

This is not your average history story where I talk about Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, etc. No, this is the story where I tell you of how black people changed history. Changed the world, even. No, we haven't completely done something now and we are thought of as people who do nothing but smoke weed and kill each other. However, there are some people that have done something to change the world in a particular way. Most girls that you hear about on the news that just invented something that has changed the way we think about life have the exact same mindset that those certain people I mentioned at the beginning of this intro.

I have read some things that have shocked me in a certain way. People being lynched. People being accused of something they did not do. People... Wait... Did I forget to mention that those people where black? They were black, just to let you know. Well, I will tell you more about these people later in this book.

Ciao for now! Hope you "enjoy" the rest of this novel!!!

This is a story I will post every Saturday. Also, this is not just ButterscotchDisc writing. This is also Unicorn_Candi, my sister. Be sure to check out her works! Hers is called "Waste of time.com" and trust me, it is not a waste of time. (you will understand why it is called that once you read it).

Love ya lots,

\(-_-)/ & :3

ButterscotchDisccreators' thoughts