
Chapter 26

"What the hell did you just say?" Emmitt asked looking at her like she held two heads on her own body. "You heard me I was one of the ones who killed them." Ezmena all but whispered to her boy. "How could you anything like that to them. They were basically my parents, everything they did for us what the hell is wrong with you?" He all but roared out starting to get people to look at him from a distance. "Now- now son you don't want to draw to much attention do you? Otherwise how else will you get the answers you seek?" Ezmena said with a smirk. "What would that great king think when he finds out it was you who killed his mother?" Emmitt growled out with a smirk of his own.

"Well I imagine he won't be too pleased however whatever form of action he wanted to take among me he couldn't. Seeing how it was his own father who casted her aside as a traitor of the people and was the one who sent out the order." She said as she finished her drink. "Why are you telling me all this now? What do you get out of it?" Emmitt asked wondering what possible end game could she have.

"I know Amal. I know how important you are to everything, and not just because of the love I hold for you as a mother but in the bigger end of the line picture. Amal needs to be the main king of all and he will need his Regina to do it all right along with him. He's too smart, too strong son. He has beyond the numbers and even if he didn't he is a literal one-man army. NO ONE human, or heartless with the power of ten to twenty men could take him down alone. I've seen it time and time again with my own eyes. He seems to even take great pleasure in destroying and taking lives and watching the soul leave their body through their eyes. The only time our great king shows any sign that he is indeed still human is whenever Tessandra comes up. His whole world is fixated around her. Everything he is doing he is doing for them in the back of his mind. I know how important you are to her not just for her mental health but emotional too. I know you are her best friend. I know you are learning all the truth and I need you to know the rest that even the others don't. This all must happen there is no other way." Ezmena said in a desperate voice.

"It is no secret apparently that Tessa and I use each other in ways to help rule our own people better, seeing as we stretched out and finally brought peace. Then imagine our surprise once we accomplish that with hundreds of tribes over, here the enemy comes wanting a truce. From the people who defiled all of our common great friend for their own purposes how exactly do you want me to spin a positive pitch among that? To so many people you took from them to experiment on them. How exactly to I get to keep peace with that news?" Emmitt growled angerly at her.

"I know how it will look that is why you and Tessa must explain to those leaders first the importance of what were really doing here you have went around and seen it for your eyes, the power of what we are giving the world. Everyone will get a second chance some of us need so badly. IF we can get people to see with their own eyes than all for themselves then we can start moving forward as a one of people one whole unit. Life will forever be peaceful." Ezmena was trying to stress out. Rylon was right the whole time she is truly lost to this cause with her full support to the wrong side. How was this woman ever once the woman he knew. How can this person be any kind of blood to him at all. He was disgusted with the person in front of him. Knowing she was trying in her own to save him and others but how could she stumble so far from normalcy.

"How could you do it they were your friends. Friends who helped you. Friends who protected you even raised your own kid. How could you betray them?" He asked in such a low voice. "THEY BETRAYED US!! They were going to ruin everything we all worked so hard for. They were the ones who turned on us first!" Ezmena snapped back. "DID THEY OR DO YOU JUST THEY DID? Honestly did you tell them to their face what you guys were up to from the begging with their own creation or did they find out and try to solve the mess you and these people were making, and that pist off Kaial?" Emmitt questioned her. Not being able to look her son in the eye at the little fact of truth he spoke out.

"Well be that as it may. It's over and done. The savior will finish all of this. All of the mistakes of the past will be ashened and forgiven in the past." "You mean once all the children of your monsters clean up your mess? Everything we have to deal with. EVERYTHING we must do now to save our people is because of the mess you so called parents made trying to play God. Pathetic really. Even as a grown adults who knew better you all acted as power hungry children playing with weapons without supervision. Now look at the carnage you have caused. Years and years of devastation, pointless deaths, merciless heartache that can never heal. You even sacrificed your own family along the way gave us up like livestock to slaughter and for what to come crawling back when it only serves you a purpose? What else do you have to offer for my services? Hmm you already lost and gave up a mate, and a son? I dare say you have nothing else of any value after that." Emmitt said growling to her to get up to leave.

"I can see how you think that. I never gave you up though not willingly I have been protecting you and I do it now still. I have the name to the other person who killed the Alderman's. I did kill the Melana." She said in a sad voice. "The price I offer you is a name of grave importance to you and my Regina. It is crucial she doesn't know though or it will cause lack of our cause going forward." "Who was it? Who was everyone involved?" "We were sent out with a small party of ten and only two of us returned. The Regina, Melana, and Adam killed the rest. It was Ethan Alderman." Ezmena said looking at him straight in the eye.

"So you're telling me his best friend. His own brother slit his throat and hacked him to pieces?" Emmitt said heart broken by such betrayal from someone Adam loved and trusted with his life. "I do dare say son you idolize the Alderman's a little too much. After becoming traitors to the cause what did they do to deserve such offense for them now. His mother bitterly snapped. "They came back for me. Every damn time they were there, they came back for me." Emmitt growled out to her walking away hearing enough for one day his brain and heart could take no more he found his way back to his borrowed quarters and stayed there wishing and longing to hold on to Tessa. This was a nightmare coming here was by the hardest thing he felt either of them had to endure. How do I tell her about my psychotic mother he wondered that's when he started to really get plans through his head. Eyio come to me my friend. He whispered to his necklace leaving his window cracked opened.

Early next morning she finally rolled from her bed not able to catch a slight wink of sleep but not being able to stay in bed any longer as the son was barely peeking up. Opening the doors the turning of the guards caught her off guard. "Oh my." She giggled a little at the surprise of them forgetting them completely her hand to her chest as she giggled softly the guards smiled sweetly such a sweet woman they thought from meeting her yesterday. "Forgive me. Good morning. I find myself getting restless in there. You probably already know that than don't you." She said more of a statement than a question.

"It is understandable Regina after the night your mind must have had." They slightly shorter one said in a sad yet firm voice. "I was hoping you would take me to the edge of the woods there on top and in front of the top of here that I saw yesterday I need some peace and time to myself." "Of course Regina would you not eat something before you leave?" They other one asked looking at her a little worried. "I'm afraid I haven't the stomach quite yet. However we can stop if you are hungry?" She inclined. "No Regina we are fine." The shorter one said in an instant.

"If you are to stay by my side for some time you will refer to me as Tess or Tessa do you understand? What are your names?" "Sebastian." The taller one said. "Mateo." The shorter one said both with a slight bow to the head. "OK see now we are all friends. Well let's be off, I am craving for air like a drowning victim." She said sorely as the men nodded with her understanding how broken she must feel everyone in the warrior status knows her situation and had watched her as well. They knew the best way of life was through her, and was willing to do anything to help her accomplish it.

One she got up there she was in the center of the woods in the opening just sitting on the tree trunk the guards a good distance from her to where they could hear her only if she yelled. Knowing she could handle herself and promising no to leave from their eye sight, they promised to be turned the other way the whole time. A bird came and landed right in her shoulder hiding in her hair only loud enough for her to hear. "Tell me what you know my friend?" She asked sweetly. As Eyio relayed Emmitt's plan and encouraging words taking a deep breath she wished she could hug him tight. She longed to tell him it was ok but was it Was everything they found out really ok, it didn't matter at this point anymore because at this time it had to be.

She could tell he was holding back in his message but she won't push it would be a later problem as they had more than enough to handle now. From anyone watching perspective it would just look like a sweet moment when a small bird is chirping into her ear as she sat there smiling enjoying its song. Not realizing until she looked up at the dark black wolf starring at her as if it were trying to bore into her soul. Making eye contact with the wolf she noticed he had naturally blue eyes he was beautiful. Shocking the wolf himself as she did not react in fear but in awe he took a chance and approached her as Eyio flew away.

"Well hello there friend. My you are so beautiful. I really hope you're not here to eat me it's already been a long night and morning I'm afraid I'll taste a bit bitter to you at the moment." She told the wolf sweetly in a softy sad voice not moving even an inch from her position, as not to agitate the animal in front of her after all she felt like a guest in his home somehow. The wolf whined a little at her words. Making her tilt her head a little.

"You understand me don't you?" Tessa was looking at the wolf in a new light knowing full well he wasn't one of their special friends. It may seem Amal's people may have been experimenting with animals like they have but that was not for certain just theory. This wolfs eyes were naturally blue. He looked to be youngish also maybe they tested it out on his mother or father as they were testing on basically all kinds of pregnant things especially humans. She disgusted herself at the thought of some of the things she read and saw here. Pregnant woman getting dissected, also getting injected to see if it the effects of the treatment would sink into the fetus. She held her head in shame for a moment at her parents creation being used this way. Disgraceful, shameful, wrong.

Tessa was snapped back to reality when the wolf placed it's head on her lap, making her smile. He was almost bigger than she was. She got up and sat on the grass letting the wolf rest in her lap. "You're nothing but a sweet ol love bug aren't you? A cuddle big ol teddy bear." She whispered to him scratching behind his ears making him move his leg and wag his tail in happiness. "I guess that makes us friends then huh?" She asked him thinking if for any reason this was a trap better play her part well.

"Can I ask you something my beautiful new friend? Do you think time can really heal all wounds? I seem to find myself in a few dilemmas. The more truth I seem to be finding out the less I want to really my memories to come back. It makes me feel like a lone I guess you can say. It's depressing really love." She said rubbing his head as his eyes never left her but looking sad. "When my memory does come back I have no happy family waiting for me. No loving parents waiting to welcome me home. In fact I don't really think I know where home is anymore. I have made so many new friends and I have my make shift family. However when they toss you out of the sky alone on your own without even your name is it really from family love?" The wolf whined in a yawn.

"I know, I know they were trying to do a good thing. I just wish I would have a say in the choices in my own life. How would feel growing up not being able to be anything for yourself just what your told to be. Hell my husband was already picked out for me. I did love him at one point, but now I realize it wasn't in the way I should have. It's not fair to him. I will tell him soon. He will understand don't worry we have already spoken of these things in Atheo. Tell me my beautiful friend what do I do now where do I go from here? How do I become who I need to be without going back to that girl I was?" She asked rubbing his belly as he began to let out happy growls that seem to catch the guards attention and Amal's as he was coming up to check on her once he reached the guards they all heard the growling.

"Shadow." Amal whispered as he grew nervous, he told Shadow to watch over for her. He never wanted him to get near her, he hated people and had a problem with biting and killing them. He never liked anyone other than Amal and he would keep distance from all children. Running to where they saw her and the big beasts bodies fearing the worse for a second. "Tessa!" "REGINA!" She heard at once from three voice laughing hardon her knees getting pushed to her butt by the loving playful wolf pouncing on her a little licking her cheek. "What is it what's wrong?" She asked still trying to get the wolf to stop licking her laughing.

The sight of it set Amal's heart soaring in his chest beating rapidly. His two favorite people in the whole world playing like lifelong friends. "Shadow down boy." Amal said in happy voice. Shadow sat straight up smiling happily at the man. "Shadow?" Tessa questioned. "Yes, Shadow meet my personal close friend Tessandra. Tessa meet my best friend Shadow." "Well the beautiful boy has a name. Suits him well. Why does Sebastian and Mateo look like they are looking Death himself in the face?" She asked Amal who started laughing at her words, if she only knew.

"You see my love, Shadow is how you say not people friendly in fact he harms most people who get near him or in his way. So in fact your choice of words is really hitting it on the nose there." He said as he rubbed his friend head. "Shadow is the only one besides you I feel like I can bare my soul to and still be accepted for being myself. That is if you can forgive everything I have done. Everything done to us beyond our control. Tell me savior can you forgive my sins done unto you and finally save my soul?" He asked looking at her giving her one night to ponder it over may not have been enough. He could live a million life times and it may never be enough to atone for everything he and his family have costed her.

"I don't blame you Amal. We are not responsible for the sins of others only the ones we commit to ourselves. They used to say the sins of the parents do not fall upon the offspring. Boy, if that was really true then why does it sure feel like it did, hard. The children are the ones who have to clean up everyone's mess as adults from them doing what they think is right then their own children have to do the same thing it's a never-ending cycle. Now stay with me on this but what if we are ALL wrong everything we think and or believe is false, what if what we are doing is the opposite of what we should because if what are parents doings all the way up them have been what people believe is the right thing to do. I mean look at this mess were in your majesty but what if it was all wrong and we base it on people who call others a traitor when they themselves are traitors to their own people and their trusts?" Tessa asked accepting the hand he offered her to get off the ground.

"I understand what you're saying perfectly, my angel. It's nothing no one else has ever thought before. Only those who are true believers became that why because they once question everything about it. They will until they die most likely too because there is always a chance we could be wrong and it stays that way our whole entire life because it will always be 50/50 shot. We just have to have faith and trust in those around us that every day we just try to be better than what or who we were yesterday. The only way to do that is together." He said pushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear, still holding her hair. Amal was nothing like she thought coming in her. Either he was a great actor or he really wanted all this to work in his favor. Her to be with him, making her happy. Peace for all but you can never get full peace from a people by taking it from their free will.

"When did you find time to be so profound, in all your scheduled training?" She teased him. "Easy love it's something one wonders from time to time to be able to keep moving forward. If you were trained like we were. Yes I say trained because god only knows how we weren't raised the way we should have been and you know it." He added looking her dead in the eye because no matter how she thought of it they were brought up the same to be human killing machines who could also be doctors their superiors wanted them to be able to give life just as well as they could take it in more ways than one.

"If others were trained the way the we were and when we finally got into a place of power were we could finally make the decisions you straight to put one question in mind is this the right thing to do. You can only get that by selflessly thinking how does this effect the people I am trying to protect. The people who trust in me. How does this help them in the end. You know what I mean I've seen you do more than enough times. When we watch others in power and watch others coming into power you learn a lot from them based on their character and who they are. I guess you can say I am still learning form you. You are by far the best teacher I have ever seen or learned from even if you didn't know it. With your permission I wish to keep learning from you still." He said taking a step closer to her still holding both her hands in front of him.

Shadow came in between them growling at Amal to step away from Tessa who was trying to hide her discomfort from being so close to the evil man before her. "That's new. You would trade me so quickly my dear friend" Amal said squatting down to loved one the animal rubbing behind his ears. "Seems I am not the only taken with you savior. Making friends is not an issue with no matter where you go it seems. I have come because I know you did not eat it is well into midday I wish for you to humor me in eating at least a little bit. We have more things to show you and discuss. Emmitt will await us for dinner. I have been avoiding him most of the day as I fear what he might think or have to say to me at this point. I know how special he is to you, and I don't want any risk of losing any chance of positive thinking of you towards me even though I do deserve most it." He said looking down to his hands sadly.

"Emmitt is my best friend. His soul and mine think like one you know like you and this big love bug right here. Just someone who understands you that doesn't mean we agree on everything. We do have our disagreements but one of the things we have in common is we do not condemn someone's reaction from others actions that they themselves couldn't control. You'll see give Emmitt a chance he will always surprise you. I am sure you two will be just as close as he and I are. Great leaders need to be on the same page. Emmitt is not hard to make friends with it's my betrothed who you will sometimes bump heads with repeatedly over ideas, theories and such I know better than anybody of that." She said in a self mocking tone he did not like.

"Forgive me Tess but your betrothed just sounds like a stupid ass. I think it is time for him to come meet me face to face I need to tell you that I have sent out a search party for him. I am doing everything on our side of the fence to see he is unharmed on the retrieval I don't want another person in recovery when I am trying to gain allegiance with them. Doesn't really send the right kind of message does it?" Amal said in a chuckle. "When do you think he will get here?" "I sent it out about almost two full days ago. I expect him later this evening. You will of course be present when I meet him upon his arrival Emmitt as well, if he wishes to be I think it would be rather helpful to have you both with me to help explain things to him. That this is in no means an open act of war, but a learning lesson of what can be done to make us a better people." Amal said as he took her arm wrapped it in his and started to help her into the lunch area.

Shock was the only thing the people in all the tables and mess hall around them were. Their savior, their Regina and Rex was sitting with them laughing talking to other people. A little girl fell trying to hold her plate and her water spilled completely all over Tessa's face and clothes her father ran up to her trying to help her up in fear of what will happen the king was normally not a forgiving man. He found great pleasure in torturing people slowly even mentally. The poor fearful father was not expecting Tessa helping the girl up checking her over for scarps or any other injuries she may have acquired. "Are you sure you are alright. Can I help you with your shoe?" Tessa asked smiling sweetly to the girl who just nodded tears in her eyes from apologizing over and over.

"I'm so sorry Regina." The man started to rush out. "Whoa there breath their dad she is ok I promise no harm done you can check her yourself she is fine." Tessa trying to make sure he knew his child was well. "But you clothes." He asked. "Oh this. Don't worry it'll dry. Accidents happen all the time. I myself am quite the klutz I fall a lot more than I care to admit." She said smiling making Amal smile with her, normally he would be dragging the man out by his hair, but seeing her so calm made his heart calm as well even enjoying the moment. "I can vouch for that." Emmitt said with his plate as he was taking a seat straight across from Amal who all but welcomed him at his table. Hoping everything would go smoothly he really needed this guy to be on his side.

"I hope you two enjoy your day. You sir have a beautiful little girl." "Thank you meus Reg." She cut him off. "Tessa is my name and I expect you to be using it I the future." She said as he just nodded his head and took his daughter quickly away. The people still in awe at how civil and respectful she is to everyone around her. She corrects you without belittling you. She asks them for their advice their help she makes them feel as if they all equal to her, when in fact they knew better. Even if she wasn't aware of it yet. Amal was proud at how the people respond to her and she to them even though he knew she would, it's just who she is.

"How do you find your day so far?" Amal asked Emmitt trying to break the ice. "It's going just not sure if I'm going along with it. It's hard to be here at the moment. After finding everything out last. Even a little more than I think I was ready to." Emmitt said eating a piece of fruit looking him in the eye. "What of you Tess, How are you be honest with me? I mean it like both emotionally and physically honest with me and chest pain, headaches, tingling in the arms or legs?" Emmitt asked making Amal eyes widen as he was trying to access to see if she was getting signs of any type of episode from digesting the information yesterday.

Feeling like an idiot he should have paced it all out. What if something happens to her, because of everything he told her at once. His heart racing a little at her reply. "Well honestly. I think I'm just heart broken. IT was a lot of information quickly in one sitting and I believe I went through the natural stages of the grief of it fairly well. I am still both angry and hurt at a lot of things and people, but in a way I am not surprised completely I mean you of all people know by now that finding out this type of information is no longer surprising at this point. Not much can take that cake anymore. Physically I am fine no red flags I will inform you right away if something should feel amiss. I swear it." "You better. Timing is everything Tessa and you know it." He warned pointing his finger at her to make sure she knew of the importance even though they were playing a deadly game with Amal her health was still very much still a risk.

"I am sorry for laying everything out like that I should have been smarter about it and spread it over time." Amal started only to be cut off by her. "It's quite alright. Time is not something I think we really have at the moment and honestly I would have not stopped until I got the whole story out anyway. I am a little stubborn I guess." She shrugged. "Like your mother." Both men said at the same time. All three looked at each other. "I guess you would know better than I." She shrugged sadly. "You know it's going to be hard to miss your parents when I swear I got both of them in front of me still." Amal said making Emmitt nod his head. "That is true." Emmitt added. "Well there is still much to see. I am taking you to the labs you didn't get to see yesterday. "Amal said as Drek'kon, Ezrah, Mateo, Sebastian, and their chief Hunter was at the tail of the three leaders coming into the lab.

After showing her some things and about thirty minutes into the research that had captivated her attention on how one serum was eating away at tumors, they all heard the door opened and a quick gaps. "As I live and breathe." She heard a man say the voice shot straight through her as it was one she would never forget. Turning to face him his name came out in a shocking whisper almost loud enough for those to hear. "Uncle Ethan." Anger starting to grow within her. He deserted his family just like her parents had left her. Only he was in constant contact this whole time with his father Eric was right his father did make secret calls to him, because apparently his parents loved him more than hers loved her. She found that was one of the few things she agreed with them on.

"It is so good to see you again little bean." He said taking her in genuinely happy to see her. "Don't call me that." She snapped quickly. "My God you look like exactly like both your parents at the same time it's like I'm seeing them right here." Ethan said smiling. Emmitt coming in between them pushing him back a little. "I am not going to harm my own niece." Ethan growled at Emmitt. "That is yet to be known." Emmitt growled back. "It's alright Emmitt I am fine." She touched his shoulder to calm him down. "Am I missing something?" Amal asked the three of them.

"Well with all due respect your kingly ship. This is the lovely uncle of Tessa. Adam's brother and best friend. Also Eric's father. Now tell me you cowardly piece of shit is your demon seed also here with you?" Emmitt growled getting ready to slash the man where he stood. How dare he come up to his brothers only child after hacking him up and leaving him for the animals. If only she knew the truth behind this man's evil which truly knows no bounds.

Amal face widened at the realization of the situation for Tessa. The hurt that must be coming from her. After finding out that he abandoned her and his family to come work for his father like her parents who never came back. Except Ethan always was in contact so the truth of him never leaving Eric alone as her parents had her is hitting all kinds of nerves. "Maybe we should retire for the rest of the evening love. It has been already a wave of emotions since you have arrived." Amal asked trying to politely take her away from the situation before it exploded.

"No, your highness I am quite content where I am at. Tell me how is it you are still working on my parents findings Ethan. It really amazes me how you have so much of their work, written instructions and yet you haven't seem to get not one of them right. If I do correctly remember you never could though could you. I remember the time you playfully raced me in making a simple flu shot of their formulas in the chem lab and I finished twenty minutes before and only I got it right, I remember how the head farm member of council had the runs for weeks thanks to your. So please explain got me how the king got you into his services when you couldn't even beat a doctor in training as a girl on a simple flu shot to tackling formulas to attack cancerous tumors?" Tessa teased him yet calling him out in anger.

"I know how angry you must be little bean but." "DON"T CALL ME THAT! You disrespect me each time you do it and I will not be nice next time you do you insult me with that." She spat out in him in anger no one until this point not even Emmitt have seen from her. Amal and Emmitt quickly looking to each other shrugging. "You heard your Regina." Hunter said behind him in warning making hard eye contact.

"I am not trying to offend you. I understand how you feel about seeing me right now. I hope that maybe in time it will get easier because despite what you think of me little one. We really need you here. I know you can do this. I know how smart you are even though I couldn't be there to see you guys grow up in person didn't mean I didn't get to see it. I am so proud of you, and whether you like it or not I am so happy to see you here finally safe and sound the way you were always meant to be. Here to take your place and save everyone the way you were always destined to. I still love you Tess. You're still like the daughter I never had." Ethan said honestly from his heart.

"I AM THE DAUGHER NOBODY HAD! No one raised me. No one really even wanted me. Hell the only person to try was your wife. MY MOTHER"S SISTER! Who couldn't even look at me because I looked to much like her. Who I had to piece together along with your crazy ass devil son because she couldn't stop grieving over the fact she lost her husband and her sister and brother at the same damn time and now had to raise two kids on her own. NO ONE LOVED ME! No one did because if you or my parents loved me so much than why wasn't enough to stay. You all want me to rule over and do all these things. When I am still just trying to figure simple things like why no one ever stays. Why am I never enough?" She asked voice cracking in front of Ethan standing nose to nose with him. "You and them left me on my own I can't think of a single reason why I can't do the same to you." She barked at him.

Emmitt pulling her to him tightly. "You are not them. You are not who you were. Don't start falling into the pit of their darkness, because it is far to easy to fall into revenge their way. You need to pull yourself back into the light and do this the right way. Tess you've come so far. Don't lose it now. Not after fighting so hard to get to where we are." Emmitt was whispering to her in a tight hug. Amal looking at him. He does know how to handle her well he'll give him that. Coming up to them.

"Your friend is right my love." Amal said placing a hand on her shoulder. Looking into Emmitt's eyes he just swallowed and took a deep breath. "I know. Go. I'm always right here." He whispered back knowing what she needs to do to keep up the appearance of why they are there. They needed more time. Tessa turned and threw herself on Amal in a hug that happily surprise him. "I think your both right I think I've had quite enough. I'm ready to leave here. I don't want to see him the rest of the trip here though if that is alright. Nothing he can say will ever get my forgiveness." She said flatly in truth. Amal looked at her falling apart on him tear filled eyes and he couldn't wait to get Ethan alone to tare him apart for hurting his woman. Him and his son.

"Alright my angel let's go. I'm right behind you two." Amal said as he gave Tessa to Emmitt for a moment knowing she was in good hands for her emotional and mental wellbeing. "You were aware of her being her yes?" Amal asked as his three guardsmen had already called for two others. "Yes meus Rex. I was. I was however not informed she would be in my work area." "You know Ethan my father always praised you, but I have always known better Tessa was right it was never your work that made any difference it was your brothers and you have always been jealous of that fact. I never cared for you even as a boy Ethan. My father kept you around but he is no longer calling the shots is he Ethan? You put tears in your Regina's eyes. You have caused her pain that even after all these years have and apparently never heal. There can only be one price to pay for that." Amal said stepping even closer to Ethan who was now so scared he felt like he could actual wet himself if his own bladder wasn't so scared.

"You however have not caused her pain alone though so do not fret as your son will be joining you in your punishments. I will be seeing you both later this evening where you will both stand on a private trail for your crimes against the crown. Take him and find his bastardous seed as well until I am able to deal with them." Amal snapped to his men who took him as he began yelling all kinds of things he was ignoring making his way out taking a deep breath and walking out the lab smiling down to Tess bringing her chin up to look at him let's get back to the throne room and have us a strong drink I think it is well needed?" "I prefer the tea like to keep my senses. Not sure how the body and treatment would respond to such toxin in the body." Tessa added. "Tea it is then." Amal said smiling to her still looking into her eyes.

"Meus Rex." A warrior called nervously to his king who was lost in a moment with the savior his personal savior as well. "Yes?" He asked in a bored tone a little agitated his moment is cut short. "He is here. We have done what you have asked, He is here and he knows all that they do now. He awaits you in the throne room." "Who waits?" Emmitt asked curiously, not to happy with another man being so close to his woman especially on who is so incredibly crazy. "President Julian Rodriguez. I believe it is time to meet your betrothed, love." Amal said making Emmitt and Tessa a little queasy hoping Julian goes along with the plan well. Hoping he is taking the news better than they did. They were going to have to go through the emotions to make sure they all get out of this alive.