


By Oluwatoyin Magbagbeola

As two strangers could meet and fall in love instantly, that's sometimes can be seen as destiny or something out of ordinary, this is somehow similar to what happened to our main characters. A bond that is formed out of distress and agony, but then became a miracle. 

Afolabi was in deep thought when he noticed a situation that needed him to save the day. It was a hot afternoon, and whenever he was free or on a break, Afolabi would always find solace and aloneness at the hospital rooftop where he works as a doctor. His wife had committed suicide six months ago, and he blamed himself for not being attentive enough or care more. Even though they were not in a lovey dovey relationship, they do understand each other, but as their indifferences started creeping in, the two fell apart and one side had it tough. If he could turn back the time to save her, he would, and he is doing so by saving the life of a complete stranger whom he met on the rooftop. A cancer patient who had come to take her own life, met a savior that could change her thinking. Like a Superman, Afolabi rushed to hold her down before taking another step that might be too late to save, and in boling anger shouted at her; "What do you think you're doing? Does taking your own life solves everything?".

Someone who is still experiencing the pain of losing someone, he has no choice but to call her to order. The young lady sat on the floor, crying her heart out, for the first time someone actually cared. Her own parents would have cared less but a stranger is acting so sensitive to her. For some moment, she cried in his arms, and he also mourned in silence, it was as if he went back to the past to save his wife, and he did. He saved a stranger, whom he might have met in the past and would share the present with. Without consent, she blurted to him; "I was told I have six months to live, so I'm better off dead anyway".

    "No, you're not. Even if you have a month to live, you should never take your life, I'm sure you also don't want to do that?". He added.

From that day onward, Afolabi would always share his busy time with Ifeoluwa, he enjoyed her company, since both are healing from something. Coincidentally, she shared a name with his deceased wife, and as days went by, she started to look like someone he knew from the past, and he was right. Ifeoluwa was his highschool sweetheart, his first love. If he hadn't left for the UK to study, both could have been together. As destiny can't be destroyed, it can only be delayed, unfortunately time won't be on their side but they both have each other. 

      "You know I never stopped loving you, there are days I wish to see you even if it's for a moment!". Afolabi confessed. God knows he tried so much staying in love with his late wife, but no matter what his heart only belonged to another. Ifeoluwa on the other hand had it tough, men were always disappointing her, and now that she has limited time to live, she wants to spend it with the only man that has her in his mind. 

Doctors aren't allowed to have any special relationship with any patient, but in secret they both love each other. Afolabi would even sneak her out on a date just to have alone time together, and those days were his happiest moments and so is hers. Four months passed, and their greatest fear crippled in, now she had two months left. Her health has deteriorated more, her face appeared forlorn like a living ghost, still she is the most beautiful being he had ever seen. Her doctor had called her in to prepare her for the worst that's about to come, since her body would be in more pain than before. 

      "Can I ask you to do something for me?" She asked him.

     "What is it, my love?".

     "Can you grant me wishes?". She begged with her pitiful eyes that melted his soul. 

    "Anything for you, I will do!". He replied.

     "If I'm not around, please stay happy and move on!". She beeseched him. 

It was as if someone blasted his poor heart and shattered it like pieces of glass, Afolabi couldn't bear the pain of losing someone again, at least not her. He wished for some miracle to happen to save his beloved from death. Ifeoluwa could only console him and encouraged him to stay stronger, and that the only miracle that could happen has brought them both together, and that's all that matters. 

      "Do you have any more wishes?". He asked.

       "I would love to wear a wedding dress, I have always dreamed of wearing one!". She blushes as she imagined herself in one.

        "Will you take me as your groom?". 

         "If you will take me as your fake bride?". She replied

         "What if I want to get married to you and spend the two months together living as a married couple?". He made a proposal right on his knees and she accepted without further questioning. 

With the help of the hospital, they were able to get married in a small cathedral near the clinic, and on the joyful day, both the groom and the bride promised to stay in love and kind towards another till the days of Ifeoluwa leaving the world, but in Afolabi's heart, she will forever has a place. With passion his lips touched hers, and the rest watched in awe and sweetness. 

The first two weeks were full of life for the two, both wouldn't leave each other alone, but her last days were their heaviest and painful. He stood by side and watched her leave the world behind, and in tears he mourned.