
Chapter 124: School grass Boyfriend is a ghost (6)

In fact, everyone knows that Zero loves it here and often sleeps here.


Jessica turned to see the teenager's beautiful, delicate face, dark eyes, clearly unhappy:

"Why so many people?"

Yeah, a lot of girls, as far as I could see. They spread blankets on the leaves, and put their lunches on them, like an outing.

Jessica thought, silly kid, it's because of you.

Across the luxuriant branches and leaves, there were several girls sitting, whispering to each other about what topic.

"Shall we visit the cemetery again this week?"

"I've written so many love letters that I still can't believe they're real."

"Yeah, it was weird. I cried for days."

"I wish he was still alive..."

Jessica looks at the people around her.

Zero also looked blankly over, his beautiful eyes blinking, "... What did they say?"

Jessica sighs, "You."

Zero himself may not know how popular he is. After all, no one dares to confess, most girls are silently concerned behind, and occasionally someone will write a love letter.

The teenager really opened his eyes, pointed to himself, and was shocked: "What do they call me?"

Jessica says, "Honey."

The salutation fell, and the two men looked at each other for a moment.

The teenager blinked.

But, come on, it's all right, who likes who better, it doesn't matter.

He just admitted that he liked her better, so what, but also willingly, willingly.

Anyway, he is her ghost, she is his people, this life, always can not run away.

The pale and delicate young man thought viliously in his heart, staring at the girl's swinging ponytail in front, his eyes suddenly softened again, his beautiful eyes followed the bundle of hair, and his heart seemed to sway slightly.


Small woods to see the scenery of the plan failed, a person a ghost hand in hand back to the classroom.

When Zero was here, no one dared to bother the woods, but now that he's gone, it seems that there are only some places, some things that people miss.

Young youth, there is always such a pure white boy. Countless people are watching his figure.

Under his cool appearance, every slightly childish detail is accurately Sue to the heart of a girl.

Among the girls talking, someone inadvertently looked up - saw the layers of branches and leaves, there is a girl away from the back, alone.

But the sun shines from the sky.

It was like an angel was standing next to her.

The girl was stunned, until the person next to her asked her strangely what was wrong, and she answered back:

"I think I saw my husband..."

Her companion looked along her line of sight, originally wanted to frown, but I don't know how, after seeing the girl's back, but also a trance, only to say:

"Don't be silly. He's really gone."

The girl nodded: "Well, look wrong."

Yeah, it is.

Both men were relatively silent.

Zero, but he's really gone.

A ghost back to the classroom, Jessica took a cup to the water dispenser, the girl in front of the team has not picked up, but do not know why, suddenly let out of the position, "you... After you

Jessica: "..."

After receiving the water, she returned to her seat and whispered helplessly to the ghost: "Don't scare people."

Zero picked out delicate eyebrows, lip Angle warped, very clever: "OK, no scare."

... Very obedient.

Remembering what she had agreed to, Jessica wanted to raise her forehead and blushed.

This plane Feng tilt is really deadly, at any time, the character is also super rogue...

She glanced at the ghost, and the boy who had been staring at her immediately put his head close to her, and his long eyelashes blinked, "Am I obedient?"

His pale breath pours.

Jessica: "... Listen."

"Good or bad?"

"Good boy."

I have a chemistry class in the afternoon, and I need to go to the lab to do experiments.

Jessica came out of the classroom with her textbook.

The original owner had a couple of reasonably familiar friends who wanted to come over

Before Jessica could smile at them, Zero threw his arms around her shoulders.

The girls looked stiff and seemed to feel a cold chill coming from in front of them, so they subconsciously turned their heads and kept walking forward.


Jessica helplessly, "Didn't you say obedient?"

The young man gave a slight pause, and then raised his eyes, pitifully: "Only this matter, will you listen to me?" I don't like people near you."


"Neither can a woman."