
Through That Path

A college girl realizes her supernatural powers and she need to search her partner in crime to know what's happening with them, Do they had a past?. They have to go through the path full of obstacles and evil. They have to realize the reason behind their existence and complete the quest to save the world from the evil clutches.

lite_sunshine · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

A new Friend

She looked outside the window once again but there was nothing abnormal outside. She felt she had seen that figure before, but neglected it and started to think about reaching her new college.

"How far is the college dad"

"Just a mile away from here"

The sun started to shine, the light immersed everything in it completely. She was able to see the college now as they were about to reach there. The college had large iron gates attended by the security men. The security seemed tight. The college architecture and its layout along with the greenery because of the trees made it very attractive and soothing to the eyes. The college was surrounded by dense forests and mountains could be seen present afar. They reached the main gate, other children were coming, pulling their trolleys and some were accompanied by their parents saying them good-bye. Their car entered through the main gate which might be kept open only that day, for visitors to go inside. After going a little ahead they saw a large hoarding having the outlay of the college which was like a map, it was a huge college with different medicinal departments and OTs, the parking was on the right and the hostel area was on the left from the main building. They took left and started searching for the girl's hostel, finally, they reached and stopped in front of the girl's hostel. Her father took out the luggage and placed it on the road. They pulled the bags and marched towards the hostel but her father was not allowed to go inside, so her father said her final good-bye.

"Take care of yourself mia, you can call us anytime"

"I will, dad"

She took the luggage and went inside the hostel. She looked at her watch, it was 20 minutes to 8:00.

She looked at the counter which was at the left of the entrance. A lady was sitting there. She had a stout body and looked quite strict and furious. She may be the warden, she thought to herself.

"What is my room no."

The lady looked up, her gaze seemed quite warm to her.

"Your name"

Naomi gave her details to the lady.

On the table was a plate on which was written, Mrs. Ruby Smith, and yes she was the warden.

Mrs. Smith gave her keys and told her the directions to the room.

"Your roommate is already in the room and she is of the same class as you"

"Is there any single bed"

"No each room has a place for two"

"Ok, that's fine"

Her room was on the second floor, she took the lift. She read the tag on the key-chain. Her room number was 209. She got out of the lift and looked for her room. Her room was at the extreme end.

She stood in front of the door and tried to open it using the key but it didn't open. She took out her key. The next second she heard someone turning the key from inside.

Oh yes, my roommate, she said to herself.

The door opened, she saw a sleek and tall girl with a very charming face.

"Oh so you are my roommate, Hi!, I am Amanda"

"Hi!, I am Naomi"

She walked inside with her luggage.

She looked around the room, it had a window on the side as well, as it was the corner room along with a huge window at the front. The curtains were light purple with walls having creme color. The bed was having bed sheets already. The room was very nice. It gave a homely feel to Naomi.

"Let's hurry, we were to assemble in the main hall by 8:00"

"For what?"

"We will be having Orientation today"

"and classes?"

"They will start from tommorow"

They hurried and locked the door and went down to the hall in the main building.

There was a huge crowd already present there when they reached.

"We made it in time," said Amanda.

"Yeah, Why are we gathered here, any idea?"

"Maybe, some boring lectures from the head"

They both laughed.

There were new faces all around, some were curious, some were excited and others were just giving blank expressions. A man in proper formal came on the stage, he looked at everyone eagerly. He started addressing the crowd. Everyone got silent and started listening to him. He spoke about the history of the college, his goals and goals of the students who are here to achieve their ultimate goals.

"Must be the principal" Amanda whispered to Naomi.

The students were told to look at the notice board at the ground floor inside the lecture hall building, for their time table and other academic-related issues. The students were directed to have refreshments in the room alongside the hall, on a welcome note. The orientation was over, the students went to the other room and had refreshments.

"Hey, the pastry is really tasty," said Amanda

"Yeah, and the puff pastry too"

"let's take this to our room, we will eat there comfortably"

"but what about the notice board," said Naomi.

"we will see it later, we are near the premises only"

"Yeah, there will be rush too because of the crowd"

They went to their room.

Naomi started to set her stuff into the cupboard. It took her two hours to set everything accordingly. Amanda was setting her own stuff as well.

"So you came on the first day itself"

"Yeah, but why did you say"

"I came here two days before, many had come around that"

"Oh really, I didn't know, but you are setting your stuff till now"

"I am quite lazy, I guess"

"No, totally," said Naomi

They laughed.

They both were done with the setting of their stuff.

"Now let's check the notice board for tomorrow's schedule" said Naomi.

"But we just finished such a hectic task, I can't walk anymore"

"Come on, we just need to see the notice board and then we are free the whole day"

"Wait for 5 minutes, let we take rest," said Amanda

They went to see the notice board and checked the schedule.

"Oh, no there is hardly any free lectures" said Amanda

"and the curriculum is too complex," said Naomi

They clicked the pic of the time table.

"Let's roam and explore the premises" said Amanda

"Yeah, would love to"

They went around the building and landed on the stone path in middle of the two beautiful fountains. The stone path was through the grass of the park which led to the other buildings.

Suddenly Naomi felt a sudden breeze, she felt something around her which went past her. She looked behind but there was nothing. She knew that she felt something and has also seen something which went blurred out. But she shook it thinking it might be her imagination and went marching behind Amanda who was buried in her own thoughts.

"What are you thinking Amanda"

"Nothing, I am just missing my home and am missing the walks with my mother"

"Ohh, I know but now we both are our family to each other and we have to live like this till we will be back with them again"

"Yeah you are right, you made me feel better Naomi, thanks allot"

"no worries, but you can call me mia"

"Yeah, ok mia"

They were back in their room. It was lunchtime, they went for their lunch and soon returned to their room.

They thought of going out, but the tiredness made every thought vanish and they didn't even know when they fell asleep.