
Chapter 27

Walking into the room Julian was standing there with an emotionless face until he saw Tessa and charged her with a hug dragging her tightly into his arms. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" He asked quickly pulling her away to look her over. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I never knew what dad was really doing I swear I never knew until we got here. They showed me everything so many things. I am so sorry." He was repeating to her holding her close rocking her a little with teary eyes making hers tear a little to. "President Rodriguez how nice it is you have joined us. Allow me to introduce myself I am King Amal. I welcome you to my home, I hope the way here wasn't to hard on you." Amal asked him trying to be nice, hating the fact that another's hands was on his woman.

"You mean after I was shot with a dart unconscious and forced to watch a video of horrible past events on how my family screwed the love of my life's family over it was like a dream vacation. Who needs an old-fashioned log cabin when I have all this." Julian popped off. "I will let that insult pass as I know how distress you must be it is no easy thing trying to digest everything you have learned I assure Emmitt and Tessandra are trying their best to deal with it also so you are not alone on this. I am of almost thirty years of age give or take few years and even I on some day still don't handle any of this well. I will do everything I can to make sure you all are seen to properly and well. I swear to you nothing no harm shall fall upon you while you are here." Amal said trying his best. Tessa pulled away from Julian making Amal smile deepen.

"Why would that be? Why go through all this trouble to get us all here?" Julian asked in playing confused and looking at Tessa weird as she pulled away. "The reason you are all here is to see a better way of life at your disposal and I do not want a war. I do believe that is what everyone is anticipating but if I can reach out and go through this at a diplomatic approach to show you my vision for a better world maybe than you will see and join me in uniting everyone under one huge people. Yes we can still live lives the way we have been just under all one law. Peace the way it should have always been. No more fighting one another. No more wasting life fighting each other, no more meaningless death. It's no different than the work you have been doing upon your ship even Julian so you of all of those here would be more knowing about some of these treatments and techniques. I just ask you come and tour my village and learn and see what we are doing than we can come to terms of peace treaties of our own. Emmitt and Tessa have seen these things and have agreed they are truly a tremendous thing to behold and be a part of. I just ask you come and go in peace and open mind." Amal said.

"Will they too be able to come and go in peace with me even if we decide the way of life you show is may not be for us. If we vote in another way are truly and freely able to go in peace?" Julian asked him talking as the diplomat Amal knew he was raised to be, he was indeed playing his part well. "Of course, even if you do not agree or want it there is nothing stopping us from still signing a contract of peace and truce between the people." Amal said smiling down knowing he didn't mean it. He had spies every in the villages all he would need to do is have one of them do something to cross the line on the treaty for them to cause war and he would go through the village and end up claiming it for himself anyway he has done it so many times before. Unlike his father he gets the other villages both legally and by force.

"Tess do you really believe this is something worth looking into for the betterment of life for not only out people but the other villages we have already signed peace with?" Julian asked. "It was truly amazing to go through and see some of the works my parents have started and indeed I do think all people will benefit from most of it." She said in all honesty that was true. "Emmitt, so you agree with those facts Tess has stated do you also believe this?" Julian asked curiously knowing she wasn't lying. "I do there are some amazing things we can learn here. I have requested circle to come and look for themselves. They have agreed." Emmitt said knowing that they are indeed coming but coming with the army to finally end this.

Knowing full well they will never win this war if they don't bring it here to the center core and destroy it all from the inside out. Everything needed to be wiped clean Eyio had already taken pictures and had them saved to Riley and Ben data base to save the formulas and such to create everything they would need from here from here parents. Emmitt was able to get lot of time to look over all the journals left behind from the Aldermen's work while they were here which trumps half of the ones they left in the little trailer hut back in the village. "Ok I will be more than happy to take your hospitability and hear you out. It takes a lot to get this ball of fire right here to open up and trust your word so I will too. I mean peace is the main goal we have be trying this hard far for anyway right? I think after our parents it something we need to do and to start to repenting in a way to settle all this horrible ugliness that has come among us and it needs to end." Julian said looking at Amal who was nodding.

"I agree with you there. This should all come to an end." Amal said nodding in agreement. "So may I ask you a question based on the material I've seen?" Julian asked. "You may ask anything I am willing to clear up anything I can." Amal said with his arms held open in welcoming. "You have admitted to watching us on the ship. How were you able to keep getting contact once you stopped the footage? Who was really helping you on the ship?" Julian asked.

"Is this your Subtle way of way of trying to weed out those you believe to be rats? I will not answer this as part of protecting my people. It was my people who saved yours from your father need I remind you or maybe you should watch the videos again of your father trying to murder Tessa right in front of you. Who if I can recall people hearing both of you talk before and her begging you not to go through with your little event and you by passing her opinion as the past can only show us you do so well. You know if you really think about it you should be as much to blame as your father for what happened to her. If you had just put opinion and her fears which at the time was perfectly valid, then the bomb would never have went off because she would not have been there. That would also meant she would have spent this whole year with you instead of trying to gather who she is again. My people helped save many lives by redirection on that ship and deep down you know I'm right." Amal answered back almost so coldly you could practically see the breath when you speak.

"I am not going to sit here and pass blame or out anyone over past events. We will speak of all this when we come down to the sit down and all of this to be spoken after you see what is still left to be seen. I promise you this." Amal said as Julian was starting to shake a little in anger because he knew the little devil in front of him was right. "One way or another Amal I would have ended up here those who were working for his father would have saw to that one way or another and who is to say if I was to stay on that ship I wouldn't have died by poison or some other form of betrayal. In the end I was always meant to come here and be here right now. What is meant to happen will happen fate will always find its way. Don't feel bad about all this Julian we all were pawns in a game that was never in our control to begin with." Tessa said holding his hand for a brief moment.

"I'll never be able to show you in my lifetime just how sorry I am for everything that's ever happened with us. All the wrongs I've done and done without realizing they were being done." He said covering his hand over hers, making Amal want to rip his heart out of his chest. "You know I have to say after watching you guys for so long and everything I have heard. I've never seen a pair so close yet so far apart. Tell the truth here for me are you indifferent or are you still playing the love power couple?" Amal asked out of curiosity. "What difference would that make right now?" Julian asked.

"I don't want you to get the wrong idea Mr. President I fully intend to be with that woman beside you. I don't think you are the right man for her and based on your entire history with you've proven that time and time again. I do have sources form within Atheo who are convinced things are not the way it should be in respect for the peace I need to be up front with all my intentions if in fact this is to work out. So Tessandra there it is cards on the table you have more options available to you should you wish to act on them. I just ask for honesty in return are you both still in fact truly intended?" Amal asked standing in front of them.

"No. we are not. I am still trying to get back in her good graces but our time together as her memory comes back more and more faster and yet slowly we've have been speaking and it's been being made more and more clear the person she was is not the person she wants to be. That includes anything that mostly came along with it. We are still trying to find our way into a more of a friendly civil relationship but old habits die hard, especially when I still love her." Julian said sadly.

"We were just trying to show face for the people so they would feel familiarity seeing us and trust on our decision trying to make peace with the other villages. Maybe it's time to come out to them now that, that has been accomplished." Julian said still holding her hand. "I think it would be a good idea. We did give it a good try though. I am so sorry." She said with tears falling from her eye. "I'm sorry to for everything." He said knowing in their hearts this was not part of their ploy but the truth of them finally saying goodbye to everything they were going to have. Everything they had built this was the end of them romantically and even though she was over this stage in her life. Both their hearts were aching to let go of all the years and dreams they had made together.

"I am sorry as well for prying I just wanted to face you man to man on this manner I have made my intentions to Tess clear by now, even with my confessions last night. I didn't want anything in the dark that made to you thinking I am plotting against you in any sort of way which is why I finally was able to gather you here to get everything out in the open and settled I don't want to keep falling in our parents mistakes." Amal said with nothing but sincerity. "I appreciate that the upfront honesty. I look forward to tomorrow when we can start on the long road of decades of recovery." Julian said taking a step back from them both.

"Amal I appreciate the very forward honesty from you. I just don't want to lead you on in any type of way. See I know you believe you think you love me, watching me all these years. The fact still is I don't know you. Hell I don't even fully know myself. It's going to take a lot of time for me to get to the point of thinking of any one romantically. I am open to getting to know each other as possibly being friends you've been nothing but wonderful, kind, and honest with me. I just want to get everything settled with the peace of our people finally coming out of this dark era, than maybe open the possibilities to anything else that comes along." She said in a shy voice that she was playing so well. "I know that. It's a good thing I'm a patient man because for you meus Regina I've nothing but time." He whispered to her lowly.

"I think it's a good time to show both our Skylanders the mess hall. Emmitt I have something I would much appreciate your opinion on one true hunter to another." Amal said looking at him with much more hidden meaning behind it. "I'd be happy to help. I'll meet you soon Id much like to catch up with you." Emmitt said looking at Julian who nodded and smiled as Sebastian and Ethan took them to the mess hall. "Come with me friend there is a matter that much needs my attention and a promise is a promise." Amal said with a smirk.

Going into the library section of the mountain since no one ever ventured down to it both men were on their knees with sacks over their head. Walking in Emmitt felt a little lost looking at what seemed to be men on in front of them. "Ok let's get on with it." Amal said standing in front as he and Emmitt standing in a strong stance both holding their wrists. Hunter pulled the mask off both men who didn't even blink an eye. "Are you aware of why you stand in front of bounded tonight?" Amal asked staring Ethan and Eric in the eye. "I'm sorry meus Rex I can't say that I do." Eric said looking at the king not blinking with a smirk in his eye.

"Always with the smart mouth Eric." Amal said as the back of his hand quickly found the side of his face so fast hard and quick it broke part of it open. Leaving Eric shocked at what just happened. "Tell me if that mouth still feels smart boy?" Amal questioned with amusement in his voice. "For years I have watched you put your Regina through hell even when you were fully aware of her future place. Yet you still decided to drag her through hell for your own amusement. It was made it quite clear earlier that neither of you will ever be forgiven by the only one who holds your life in her very hands. You are to be punished by crimes against the crown." Amal said in a low growl.

"Tell me meus Rex how can we commit any crimes against the crown if the one who feels so offended is not in fact crowned?" Eric asked in an amused tone. "It doesn't really feel like an actual crime, to tease family so. Especially when said woman is not a real Regina." Eric boldly added his father shaking his head in disappointment. Amal's hand found his face again so quick and hard that even Emmitt almost didn't catch it his right check looking like a whole was made in it as he spat out about three maybe even four back teeth and blood.

"ERIC!" They all heard the familiar voice ring our with the two guards and Julian looking shocked. "Tessandra what are you doing in here?" Amal asked shocked looking more at the guards. "I begged to see your library to show Julian the math of a formula relating to an old math problem that could help some of the others in the lab. What is happening?" She asked looking around knowing she had no real authority here. "Well my dear cousin I missed you so. Happy to see you still in one piece. Looking all grown up still. Have you missed me?" Eric smirked with his mouth all bloody. "With every bullet so far. What moronic thing have you done now to end up here this time?" "Well apparently I'm to pay for all the sins I have committed to you my sweet cousin." Eric said with a smirk with a piece of his longish short hair falling into his face as he tossed it back moving his head around.

"Amal is this what is happening? Are you punishing them for what they have done to me?" Tess asked shocked. "Yes. It went on for far too long you let this piece of work go too far too many times. You were the chief Tess I don't understand how you let someone this far beneath you get away with all the things he has done to you." Amal defended himself. "It's fine I'm over it really." "Are you though?" Julian asked looking at her. "He is right in this Tess. Think about when I told you Eric crashed his pod here." "I'm fine." "Your heart stopped beating." Emmitt reminded her. "It put us through hell Tess." Julian said.

"You can't tell me he doesn't deserve what is long time coming to him. I can't let anything happen to you." Amal said with his voice with a small crack in his voice. "Nothing will I promise. Eric has broken some small or even medium size laws on the ship in the past, but nothing to get punished like this. It was his sorry ass friend who did most of it with his help of course. Neither of them deserve this just yet." She growled at him. "That's not completely true. This one I believe has everything including a death penalty coming to him." Emmitt said standing in front of Ethan.

"Emmitt what are you saying?" Julian asked him in shock. "Amal I'll make you a deal." Emmitt said. "What sort of deal." Amal asked intrigued. I'll let you in on a special secret if you agree to pardon one person of my choosing." "A special secret you say what would this special secret have to do with any of this?" "Oh trust me this one has been a long time coming and even I just recently came into it." Emmitt said squaring up to Amal. "Deal." "What is happening?" Tessa whispered to Julian who just shrugged.

"I'm so sorry to tell you like this my sweet friend." Emmitt said with true guilt in his eyes. "I got to hear quite the story of how my adoptive parents you could say the Alderman's death. I got to hear the story by someone who was actually there. I found out your mother was there Amal. As you know it was your father who ordered the death of all three. What you never knew was who was involved. There was a group sent of about twenty men and one woman. Your parents and your mother fought them all off until the last two. The one who slit both your mothers throat and left them for pieces was my mother Ezmena. Following her kings commands." Amal and Tess looked shocked and hurt mouths held open in shock.

"Now don't get to ahead of me the one who got ahold of dear ol daddy Adam was none other than his best friend, his own damn brother Ethan." Everyone but Eric was shocked. "You knew that the whole time though didn't you Eric?" Emmitt said. "I'm not the one trying to make a pardon deal by ratting out other people." Eric said reminding Amal of what he was asking. "Are you seriously going to ask me to pardon your mother?" Amal growled at him. "No I'm not. Not for her. I want to ask it for my father the same one who took yours down. I want him released from your tribe and back home where he belonged." Emmitt said looking him in the eye.

"How would you know if you haven't seen him in years?" Amal questioned him as if he could read straight through him. "I haven't but my dear old mom has told me enough to know she is beyond crazy and is the only reason he came at your father was because like even you said he had it coming. If I ever find him I want him pardoned since it was clearly a clean challenge and fair fight, before he left." Emmitt said looking him straight tin the eyes. "I harbor no ill will to your father and I grant him full immunity let all those know." Amal said looking Drek'kon who just nodded and left the room.

"I'm sorry Tessa I know they were following orders but I can't let him go." He said pointing to Ethan. "No we can't." She said looking at him walking straight up to Eric. "Did you really know this whole time? Did you always hate me this much?" Tessa asked him in a low voice. "I've never hated you dear cousin. Honestly I never did. I did know I could have told you at any given point but I felt I and the idiot parade did enough to you on the daily and that was one thing I didn't want to put you through. I may have put you through hell because I guess I just got pleasure off it, but I never let anyone really come at you to my knowledge." Eric said stretching his neck for a moment.

"I damaged those guys who tried to take your let's say virtue testicles to the point their bloodline ends with them. I broke the other ones hands who punched you. I am the only who gets to put you through hell. Oh I also was the one who killed your father Julian." Eric said with a smile. "When you were interrogating me I thought you would have been coming to ask me about your father since I already knew Tessa was on a first-class ticket away from your dads supporters and I knew you would send me down here to the people I was loyal to. You did everything I wanted you to do. I would blow that ship again to get her away from them people and away from you. You never deserved her and you know it." Eric roared to Julian.

"I never knew you cared so deep. In the worse ways possible. I think you need mental help though." Tessa said thinking back to everything. "The real reason I'm here is to challenge my dad." Eric said looking Amal in the eye. "On what grounds." Ethan roared to him. "You killed my uncle your actions of being a part of killing my aunt my mother's sister. You destroyed my mother from every possible way she was so crazy in love with you she couldn't take it when you abandoned us, and then you killed her sister. You left her with two kids to raise. You were the one who turned Julian's father against the Alderman's in the first place. If it wasn't for you messing up the formulas here and sending the correct ones to the ship to Julian's dads followers who are still there by the way. Opps did I let the traitor out of the bag. If you don't believe me you should really check his logs in that lab. Tessa. I'm sorry for some of the things I've done to you. I'm really sorry for everything others have done to you. I know you know I would never let anything really happen to you. You can challenge me after if you don't believe me it's been long time coming you still beating my ass after all these years." Eric said in a deep laugh making Tessa smile with him.

"I know it's like a secret dark joke with us. You always getting in trouble and my last nerve and me there to bail you out. It was literally the perfect cover for you to get as far as you did. I …I forgive you Eric." Looking at the men in front of her. "It wasn't Eric himself that put my body in a shutdown state. It was everything that came with him. His friends the things they tried. My aunt and her state the way she couldn't look at me the feeling of depression my brain locked out the hurt and pain I felt of being alone the sweat and tears I forced myself through to get where I am. It was too much to handle the emotions. It was too heart breaking the first time that wave of emotion literally stopped my heart evidently." Tessa said looking at Amal. "I have always taken responsibility for him. I am asking to do that now. I take responsibility for his crimes and am prepared to pay the price." Tessa said looking Amal in the eye.

"You sure you are ready for that?" Amal asked with a smirk. "I am." She said sadly. "Then it is judged by the crown that you fulfill your purpose as our savior and save us." Amal said placing his hands on her biceps. "The only way you can do that is by our resources here. We all need you Tessa. I need you as well but again I am a patient man, however you will need to reside here permanently. You can venture and complete your agreement to the other villages but you will live here." Amal said with authority.

"I agree to your terms as long as we are trying to work through the peace treaty with each other. I will remain here serving in the labs. If the circle agrees with your vision than I will remain as you say. Is that suitable to the crown?" Tessa negotiated?" "Does that offer make you happy love?" Amal asked in a purr. "I think it is fair. We both get what we need form it. You need me in your labs. I need peace and to repent for my cousin. I believe it to be more than fair meus Rex." She said in a soft voice he loved to hear as addicting as it was to listen to for him.

"Then it is settled. As for you I challenge you, and Ezmena. Orders or not I called you out when my father died to be pardoned as long as you came forward and if the person did not come forward than they were enemies to the crown. I will not budge on this." He warned Tess. "I would never ask you to." She smiled sweetly. "Then it is settled tomorrow you will both will answer to my challenge." He growled putting fear into Ethan who was trying not to visibly shake. He knew the that an execution would have been far less painful. "Go and fetch Ezmena and take her down to the next cell to this traitor." Amal growled to Ethan.

Walking up to Eric standing him up on his feet with one hand being incredibly strong and at that moment incredibly angry. "YOU knew this whole time your father was deceiving me and you wait until now to tell speak up, when your neck is on the line. Give me a reason why I should take your cousins deal and not challenge you myself in that area with them?" He roared to Eric. "I have done nothing but protect you REGINA upon that ship. Despite what you think of me or our original agreement which I have held up to. I wanted to get down here and wait until I was able to tell Tess to her face who the people was who set the bomb and who the people are receiving all the information dear ol' papa has been receiving to stab you in the back. Think of it as a gift for being an ass my whole life, because i'm not changing that part of me." Eric said looking at Tess and everyone else around him.

"Call it picking the right moment you think I would tell her the same day you revealed everything else I couldn't let her heart stop twice now because of me now could I?" Eric said to Amal who place him down. "WHO WAS IT?!" Amal growled ready to kill any and every one who dared hurt his woman. "THE COUNCIL was the one who placed the first bomb to Tess, I rearranged it the morning before to be closer to your father. That's why I was not at my post. I also set the second one because I knew they would send you here if you were hurt. The people receiving the information do not support Julian's father, however they are not supporting you anymore either no one in that ship belongs to you I was the last one. Everyone else rally's behind Ethan. The main people running the go between is Conner and Kylie I do believe they are even a power couple such as you two." Eric said looking at Julian and Tessa. "Except I believe they BOTH are still in love with each other and trust me they deserve each other." Eric said in a mocking laugh.

Tessa's eyes began to water. Julian shocked. "SO the whole reason they were my friends is because they needed me to finish the work of my parents?" Tessa asked as her heart felt like it was bleeding. "No, no they do love you as their friend. They were always your friend but they were planning to convince you to bomb the enemy here as Amal and all the other tribes that weren't apart of Atheo." Eric shrugged. "They even had fake videos of these places betraying us killing off some of our missing people. Even though they're not our people it was footage of tribes fighting each other in wars past. I believe they even have sage getting an arrow in the heart saved on their. Tess Kylie knew where you were this whole time she just didn't have the video access to see you the past year that's why Connor and Kylie sent you down here Julian they needed you to find her. Rylie doesn't even respond to the ship anymore now that you're here. He has had doubts this whole time." Eric said simply.

"You're not lying." Amal said looking in his eyes. "I never lie. I never need to." Eric responded. "Oh my God." Tess said holding her hand to her lower chest middle of her stomach. "HOW could they do this to us? What have I ever done in the past life to deserve this." She asked no one in particular. "You don't deserve this. You just got dealt a crap hand in life. We all get tested in our lifetime, and if karma is a real thing than you will be coming back as a Saint and I will be a wonderous banana slug." Eric said dragging his cousin into his arms. "He has been watching you this whole time I've been working for him. Just give him a chance Tess. You deserve someone who will put you first and will go to the ends of the Earth to keep you happy." He whispered to her where no one could hear. Smiling to her shocked face as he pulled away.

"Ok so all is settled yes?" Amal asked looking at Emmitt. "Your father has full pardon." Amal said looking him in the eye. "You will start your work tomorrow and Emmitt can attend with you." He said looking at both Tessa and Emmitt who just both nodded. "You will tour the grounds and see what work we have been doing and why this is so important and then after dinner and the challenge we will discuss how to handle the traitors on the ship." He said to Julian who nodded. "You will o back to your post and continue your job, as your cousin pays your debts." He pointed to Eric with a wink no one noticed. "Yes meus Rex." "You will die by my bare hands tomorrow. The way any betrayer should." Amal whispered to Ethan.

"Be careful meus Rex you don't want your reason for living, to see your true beastly colors so soon would you?" Ethan mocked him. "You killed her father. You controlled others she once called friends to conspire against her. Oh yes she will see my beast tomorrow so everyone will know. NO ONE FUCKS WITH MY REGINA!" Amal growled so only the guards and Ethan can hear him. "I think it's best if we all call it a night if it suits you Your majesty. I would like to do a few routine small test just to make sure my patient is alright after all the excitement her mind has been through this evening. There is no way she will hold down food tonight best to let me assess her and let her rest." Emmitt said to Amal.

"I agree with you. I still have some matters to attend to Hunter you will escort Ethan to where he belongs and make sure Ezmena finds her way there. Mateo please have a guard show President Rodriguez to his chambers as well as dinner is brought to him. Make sure two stay at his door in case he so needs anything he is after all a respectable guest. Sebastian you and Mateo take Tessa back to her quarters let no one but Emmitt in and then see to it that his guards do the same as well as President Rodriguez. I do humbly apologize for dragging your hearts emotions and brains through hell this whole time on your stay. It was not my intent." He said walking up to Tessa. "I know you are weary and unsure of me but may I please hug you?" Amal asked about to let his beast out to play.

Tessa wrapped her arms around him best she could as he bent down to meet her size. He breathed her in to calm down his beast as she knew that's what he was doing. Still this man scared her to her very core. "After everything tonight. Seeing how far you are willing to go for me and even just my comfort. Seeing an honest man trying to make right at all the cost I've seen. I would be willing to try to get to know you on a more than friendly level meus Rex. I just need time going slow with it all." She whispered to him. Amal placed her down looking at her as if she were a unicorn he had found. "You're serious?" He said being able to read her facial expressions if she were lying, or at least he thought.

She nodded with a smiled to him patting his chest. "I need to go get assessed I do feel tired and will see you at the challenge." She said to him. As they left he longed to run after her and hold her tightly to him refusing to let her go even for a moment, but he had other matters to attend to. Walking back to the council room. "Is everything set in place for the leaders who are coming?" Amal asked looking around at everyone.

"Yes they will take a tour with Emmitt and Tessa and then we will remind the Regina that she and Emmitt are needed in the labs. That's when we will take the circle, and the Roshan leader into this room here in the medic unit and these darts will be set up to line up where they need to go to be injected into their neck, by the next morning they will agree to whatever deal you want to have." Ezrah said with a smirk.

"It was ingenious really this plan we should have done it so much sooner." Amal said. "Now, now meus Rex, all great things comes to those who wait. It's such a shame for them though all these years fighting the tentoria and their blue-eyed demons only to become them." Eric said walking around the battle plan. "I just wish I had been lying about the ship." Eric said sadly.

"Did you set up what I told you to?" Amal asked. "Yup I did I was away from my post for so long that morning of the bombings no one was where they should have been all you have to do is push a special button and the whole ship will blow to pieces and every traitor on it." Eric said happily. "What about the children?" Amal asked him. They sleep in special section now as to get them ready for adult hood earlier or some crap like that anyways the youngest one on that ship is actually eleven and they all sleep in a cadets wing of the ship which will depart once the bombs go off and send them safely to Atheo. They have no idea about what evils their parents have done. I made sure to see them safely here." Eric stated as a fact.

"Good. My woman has enough heart break as to worry about the children on the ship. I will push the button once we have the circle members in our hands. If things for some reason don't go our way than we go to plan B and go to war after the peace treaty they sign gets 'violated' and acts of war is upon us." Amal stated. As they agreed. "I don't know what you said to her tonight but it worked. You have been proven most useful Eric. I can't believe your father really didn't think we didn't know." Amal started laughing. "Well as long as you kill him and be good to my cousin we are even. Seriously meus Rex. She needs someone to love her the way she needs to be. Eric said to him. "It's nice to know someone on that ship besides Jared had her true welfare at heart even if she didn't know it." Amal said slapping him on the back I must retire men. I have big day tomorrow." He said with that evil smile that made all of their skin crawl in fear.

"Ok let me look you over." Emmitt said to her. "Oh you were serious?" Tess asked Emmitt who was smiling at her. "OF course my love you are not out of the woods yet you know this I need to make sure for my own sanity that you are well. "Alright." She said as he checked her eyes her mentality check, and her reflexes listening to her pulse. I believe you are fine. You must eat tomorrow for I don't' think you can stomach it this evening. I know you can't." He stated knowing her too well. Eyio came in the room. Eyio can you please scan this room and see if there are any special devices or bugs in this room to hear and see what goes on?" Eyio looked around scanning the room. Room is clean it responded back. Flew out the window for a moment.

They looked at each other for a brief moment before clashing into each other's arms lips smashing against each other hiding the moans that came from them so no one would hear. It's killing me not to be with you. Not to be able to hold you at night. To have that crazy psycho touch me." She said shaking her head in disgust. "Don't worry my love it will be over soon. He will keep his distance with you as long she believes you are trying the most you'll have to endure is forehead kisses or cheeks and hugs worse case scenarios but if you make sure to show your discomfort he will back down he is a real man this way. Hell even I respect it. However I want to kill him every time he touches what isn't his to touch." Emmitt growled smashing his lips to hers again. Holding her tightly to him.

"We need to stop too much time in here has been taken." She said looking him in his eye. "I love you Emmitt. You and you alone. You are mine." She said touching his face, taking him in. "I love you my Tessa, and mine alone." He said resting his forehead to hers. Eyio making his way back in the room. "Tell me what you know my friend." Emmitt slightly chuckled looking at the bird on Tessa's shoulders. "We're coming. Get it done. Tomorrow were coming. Nightfall." Malik's voice whispered to them.

"We need to wipe their system with the virus tomorrow. Before the challenge, by the time it is over the whole labs will basically self-destruct. Our people will be in the safe parts of the battle. No blue-eyed monster or tentoria will be able to be activated. It will all be over." Emmitt said his forehead still to hers. "Eyio record message to Malik." Eyio stared at her waiting for her to speak. "This ends tomorrow. We're ready."