
Through Dazed Seasons, Awaiting a Wayward Eternity.

A dream for a person is an eternity for another. How long can someone wait for someone who has forgotten the hurtful past?

SageIsAFungus · Eastern
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8 Chs

Master, Master, wisemen are conmen!

Senior brother had eloped. First, martial uncle had boiled into a tomato, livid with rage over this unfilial act of his favourite student. To the masses, Master remained the sole sane individual, his countenance frigid and indifferent. He's truly the best pretender.

Pulling me aside, he whispered, "Little devil, Little devil, Me fattening you with rice was not a waste! You will become the next patriarch of Tranquil mountain!"

Unfortunately, I couldn't share his excitement, "Master, I don't want to be patriarch-"

"Nonsense!" Master snorted, smacking my head, "Even your senior brother wanted you to be patriarch! If not, why would he elope?!"

"Because his lover was his martial niece…" I thought, "Master, your gossip is lacking, are you truly part of our sect?"

Our sect was renown for their aloof status taller than the tallest mount, more arrogant than the arrogant pampered young masters, and skills comparable to the divine. veiled carefully, was the reputation of our gossip.

It's a hidden skill learnt by only the most prodigious disciples, a skill that, by rumours, allow disciples into the inner court. Those who love gossip and those who gossip well, all have high ranks.

How could my master relish such a high rank and such a good quality facial paralysis yet fail in gossip?

Master smacked my head again. It seemed I had spoken my thoughts aloud, offending him a repeated time.

"You have no time to waste! Memorise today's teachings to heart!" He commanded, "Today's topic is-"

"Master, Our sect's teachings not to be shared with others." I imparted virtuously, gesturing at the courtesan gazing at us with gleaming eyes, "Master isn't is inappropriate for you to bring me to a brothel just to teach?!"

Master hand's fell once more, but I dodged, having learnt from experience. Indignant, Master flicked my forehead instead. Ultimately, There was no alternative to pain in life.

"Why would I bring a brat like you here if I didn't want to teach? Am I crazy?" Master rambled, angrily, "This is a significant lesson! It's about confronting your desires!"

I gazed at him accusatory. His words could have been trusted if not for the women hanging off each of his arm, legs, finger and even toes. Truly deserving of the title "Peerless King of shamelessness"!

"Fool!" He hit me again, "Confronting your desires is not equivalent to annihilating them. A person cannot be without desire. How would he be alive then? Without desire, He'll be comparable to the plants and animals, a mere existence with the ability to breathe! Observe your senior brother! Was he wrong for eloping?"

With complete confidence, I replied, "Yes!"

My answer resulted in another blow from the master.

"What a useless pupil I have!" My master bemoaned, "He can't think against the crowd!"

I scratched my forehead, "Then what is the correct answer?"

"If I die one day, I am afraid…" My master lamented, gazing at me with sympathetic eyes, "You won't be able to survive! Why should I give you all the answers! Don't you have a brain! Think for yourself! Until you find the answer, don't you dare take a step inside the sect!"

With only a steamed bun and my master lectures and infamous smacks, I was thrown into the world to experience life. What a sad life I have lived. What a miserable life I have survived!

"Little boy, aren't you cold out here? Why don't you come inside and- "A covetous mess of brothel ladies flocked towards me, with a gleam in their eyes.

Frightened, I dashed away faster than a rabbit from wolves. What did master adore in these sickening beasts!

This is the beginning! I am an amateur author and this is my first tale so I am looking forward to everyone's support and assistance!

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