
Throne to darkness.

A boy name Minato died on earth and got a chance to be reincarnated in any world he wanted. Follow our protagonist how he becomes strong and what power will he get through the system? see how he made his name in history along with three legendary sannin. Note this is just a fanfic story, this is not an original story. If anybody has any problem with the story or claims to be copied pls comment to me I will remove or edit it and first chapters will be slow pase) thanks (I didn't own anything in this story except oc, if you didn't watch the anime, pls go check it out later) ( Also the cover pic is not mine , i just pick it up from gogle. if the creator of the picture have any problem pls comment i will remove it, thanks. ) Author request. pls don't give your reviews wait till 50 chapters. and also English isn't my first language

Rimuru459 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

chakra level. ( 11)

( important note: power rank

genin: Low genin

Mid Genin

Elite Genin

Chunin: Low Chunin

Mid Chunin

Elite Chunin

Jonin: low Jonin


Elite Jonin

Kage: Low Kage

Mid Kage

Elite Kage

Super Kage.

Six path: I don't know what to level or name should I call this six path. any suggestion?, I will add in this)

(jezzz I need to practice my English more)


At morning

in Ninja Academy.

all students are sitting on their bench while some are chatting, some are sleeping etc.

"Giyu, what do you think the teacher will teach us today", Tsunade asked Giyu who is looking at all students.

Hearing Tsunade's question Giyu look at Tsunade, touch his chin and said "if I am not wrong it should be <clone jutsu>, kunai throwing, <substitution jutsu> or <transformation jutsu>".

"How did you know", Tsunade asked Giyu.

" it's easy! because, It's the first class that teacher will teach us some jutsus so, of course, the teacher will start from basic jutsus that we should know", Giyu replied.

Tsunade nodded after hearing his words. After some time Teacher Asahi enters the Class.

"Morning-sensei", all students said in unison.

"Morning student, now take your seats", Teacher-Asahi said.

Teacher Asahi took out a round crystal ball under the podium and a dim fluorescent covered its surface. Seemingly flowing with mysterious power.

"sensei, what is this thing", one of the students asks.

"Ohhh! it's a tool that is developed by our village which is made to measure your chakra, this assignment is an important part of our Academy, its necessary to participate in this test or assignment", teacher Asahi told about the crystal ball to the students.

"it will also help me to evaluate your chakra level as some people have quite a large amount of chakra from birth and some have low, but you don't have to worry as you grow the chakra in your body will also increase ", teacher Asahi said.

"you just have to place your hand in this ball and it will emit different colours like if your chakra is average it will emit white light, for genin it will emit green light, for chunnin it will emit blue light, for jonin it will be purple and for kage it will be red if the colour is darker than usual then you have more chakra than average of genin, chunin etc ", Teacher Asahi said as he places his hand on the crystal and a light purple colour emitted from it.

" see, my chakra is at low- jonin level now it's your turn students, now first we will start from Orochimaru", Teacher Asahi said as Orochimaru stands up from his place and went in front of the crystal ball.

At this time Orochimaru has become the centre of attention, everyone is curious that which colour could Orochimaru can awaken.

Giyu is also interested in this, he also wants to know what colour would Orochimaru awaken.

As Orochimaru place his hand on the crystal. The colour of the interior crystal ball changes into soft dark green light, seeing this scene almost everyone in the class is shocked because Orochimaru is just a 5-year-old kid and his chakra is already higher than low genin level.

"hahaha, Orochimaru you are also a genius, to be able to have mid-genin level chakra at the age of 5, you are truly something!", Teacher Asahi praises Orochimaru.

then one by one all of the students check their chakra level most of them awaken white light which means their chakra is at an average level, and a few of them awaken dark white colour which means more than average level or a little less than low genin.

Now it's time for Tsunade, she went in front of the crystal ball and place her chakra on the crystal ball.

then the interior of the crystal ball emitted a soft dark green colour which means mid-genin level chakra.

"as expected of the princess of Senju clan",

"who would have thought that a girl of our age could have mid-genin level chakra"

"the world of geniuses is still very far from us"

"you, don't have to talk anything like that, if you work hard who knows that you all become stronger, don't depress yourself saying that you don't have talent, 'A talent without hard work is nothing' so work hard", Teacher Asahi with a hint of anger.

hearing this all students in the class revived their motivation.

Maito dai also comes to test his chakra but as we all know he just little bit of chakra, the colour of the crystal shows a dim white colour which is almost negligible, some of the students try to joke about him but get cold glared by Tsunade.

Jiraiya also comes to test his chakra level, he places his hand on the crystal ball.

the crystal ball change its colour to dark white which means his chakra level is more than average level or closer to low-genin level.

after Jiraiya its sakumo's turn , he went toward the crystal ball and place his hand on it after that the ball change its colour to soft green which means he also has low-genin level chakra. which also surprises everyone.

After Sakumo, kin Uchiha who is the future heir of the Uchiha clan also comes toward the crystal ball and places his hand on it, then a soft dark green colour emitted from the crystal ball which means mid-genin chakra.

"oh my god! one more genius"

"4 geniuses in the same class!", someone exclaimed.

"first Orochimaru, 2nd princess Tsunade, 3rd Sakumo and now kin Uchiha, is this class made up of geniuses?".

"it's good to be in the same class as the geniuses"

"but that Uchiha kid had very high ego"

"you are right, that's what I hate about this guy"

"oi, its Giyu turn, top-scorer turn"

"I bet he is chakra is at elite genin level"

"I bet his chakra will be at low genin because he is just an orphan.what can he do if he has high level chakra with no resources"

Giyu heard the gossip about him but didn't say anything he just curled his lips giving them a carefree look.

Giyu then went towards the crystal ball and place his hand on it but the next second something happen that shocked the whole class.


Note: If you all wanted to ask wtf is that crystal ball come from how can a village in the warring era have the technology to develope a crystal ball that measures chakra.

just think that the crystal ball is a treasured item or something that the hokage or Konoha's people found and later spread the rumour or talks that this device is built-in Konoha.