
Thrones and Treachery

Daniella is a strong, beautiful, and witty princess. All she wants is to study magic and see the world. However, her royal duties seem to be in her way. Her journey revolves around magic, friendship, duty, and love. Initially excluded from the inheritance competition by her sibling, she later discovers something terrible is about to happen to her kingdom. While everyone else seems to have given up, she is determined to save her kingdom. Her journey will explore love, sacrifice, family, tough love, unexpected love, secrets, rivalries, decisions, morals, and the battle between good and evil. There is no defined villain in this story; everyone is seen as a villain by our protagonist until proven otherwise. The secret in this story may just be jaw-dropping. Everyone has a secret but some more than others

NNice21 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


The next morning, I walk out of my tent with my handmaiden, the crisp morning air filling my lungs. The camp is bustling with activity, everyone carrying on as if nothing had happened the night before, all memories of the incident erased.

Flora runs toward me, a bright smile on her face. "The guards said if we start now, we'll reach by dusk," she announces cheerfully.

"That quick?" I ask, surprised.

"We can grab a train from the border of Cai to the capital," she explains. "We'll reach the border by dusk and take the train the whole night."

I nod my head slightly and smile at her. I glance around and notice Lady Nabila and Emperor Sinbad engaged in a conversation, Lady Nabila seemingly scolding him again. The sight amuses me—an emperor being chastised by a woman half his height is quite the spectacle.

"Your Highnesses," a guard approaches and bows. "Your carriage is ready. We shall depart in 30 minutes."

"Thank you," Flora and I respond in unison.

Lady Nabila and Emperor Sinbad approach us. "Your Highnesses," they both say, bowing respectfully.

"My lady, your majesty," I greet them formally.

"Splendid morning," Flora adds with a warm smile.

"You appear to be in quite a good mood," Sinbad remarks, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"I am," Flora responds cheerfully. "The thought of reaching the capital soon is quite exciting."

Sinbad chuckles. "It's good to see such enthusiasm. Travel can be tiring, but the journey is part of the adventure."

Lady Nabila, standing beside him, nods in agreement. "Indeed. We should make the most of our time on the road. There are many sights to see and experiences to cherish."

But my face is dumbfounded when I see a ring on Sinbad's figure that looks similar to the necklace he retrieved from the bandits. Didn't the spell work on him?

"Nice ring," I say, trying to act normal.

"It's part of my royal regalia and the necklace," Sinbad responds, "I got them this morning." His smile sends chills down my spine. Either the spell didn't work on him, or he just happened to meet the bandits early this morning.

"Are you okay, Princess?" Sinbad asks as he attempts to touch my shoulder. I step back a bit, uneasy.

"Sorry, she isn't a touchy person," Flora intervenes, "but once you get to know her, you can bother her like me."

"How did you get the ring back?" I ask, trying to get answers.

Sinbad's smile widens a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Oh, I found it outside my tent this morning," he says with a wink.

His answer is vague, and I can't tell if he's playing with me or if he's truly unaware of last night's events. Either way, I decide to press no further and let it rest for now.

"Well, I'm glad you got it back," I say, forcing a smile. "It's good to see some order restored. I would like to take another walk before we leave," I tell Flora as I excuse myself.

She nods, understanding. "Of course, take your time. I'll make sure everything is ready for our departure."

As I wander away from the camp, the tranquility of the woods envelops me, the rustling leaves and distant bird songs providing a peaceful backdrop to my thoughts. My mind drifts back to the events of last night, the tension, the magic, and the bandits. Did the spell not work on him, or was it just a coincidence that he encountered the bandits this morning?

Lost in contemplation, I don't notice Vider stepping out from behind a tree, his presence as calm and steady as eve

"Vider," I acknowledge with a smile, genuinely pleased to see him. "What brings you to this part of the woods? Are you stalking me?"

He shrugs slightly, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "just meditating"

I chuckle softly, the sound breaking the morning stillness. "feel relaxed?."

Vider nods,''refreshed.''

"Indeed," I agree, my gaze wandering. "But it's nice to have some quiet before the chaos returns, I don't mind your presence.''

A faint blush colour Vider's cheeks, and he looks away, clearly flustered. "It's... peaceful."

"I think we're quite alike in that way," I muse, stepping a little closer. 

Vider's eyes flicker to mine, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Maybe."

We start walking, the silence between us now filled with a comfortable familiarity. I let my fingers brush against his arm lightly, testing the waters of this new dynamic.

 He stops walking and looks at me, his gaze intense. "I remember last night," he says quietly. "Your spell... it didn't work on me."

Surprised, I meet his eyes. "so your the one who got you kings regalia back? at least that's one mystery solved,'' I say as I smile.

He nods, his expression serious. "My abilities... shielded me."

"Well, that is awkward that you remember," I say, looking up at Vider. "Does Sinbad or anyone else remember?"

He stays silent for a while, his expression unreadable as he tries not to give himself away.

"Let's go to the camp," he finally says, his tone flat and distant.

One minute we are getting along well, and the next he shuts down. Frustration bubbles up inside me. "Fine," I snap, turning on my heel and walking briskly back towards the camp, my steps quickened by my rising anger.

As I move through the forest, the serenity I initially sought feels shattered. The trees and the rustling leaves, which once seemed calming, now feel suffocating. My thoughts whirl in a chaotic mix of irritation and confusion. Why did Vider have to be so closed off? And what did his silence about Sinbad imply?

I reach the camp, my emotions still a tumultuous storm inside me. Flora notices my return and the expression on my face. "Are you alright?" she asks, concern evident in her eyes.

"Just fine," I reply curtly, attempting to mask my frustration.

Flora, always perceptive, raises an eyebrow. "You don't look fine."

I sigh, the weight of the morning's events pressing down on me. I look over at Vider, and Flora's gaze follows mine. She looks back at me with a knowing glint in her eyes. "Did he do something?" she asks.

"None of your business," I say tersely. "We need to hit the road."

I walk to the carriage and seat myself inside, Flora following right behind me. She sits down in silence next to me as the carriage starts to move, and neither of us speaks for a while.

"Do you have a crush on Vider?" Flora asks after the silence stretches on.

"What nonsense is that?" I say, my voice defensive. "I've only known him for two days."

Flora just giggles. "If you say so," she says, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "I've never seen you flustered by a man before."

"I'm not flustered, just angry," I insist, crossing my arms and staring out the window.

"Sure, sure," Flora says, her tone teasing. "Just angry."

I huff, trying to push Vider out of my mind. The journey ahead is long, and I can't afford to be distracted by mixed emotions. But even as I try to focus on the road ahead, the memory of Vider's intense gaze and his quiet presence lingers in the back of my mind, unsettling and intriguing all at once.