
Through Her Eyes: Love of Seven

In the world of soulmates, perhaps Daun is the only one who does not expect for any soulmate to come. She doesn’t have the soul marks that everyone supposed to have. Not one ink on her skin, no time marks on her wrists, no glowing red strings. But why does one day, seven gorgeous men claim to be her soulmate? And these seven are none other than the greatest boy band in the world?

Gigi_Luv_4u · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

11. LOST

Older people who have soulmates but haven't met them yet may experience soul yearn and soul aches. This is scientifically proven. Symptoms is described as feeling of dissatisfaction, emptiness, and constant chest pains that are somehow characterized similar to heart burn. This may lead to depression. There is also a constant need of human contact. 

Theory: This can be alleviated through sexual means, therapy, or any soul numb medications.


It has been weeks now since they know her existence. Hyunjoon was so adamant to meet her again and thus went to her on the first day of her little exhibit, alone. He was a little bit upset that time. Good thing, Kyuhyun was there to sooth their leader and had called everyone for a much-needed talk.

The meeting was long, strategizing on how to make her theirs. They even called their CEO at the middle of the night to ask…No…to tell him their plans, which he agreed. Mr. Nam has been so supportive. He was even the one who introduced them with detectives that they had hired before. However, the following day, they were disappointed. It seemed that a fan noticed Hyunjoon the day prior. They were told that lots of fans came and flocked on her little exhibit, thus, it would be difficult to visit. An hour before the exhibit ended, the three younger members were able to get inside unnoticed, but instead of Daun, there was another person who manned the event. Though upset, they could not do anything about it, hoping the next time, they can finally meet her.

"Lee Daun" he reads the file and stares back on her image on his phone. Every one of them has procured a copy from Jungkook. The file, however, only contains her name, her address, her website, the gallery and the name of her friend. 

Everything has been useless, for when they decided to visit for the second time, the gallery was already closed. It did not last for a week. The website was no longer up, her apartment is now empty, her friend is nowhere to be found, and they don't have a clue of her whereabouts. She doesn't have any social media. Not that they know about. They tried contacting the detective again but he too, could not find her. She just disappeared without a trace.

Doubts and fear run through his mind and heart. What if they could never find her again? What if he could never see her? He's getting old, and their hope of happiness was almost on their grasp but, like a bubble, it just popped and vanished.

Will they result back to their usual foolery? Will they forever jump from one female to another just to temporarily fil the void? 

The older members have stopped from hooking up once they knew her existence. These past weeks, their longingness had no other cure but just to watch the video of her beautiful smiles with those orphans and somehow imagine her presence in their lives.

"Hyung?" A voice cuts his train of thoughts. He lifts his gaze and sees their youngest.

'Cute.' He chuckles. He couldn't help but still look at the their youngest as the innocent teen when he first came to their group. Is it because he had seen his growth all these years? He can't help but genuinely smile as he observes him trying his best to stay sober. His eyes are adorably fighting against sleep, effects of the alcohol they had been drinking. 

He had invited their youngest for a lamb skewer, a street food they both like. They ended up on one of the luxury clubs with no one else but them and a few couples around. It's still five in the afternoon. His body has been screaming for brake after drowning himself from work and he needs to rest before he gets sick. He has to relax himself with a few drinks. 

He has been so afraid to admit to everyone that her disappearance has given a great toll on his mind and body. He might be tough outside, but inside, he is nothing but a coward, always afraid to face the harsh reality. He is crying inside, trashing, like a child on his tantrums. The chest pains are back. The nightmares of being alone has been haunting his sleep. His soul has been wanting to see his soulmate, and the moment he knew her existence, his inner self has been jumping of excitement for the impending meeting. Now, the void is again trying to crawl back in his life. He can feel it in his bones.

"Let's go Jae…" He instructs Hanjae. Although it's still early, from the way the youngest slurs, they have to go. Perhaps the youngest hasn't eaten yet that's why he is easily affected with the alcohol, meanwhile, with his strong resilience, he remains unaffected. It's has been a mistake for taking the maknae for a drink this early.

"Where to, Muyeol-hyung?" Though confused, senses blurry because of alcohol, the youngest allows Muyeol to guide him out from the club. 

Muyeol had called a driver and instructed him to another address. A newly acquired penthouse closer from the club they were in. He had informed everyone that they would not be home tonight. He doesn't want to be in the empty dorm anyway. He could not take the silence that everyone has been. Gone are the boisterous banters of the boys. Like him, they have engrossed themselves with so much work to numb their selves out. Often on alert for any news from the hired detective. But as weeks go by, they have becoming lifeless. It's as if, their soulmate had taken their souls with her. 


"What's wrong with you?" He hears a soft exasperated female voice the moment the lift dings open. 

Yeon Muyeol freezes on the spot. He cannot believe who he sees. His senses instantly heighten. All the alcohol in his system seemingly vaporizes. 

He can clearly see a lady, cutely pouting, one hand holding a potted plant, adorably arguing with the security lock of the door. She tries again to enter a code but it buzzes for an error. "It can't be!" She exclaims with disbelief when after all the wrong attempts, the security finally banned her for entering another code. 

"Excuse me." Muyeol's raspy voice makes her squeak in alert.

She immediately straightens her back and looks at him and his companion in great confusion.

"I think, you are on the wrong floor?" He adds, smirking.



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