
Chapter 155: Autistic adolescents (21)

When he called, the teenager has been staring at the side, a pair of clear black pupil staring at him, see him happy and sad for himself.

Happily, he's never had the pleasure of having his grandson stare at him intently. But the sad thing is that this treatment is due to other talents.

Hear there through the phone, the girl's voice into the ear, listen to her say something can not come today, Luo master nodded, habitually repeated a sentence.

He was thinking of asking her whether she would come tomorrow, but before he could ask, he saw the young man in front of him frozen, his eyes as clear as those of a young deer, showing some quiet grievance, and a touch of unpleasant anxiety.

Don Lo was stunned.

Almost with obvious impatience and irritability, the young man subconsciously pressed his lips, stretched out a long, white hand, and took the phone from the old man's.

However, when he put the receiver to his ear, he was silent, his eyes lowered, and he said nothing.

Sunlight silhouetted eyelashes.

Although his face was expressionless, the old man stood beside him blankly, looking at the cold and silent expression of the young man's eyes, as if he could feel the silent grievance.

Jessica heard only shallow breaths on the receiver. No one spoke. She changed her hand and smiled.

"Baby Lo?"

When she was alone, she liked to call him so, when she heard the familiar name, the teenager blinked, the mood was slightly clear, and the reserved pause was just a sound.

Clear sound line, soft response.

Jessica laughed, "I'm sorry, there are some things today, can I see you tomorrow?" Why don't you be a good boy and wait a day for me?"

Lord Lowe stood nearby, watching the teenager holding the phone with a serious look on his face. He always had a serious expression, and when he didn't move, he looked like a sculpture.

Not knowing what he heard, Lord Lo felt that he seemed to be startled for a moment, and his delicate eyebrows involuntarily puckered, as if in displeasure and embarrassment, but finally repressed all emotions, and gave a low, um sound.

Be a good boy Too good.

Lord Lowe could not help but sigh.

Although not obedient to himself, but see his face low appearance, Luo master after all can not bear to take the phone in his hand, and ask the girl over there: "Where are you?" I'll take Achen to you."

The boy's pretty eyes brightened.

He continued to stare longingly at Lord Lowe.

"..." Jessica froze and frowned. Only listening to the voice, she did not know the state of Lochene, but Lord Lochene can say this, you can imagine that his mood should be very unstable, or low...

"Then I'll come over now, and we can drop the dinner here." She made an immediate decision.

It's more important than Lochene.

Lord Lowe shook his head, "No, just tell me where you are and we'll come and look for you."

Jessica startled, and then understood Master Luo's plan.

Lochen didn't like crowded places very much...

One of the classic symptoms of autism is a lack of contact with outside people. Lord Lowe is using this as a way for him to try and reach out.

It's a little useful, but it's good for Lochene. Jessica thought about it and said yes.

After giving the location, she hung up, returned to her box, and sat down in silence.

Mo's mother smiled at the two men opposite and gave Jessica a sneaky look, "Be polite."

Jessica: "Oh."