, his tone closing off any avenue of explanation.

'There's something weird going on here,' Sakura concluded, eyeing him suspiciously. She contemplated the puzzle before her – a dungeon capturer of a similar age to hers and Sinbad's, and yet, she did not know when he acquired a Djinn.

"What dungeon did you conquer?" Sakura asked directly, seeking to unravel the mysteries surrounding her enigmatic companion.

Kouen just looked at her and she frowned deeper until he told her "The second,"

"When?" she asked "What year?"

"End of last year." He replied without hesitations as if it wouldn't affect him-which was probably right.

Now it made sense, having captured a dungeon this early he still must be mastering his djinn equip, that was the only explanation she could come up with, why he hadn't used his djinn powers. Then again there were still the weapons he could've used and that was something that came much more easily.

"That explains it," Sakura said "You can't use a full djinn equip yet."

The eerie silence was all Sakura needed to confirm her suspicions-or so she believed.

"So you have probably acquired your djinns earlier then."

Sakura nodded, though she chose not to specify when exactly she had gotten the djinns. After Sinbad had conquered his first dungeon there were other's that appeared and Yunan had mentioned a few other dungeon capturer.




The dark ambiance of the dungeon loomed around them as they approached the distinctive gate — a shell-shaped entrance with a round slot awaiting the key Sakura now possessed. However, the path leading to the gate ended abruptly, revealing a seemingly bottomless pit below.

"That worries me," Sakura admitted, her gaze fixated on the deep darkness beneath.

Kouen, seemingly unfazed, reassured her, "We're underwater; it shouldn't be a problem to swim over."

Sakura nodded in agreement, but a sense of unease lingered. This was typically the juncture in a dungeon where challenges intensified, a final trial before reaching the coveted goal.

"Do not fear, my king," Stolas offered his assurance. "We are still here with you."

"Right, and we shall be with you till the end," added Beleth.


Sakura smiled appreciatively, acknowledging their support. 'Thank you,' she said, her eyes focusing on the gate.

"You know," Sakura began, her tone contemplative, "Beyond that gate will probably be the Djinn."

"Perhaps," Kouen replied, his thoughts concealed.

"So what are you going to do?" Sakura inquired, placing a hand on her hip. "With two after the Djinn, we'll probably be given a final test of some kind that'll result in facing off against one another."

Kouen, facing the gate with a nearly blank expression, seemed unperturbed. "I was already aware of that. Why not say it straight out, you want me to stand down if given a final challenge by the Djinn."

"I don't expect you to back out that easily," Sakura explained. "Just wanted to straighten things out before then."

Kouen, without turning back to her, replied coolly, "Don't state the obvious. I would rather concern myself with getting there first."


Their exchange lingered in the echoing silence of the dungeon, a prelude to the trials that awaited them beyond the shell-shaped gate.


Sakura glared at him in response before she prepared to leap off the edge of the path and begin swimming but the instant she did that she knew something was wrong. Over the dark edge, it felt as if gravity was pulling her body down, a current- she wasn't sure but it was strong and she felt herself being pulled down. She began kicking, pushing chakra to her legs, but it was still proving a challenge and the further she got to the gate the stronger the pull seemed. Another problem, it was becoming difficult to breathe all of a sudden, as if the water had lost its magical properties. She felt like she was slowing down, her body giving into the pull. If she went any lower she was certain she would be sucked down.

'This is bad,'


Glancing behind her she saw Kouen sinking into the dark abyss, she wasn't sure what was down there the ground-maybe nothing. That didn't matter because it seemed Kouen was about to find out. Even when he was drowning Sakura barely saw a shift in Kouen's face, though in his eyes there was concern. Whatever magic was causing them to breathe underwater was almost nonexistent now.

"My king you must go now!" exclaimed Stolas "This is magic pulling you down,"


In the suffocating darkness, Sakura felt the pull intensify like heavy chains dragging her into an abyss. Her outstretched hand reached for Kouen, who looked at her with a frown that conveyed both gratitude and frustration. He wanted her to save herself, but Sakura, defiant and resolute, wouldn't leave him to face the unknown alone.

As the force grew stronger, Sakura's strength became useless against the relentless pull. The water weighed on her like a thousand chains, her body sinking, every movement a struggle against the invisible hands dragging her down. Darkness enveloped her, yet she kept her eyes open, feeling around desperately, searching for any trace of Kouen.

With every passing moment, the air became scarcer. Sakura realized she was drowning. The voices of her djinns were drowned out, their guidance lost in the muffled sounds of the deep. In the disorienting blackness, her eyes began to close against her will, the inevitable grip of unconsciousness tightening.


'No way,' she thought desperately, her mind a whirlwind of defiance. 'This can't be happening. I can't die here.'

Yet, the relentless force of the dungeon seemed to care little for her resolve as it dragged her further into the unknown depths.

Sakura's mind wandered through the tapestry of her life in this strange world. The faces of her friends from her previous life and the new ones she had forged here flickered like fading stars. The weight of never seeing any of them again pressed on her like a heavy shroud.


The echo of Sitri's words resonated within her thoughts. Where would she go when she died in this foreign realm? Would she return to the rukh, those swirling patterns of fate? Yet, how could she return when she never originated from them? The prospect of her demise raised questions that danced like shadows in the darkness closing around her.


In the quiet desperation of the sinking abyss, a peculiar clarity washed over her. The memories, the battles, the laughter, and the pain—all real, all vivid—had woven a life she wouldn't trade. Sitri's warning about the nature of this world, about the djinn and dungeons, seemed like distant whispers.


A gentle smile touched Sakura's lips. 'No, I wouldn't want this to be a dream. Because that would mean I never really met you, Sinbad.'

As her vision faded to darkness, the last thing she perceived was a brilliant light, and an ethereal form resembling a lion coming towards her. The lion seemed to hold within it both curiosity and an enigmatic promise as the void embraced her completely.




Sakura's eyes fluttered open to find herself under the intense gaze of Kouen, his presence looming over her urged her to wakefulness. As she stirred, she realized they were no longer in the watery abyss of the dungeon. The surroundings had undergone a dramatic transformation.

Sitting up with a groan, Sakura surveyed the new landscape that greeted her. The shift from the dark depths to an expanse of sky and stone pillars left her momentarily disoriented. The celestial canvas above was painted in light blue, adorned with fluffy, sunlit clouds. A gentle breeze whispered against her skin, and the ground beneath felt solid, not the fluid resistance of water.

Pillars of stone stood like ancient sentinels, arranged in a peculiar pattern, leading her gaze towards small islets connected by bridges and stepping stones. However, the centerpiece of this surreal scenery was an immense crystalline structure that rose majestically, reminiscent of a castle.

Her voice, laced with a mix of awe and confusion, broke the silence. "Where are we?"

Kouen's response was succinct, "Somewhere in the dungeon."

The realization of Kouen's transformed state hit Sakura as her eyes swept over his altered appearance. His once tame hair now resembled a lion's mane, his features taking on a more youthful cast. However, the hardness in his eyes remained, as did the peculiar additions: scaly arms, clawed hands, a tail, and a tattoo encircling his right eye. The evidence was clear—this was a Djinn Equip.

Maintaining a facade of indifference, Sakura addressed the apparent contradiction. "I thought you said you couldn't do a Djinn Equip?"


Kouen responded with his characteristic stoicism, "I never said that I couldn't, you drew up that conclusion yourself."

"Well, you didn't respond, so drawing up a conclusion was my only option," Sakura retorted with a hint of irritation. "What exactly happened after I blacked out, though?"

A brief silence lingered before Kouen provided a concise account of their escape from the underwater peril. "The water's current was pulling us to the bottom. I used my Djinn Equip to get us to the gate and used the key. After that, we were transported here."

The information filled some gaps in Sakura's understanding, but another puzzling question surfaced. "Why the heck were you leaning over me?"

Kouen's matter-of-fact response caught Sakura off guard. "You stopped breathing."

Suppressing any visible reaction, Sakura resisted the urge to touch her lips or reveal any embarrassment. Instead, she nonchalantly replied, "Oh." Despite the casual demeanor, a flicker of gratitude flashed in her eyes—buried beneath layers of stubborn independence, there was acknowledgment of Kouen's decisive action in that critical moment.

Kouen reverted to his original form, the lion-like features replaced by his customary appearance, and started walking away.

"We're wasting time sitting here, let's move," he declared, his voice carrying a note of impatience.

Sakura rose, clearing her ear with a light tap.

"You know, you could've made this conquest a little easier and left me to die, get rid of the competition, and gain the Djinn's power without complications," Sakura remarked, her statement holding a mix of truth and provocation. There was a growing curiosity about Kouen, a desire to unravel the layers of the boy who maintained a distance from her as she did from him.

Kouen stopped and glanced back at her. "You're very presumptuous," he retorted.

Sakura nonchalantly shrugged. "I'd like to think of myself as analytical. Calling it as the signs identify."

Silence hung for a moment until Kouen spoke again. "You did the same, did you not?"

Sakura narrowed her eyes at his words, a guarded look replacing her usual gaze. Kouen's smirk revealed he was referencing her earlier choice to go back for him.

"You could've left me to drown as well, yet you chose to turn back to help—through what appeared to be a futile attempt," Kouen added, the smirk never leaving his face.

"Besides, I don't consider you competition."


The blunt statement cut deep, igniting a bubbling anger within Sakura, ready to burst forth at any moment. She wasn't emotionally stable when she entered the dungeon, making her buttons easy to push. Yet, this instability also made her retaliation more potent.

"Well, excuse me. Next time, I will be more than happy to let you drown," Sakura hissed, stomping past Kouen in the direction of the castle.

'All men annoy the hell out of me,' she thought, the resentment echoing in her footsteps.




The tension between Sakura and Kouen intensified as they approached the final destination within the dungeon. The crystal palace, seemingly weightless above the water, emitted a kaleidoscope of colors as light reflected against its structure. Their echoing footsteps marked their entrance into the treasure hall, where gold and silver adorned the walls.

At the far end of the room, bathed in a radiant beam of light, a dagger stood, summoning the djinn. With a dazzling entrance, the djinn materialized—a male figure with blue skin typical of all djinn. His long silver hair transitioned into hues of pink and blue, and he donned a white robe that left his toned arms exposed.

"I am the djinn of the thirty-third dungeon, Gaap—the djinn of inclination and consonance. Tell me, who shall become king?" he demanded, his gaze penetrating as he scrutinized the two dungeon capturers. His eyes flicked between Sakura and Kouen, and a raised eyebrow betrayed his surprise. "Two, and both who already possess the power of djinn?"

Sakura and Kouen remained silent, their attention solely focused on the formidable djinn before them.

"How greedy... state your names," Gaap commanded, his tone a mixture of authority and disdain.

'Rude,' Sakura thought, but she complied nevertheless. "Sakura Haruno, I'm a traveler."

"Kouen Ren, of the Kou Empire," Kouen stated with a calm demeanor.

Gaap seemed to squint his eyes "A traveller and a prince…? What is your purpose for coming to this dungeon? What is it you desire?"

"Well," Sakura started presenting the Looking Glass "What I'm really after is the shard….so if I could get that then it wouldn't matter to me whether or not you became my metal vessel."

Gaap placed his hand on his face in thought "So difficult to decide, both are already metal vessel users already, both have come for different purposes and both clearly with different drawbacks…..ah what to do what to do?"

Now she just felt like the djinn was mocking them, Kouen didn't' seem the least bit affected. Sakura looked at Kouen.

"If I let you have this djinn would you give me permission to collect something from it after?"

Kouen raised his eyebrow "Collect?"

"Oh, she's talking about the shard I have in my possession. It seems to belong to a magical item,"

Sakura was not enjoying the little biography of a mission she hadn't revealed much about even to those she was close with and Kouen was someone she had just met hours ago.

"So there is more to this girl than simply being one of Sinbad's companions."

It was a statement that had Sakura grab the prince by his clothing and pull him near her, she glared straight into his eyes, her breathing harsh.

"How do you know about that!?"

Kouen didn't seem stirred by her brash actions "Strange, you lived the stories I thought you'd remember them."

Then it clicked, Sinbad's stories, when he began writing them Sakura requested he take out any aspects of her in his stories at the time she did not want to leave behind anything in this world that would cause people to question and make complications since that's usually what curiosity lead to. Though it seems he did not listen to her, it was the reason she didn't write her own stories, she thought he'd at least change her name but it seems she was wrong.

'I am going to kill Sinbad,'

"If you got a shard after every time you've used that phrase or insinuated it, my king," Stolas said

'I'd already be home.' Sakura thought with a humorless smile on her face, she was still drifting to that dKouen, still caught in Sakura's hold, shot her a questioning look as she smiled before her expression shifted, and she released him with a forceful shove, folding her arms over her chest and turning to face Gaap.


"Can you just tell me what it's going to take to get the damn shard?" Sakura demanded.


Gaap raised his eyebrows. "Since you are so disinterested in me, perhaps I should choose the young man then?"


Sakura gritted her teeth. "I don't care as long as I get that shard."

"Then how about this?" Gaap snapped his fingers, and the treasure room's floor began filling with water slowly. Sakura and Kouen looked down at their shoes, now soaked through. Gaap extended his hands, and two swords materialized, landing on the ground—one in front of Sakura and the other in front of Kouen.


"The final challenge is rather simple. You are both clearly very skilled dungeon capturers, but I want to know just how useful you are without a djinn's power to back you up."

"In other words, you want us to duel without using our vessels?" Kouen clarified.

Gaap nodded. "Yes, I want a master with true inner strength and resolve, no matter the consequences."

Sakura gestured below them. "And the reason for sinking your palace?"


"Well, I don't want this battle to drag on too long. Therefore, to make things go quickly, there's a time limit. In exactly ten minutes, this dungeon will be below the water, and I'm sure you already know my magic is what allowed you to breathe before. But this time, I will only bestow the ability on ONE of you—my new king. Only one will leave this dungeon then."


This challenge was not something to be taken lightly; the basic principle was, that if you lose, you die. Death was not a factor many took comfort in, and that included the prince and kunoichi.


"I have one condition," Kouen said in an eerily calm tone. "I want my men to be returned alive from the dungeon regardless of this duel's outcome."

Gaap sighed but agreed to the condition. "Yes, yes, that was predictable. Only my new king and the prince's useless soldiers shall leave the dungeon. Now, are the two of you going to start anytime?"

Sakura and Kouen reached for the swords and then faced one another, again not saying anything but their eyes meeting. A clear message was communicated through their eyes, a kind of contentment and agreement. They held up their swords and got into fighting stances.


Kouen's strong stance already told Sakura he had quite a few years of training behind him, while she did not specialize in weapons like the sword, that wasn't something that fazed her.

They circle




And then Sakura made the first move to attack, which may not always be the best tactic depending on the opponent's skill and level of reflex but there was no time to determine that when there wasn't a minute to spare but Kouen appeared to have predicted her movements because the second she swung her sword Kouen had ducked and hit her with the hilt of the sword causing her to stumbled after he swung again but Sakura held up the sword using her strength to stop him from breaking her defense creating sparks.

"Your stance is weak, you've had no training in sword arts," Kouen stated though subtle Sakura took note of the arrogance in his tone; watching the pinkette's face scrunch in discomfort.

"I think I've got more than enough skills to make up for that," Sakura said

"If you want me to believe that you'll have to prove it yourself," Kouen told her in a challenging tone, Sakura spotted a hint of a smile on his face after saying that and she didn't plan to disappoint.


Sakura pushed back watching Kouen take a few steps away from her, she took the chance to attack again but he managed to plant himself firmly as their swords clashed but with her chakra-enhanced strength she could see how he was struggling and she wasn't even using her full ability yet. She used her strength to lift her sword and slash across Kouen's face which he managed to evade with a little nick on his cheek.

"How was that prince?" Sakura asked in a mocking tone.

The two drew away from one another before charging forward again, this dance continued for several minutes, one trying to subdue the other but as the battle raged on both parties seemed to be doing very little damage almost as if they were trying to avoid any fatal blows yet at the same time wanted to win the battle. Gaap only seemed to notice it after Kouen got Sakura to lean on her knee and nearly struck on the head only to bring his arm up and miss; then also Sakura who overpowered Kouen in terms of physical strength didn't use hers to the advantage and knock him further away.

"Hold on!" Gaap finally called "What do the two of you think you are trying to pull?"

Kouen and Sakura stopped to look at the djinn

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked

"You are aware of the conditions of this challenge correct?" Gaap asked crossing his arms "If you've forgotten I suggest you look down."

The water had already risen to their knees, it wasn't something that they ignored given it affected their fighting, the way the water pushed against them slowing them down.

"I thought you would take this more seriously,"

"We are fighting aren't we?" Kouen pointed

"Yes, but you are not fighting seriously, either one of you would be able to overpower the other if you used all of your strength power, and skills yet you pull back. What do you hope to tire out your opponent and make them yield?"

Sakura remained silent but Kouen decided to speak and what he said surprised both her and the djinn "I'd rather not kill her."

"What?" Gaap asked "You'd give up the power of a djinn for a girl? What is this some sort of 'fatal attraction??" 

"Not at all, but since I have recently discovered that there is such a thing as another world; I would rather keep her alive since you cannot question a corpse. On top of that, she is also a dungeon capturer with skills and information that might benefit me."

"Why do you insist on wasting time? Kings or not in the end you two are just children." Gaap sighed "Perhaps I should just let you both sink and drown at the bottom of the abyss. Now either fight until you've killed your opponent or keep up that hopeless dance of yours until I drown you both as compensation for my boredom."

"We will not kill each other," Kouen stated

Gaap sighed "Very well then,"

The water began to rise at a rapid rate, it wouldn't been easy to stay afloat had it not been for the odd transparent tentacle-shaped arms that reached out for Kouen and Sakura to grab them and keep them down while the water continued to rise now to their waists.

"What are you doing!?" Sakura screamed

Gaap yawned in response "Since you two have made a mockery of me, I am simply going to let you down and wait until a true conqueror appears preferably an adult whose abandoned childish fantasies."

There was a swift 'whiz' that went through the air before Gaap pulled out a tiny silver sword from his forehead and then looked down at Sakura.

"What is this?"

The pink-haired girl, eyes narrowed and holding nothing but vice lifted herself on her hands kicked at the restraints on her feet breaking them effortlessly with her power, and then jumped onto the surface of the water, looking back at Kouen who appeared slightly surprised before heading towards the djinn... Her strides appeared very mechanical and stiff. 

"What are you?" Sakura asked

"Excuse me?"

"What are you?" she repeated

"I am the djinn Gaap."

"What is your purpose?" Sakura asked getting closer

"I don't see why you are-

"Answer the question if you want this trial of yours to continue."

Gaap rolled his eyes "A djinn's purpose is to reside in a dungeon and wait until a king's candidate worthy of his power appears and then lend him their strength."

"Good so you do know I was afraid you didn't but since you understand I can make something clear to you." Sakura said stopping "Amongst all the others that have entered this dungeon we are the only ones who have made it to this point. We overcame your dungeon traps and monsters. We're here to claim our reward not be questioned on our motives. It is not your place. You are here for one reason only and that is to give your power to one of us. Also, a king does not take orders from others and a king should not yield to those who are meant to serve them. So for you to think that you can threaten us and make demands of us to kill each other for you-well you are poorly mistaken."



Gaap laughed, he laughed so much that the entire room shook "Now that's the kind of raw fire I was looking for!"

Sakura didn't respond as she watched the djinn come down from his high wiping a tear from his eye

"You my dear will make a marvellous king. You have true inner strength, the strength not to surrender your ways and beliefs despite the circumstances. Oh you must be my king"

Sakura only glared harder in response "And if I decide I don't want you to be one of my metal vessels?"

"Well, I suppose I would have to go to that red head prince but…..I don't think that's an option." Gaap pointed behind her and Sakura gasped when she saw that the water had risen completely above Kouen's head he didn't even give any indication of it! Sakura didn't notice because she was walking on top of the water's surface.

"The floods will not stop hence the best option would be the leave this dungeon and that can only be done if I become a metal vessel," Gaap told her

"Fine then," Sakura stated "Become my metal vessel and give me your power."

Gaap smiled and bowed "As you command my king,"

With that, he vanished into the dagger that they had first seen before Gaap appeared, after securing it around her waist Sakura took a breath before releasing the chakra from her feet and sinking back underwater, she swam towards Kouen-even drowning he appeared less panicked and more frustrated.

When she reached him Sakura gripped his shoulders before colliding her mouth with his and breathing air into his chest. Neither Sakura nor Kouen closed their eyes before they were engulfed by a powerful light and then slipped into darkness.

When they opened their eyes again, they were back in the outside world, surrounded by the many sacs filled with treasure that shimmered under the moonlight there was no sign of the men that had accompanied the Kou prince though but Sakura had been able to reassure him once Gaap reassured her of their whereabouts.

"I transported them a little nearer to their city,"

'You couldn't have thought to do the same for us because?' Sakura asked

"I figured you might want some alone time with the prince my king," Gaap said with a mischievous and playful tone

Sakura frowned fully aware of what Gaap was insinuating 'There was no reason for that I can assure you.'

"Oh, my king is not interested in the company of men?"

Stolas interjected, "It is more like our king is only interested in the company of one particular man."

"Oh?" Gaap asked intrigued "So she already has a companion to share her moments of intimacy?"

"Perhaps though it did take him two years to steal what our king gave to this prince in a few hours"



Sakura felt her face turn red from embarrassment and anger after listening to her djinns.

"That wasn't necessary,"

Kouen's statement caused Sakura to divert her attention away from her metal vessels. She realized that he was referring to circular breathing.

"Considering you were on the verge of drowning I believe it was and I have medical training under my hand so I would know," Sakura said crossing her arms

Kouen scoffed softly in annoyance "As assumptive as ever,"






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-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 64, 65, 66


-Kunoich amongst heroes Spin Off: Moive Part 5 (Finished)


-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams


-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 26, 27, 28


-Crossroads of Fate chapter 17, 18, 19, 20


-Through the Looking Glass chapter 22, 23, 24, 25


-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6


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