
Through Her Eyes: Love of Seven

In the world of soulmates, perhaps Daun is the only one who does not expect for any soulmate to come. She doesn’t have the soul marks that everyone supposed to have. Not one ink on her skin, no time marks on her wrists, no glowing red strings. But why does one day, seven gorgeous men claim to be her soulmate? And these seven are none other than the greatest boy band in the world?

Gigi_Luv_4u · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Temporary soulmate bond loses its gold glitters if there is a prolonged absence of touch between soulmates. Bruise like spots may appear whenever this happens.


"This is no longer a great idea". The older of the two pouts. His been convincing the other to just go inside the penthouse and forget what they have been planning. After all, his body is already quivering with the coldness of the hallway. He doubts he can take it any longer.

"Just one more hour." He says as he raises his index finger. "Come on. I bet she'll be coming soon." He persuades. 

"What if she's inside all along? Sleeping? And we are here suffering with the cold?" The older reasons. He doesn't think he has all the energy to just loiter around and wait for nothing.

"Just think of this as a sacred mission." The younger winks with his usual playfulness.

The two best friends have been squatting outside their Muyeol-hyung's penthouse. The moment their hyung and Hanjae excitedly revealed the news of Daun's whereabouts, it gave them extreme relief and happiness. They were a little bit jealous though when the youngest bragged of spending a night inside her cozy penthouse, while Yoongi was just nodding along, smirking.

They want it too. Not to mention their Hyunjoon-hyung, who has been starved to see her again. His soul ink no longer glitters. It's back to its usual black ink with an additional bruise-like circle surrounding it. He worries so much that it might hurt his thigh and may affect their performances. Good thing it doesn't sting like a normal bruise would. He just needs to replenish it with her touch. He wanted to be with them today, but unfortunately, his work, as the leader, has been chained him to the company. He has to do first the piled-up responsibilities before going after her. He must trust his brothers first on this.

The older wants to counter the other more when they hear the elevator dings. As it opens, a lady walks in, hugging a large brown paper bag of groceries. It's so large that it is hard for them to see her face. 

They unconsciously coo. She is so adorable with her fit. She is wearing a simple white shirt messily tucked inside her shorts paired with knee-length boots. The over-all look is topped with a long yellow coat. She's like a baby chick. The oldest giggles as she passes by them, unable to notice them standing by the side. She's too pre-occupied with all the things she's carrying. 


Someone sneezes loudly, making her jump from her spot. She almost spilled her groceries. She didn't expect someone to be someone at the hallway, especially with their floor she's in where there are only three units. One huge one at the center owned by Muyeol, the one at the right which is owned by her and at the left which is assumed to be still empty.

"Hello." She cautiously greets. She wonders who these two masked gentlemen are. She can't quite make out how they look like. The taller one is wearing a beret while the shorter one is wearing a white baseball cap. New neighbors perhaps? She studies them from head to toe.

'They don't seem to be bad guys. They look descent, plus the building is tight in security. No one would dare to do bad things, right?' But, with all these thoughts, she can't help but feel nervous. 

"Hi! Let us help you." The taller offers, hands already stretched towards her. He seems too eager to lend a hand. 

"Um..." She hesitates. She doesn't know these people.

"I'm Kyuhyun." The shorter immediately introduces himself as he sees her pause. He then takes off his hat and mask, showing his gentle smile to her. "This is Minki and we're Muyeol-hyung's friend." His eyes crescent as he elbows the other. Seemingly getting the message, with a meek smile, the taller takes off his beret and masks.

The whole ordeal makes her relax. She remembers Muyeol mentioning his friends the morning before he left. "We're more like brothers." She can still remember his soft smile as he said the words. 

"Are you waiting for him?" She inquires. She's a bit at ease but the nervousness still lingers. She can't quite understand herself why she wants to talk to them and perhaps invite them in her home?

"Y- yes. H-he's coming... I think?" Jimin stutters, seemingly not sure.

"Okay..." She casually nods before opening her door with her password. " See you then." Her smile tight, a bit confused of the disappointment she's feeling.

After a while, Daun is at the kitchen still confused of what she feels. She has this inkling that she had seen them recently, somewhere. On the tv perhaps? She looks over to the wall and sees one of her paintings hanged on the wall. One of the older ones she had decided to keep. It shows rainbow mist with a man's face only clearly showing his eyes. His gaze piercing but gentle, like a warrior looking over to his lover before a war. So determined to fight and finish his mission to be with his love. The painting is basically unfinished, just like any of her old works, perhaps because it's muse is someone on her dreams. One of those men visiting her on her slumber. She can vividly see them in her dream world but forgets as she wakes up, only remembering few parts of them. She was annoyed many times before, for wanting to paint them as what they really are, but later on decided to let them be. She can't just keep castigating herself of not remembering her dreams. Dreams are dreams after all. The mystery of her muses makes her artworks more interesting and more loved by her patron. It gives depth and more meaning. 

Then it occurs to her. The boxy smile and those crescent eyes... They are so much familiar, and she wants to look at them again. The artist in her, itches, wanting to further observe on those features, wanting them as her muses. She is contemplating of inviting the two in her house.

'Would it be okay? Her, a lady alone, inviting two men? Wouldn't she sound so easy?'  She opens the door slightly and studies them, her heart beats nervously. 'It wouldn't be different of her inviting Muyeol-ssi and Jae-ssi in her home, right?' She further thinks.

"They look cold." She says to no one. Determined, she opens the door wide.


"Now what?" Minki exasperates. His voice is laced with great disappointment as he dreamily leans on the wall. Kyuhyun, in the other hand, is still looking at her door, forgetting the chill that he was just complaining about, still mesmerized. 

They had been stupidly standing for a while now, not knowing what to do. All they can think of is the once in a life time opportunity of meeting their soulmate for the first time. It's a day worth written on his deathbed. It should be in the history books, if someone asks him.

'Should they stay a little bit more?' He somehow doesn't want to go anywhere else. If it's up to him, he'll just camp in the hallway. It doesn't want to sound so crazy, but he is. 

He just wants to be near her.

Jimin's head tilts as he notices her door slightly opens. His demeanor practically brightens, seeing a beautiful pair of eyes peeking and observing them with an obvious hesitation. His heartbeat loudens as his confidence slightly spikes up when she finally widely opens her door and shyly steps out of it.

"Do you want to wait for Muyeol-ssi inside?" She bashfully asks.

Before he can say anything, Minki, with his new found energy, jumps and walks towards her. "Sure. Come on, Kyu." The man literally pulls him like a ragdoll.

However, Kyuhyun doesn't mind at all. He can just internally squeal a...  'This is the best day ever.'