
Throne: Path to Supreme Power

'Throne' is a MMORPG in which players play characters with races, professions and equipment just like any others. Players can also build organizations, control cities, and even ascend the throne to become a king. The king has many powers, such as issuing quests, collecting taxes, and even making laws. Therefore, the throne is crucial and becomes the key for each big organization to fight for. William was once an ordinary player who missed the best opportunity, but he now has a chance to start over. Can he compete with those oligarchs with his own power?

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On the other hand, William, who had left Malthus's villa, also immediately rushed to the mines and treated a group of miners following a process similar to the last one, before sitting in his office and talking to a few managers.

"The church is organizing more manpower, what we need to do is not only to cure these sick people, but more importantly, to make the people in the future no longer sick."

William said these words with conviction even though he had no idea how the coronal church would react, because he knew that was basically how these things would be handled in the end.

The church develops some sort of antidote, sends out heretic inquisitors, cleanses the contaminated area, mourns the casualties.

In short, most of the time events were resolved this way, and if things were really beyond the ability of the regional church to handle, there was a possibility that the church would send a high-ranking bishop to come personally.

Hearing William's confident assurances and feeling that he didn't look like he was deceiving them, these managers were all relieved, not only were the miners relying on the output of the mines to live, but the time and energy of the past half of their lives had basically been invested between these low rusty hills as well.

If the iron mine could not be mined properly, they would have nothing to work with, and the social connections they had built up about the iron mine would likewise become worthless.

William chatted with them calmly for a while, and then heard some unexpected news: the owner of the mine had heard of his visit and intended to meet with him to thank him personally, and was already on his way, hoping that he could wait a little while.

William thought about it and decided to meet with the owner of this place to promote friendly relations. In the future, he was going to establish his own guild and own his own territory, and having a good relationship with these NPCs who produced bulk goods was also a very important part.

Not letting him wait for a long time, soon a valiant young girl rode in on horseback, looking at the way she was dressed, she actually looked like she was out hunting on a hot summer day.

She rolled over and dismounted, leaving the valuable-looking colt in the care of the mine's groom, and gave herself a shake of her ponytail, which was stained with some dust and sweat, and took a wet towel handed over by a staff member on the side to roughly wipe off the unkempt parts of her body.

"Greetings, esteemed Friar William, I am the youngest daughter of the Foster family of the Shallow Water Province and a member of the Sithvid Mineral Society, Clementine Foster."

William was slightly surprised, he really hadn't investigated who the minerals here belonged to before, he had assumed that they belonged to one of the local nobles of the Bilges Province, just like those other mines.

However, he did not lose his manners because of his surprise, he quickly recalled the manners of the nobles of the province of Shallow Water, and greeted them in a friendly manner, "I did not realize that the tulips of the Shallow River had bloomed among the hills of Phoenix, the servant of the gods, Friar William Green, sends his greetings to you."

"You are very gracious, Friar William, are you from the province of Shallow Water?"

William shook his head in denial, "No, I used to be a traveler before I was called to join the Church."

The two made small talk as they walked into the shaded office, and each took a seat, the managers were left outside and not allowed to observe.

After there were no outsiders, Clementine's countenance took on a serious look, and she began by thanking William, "On behalf of all the miners and their families at the mine, I would like to thank you, you have come at a most opportune time, Friar William."

William had already received Malthus's endorsement, and of course he would not admit that it was his own bent, he drew a circle on his chest and said reverently, "All thanks to Polynesius and the brothers and elders of the Church, I am but a humble servant carrying out their will."

Clementine savored what was implied in William's words, and in her heart, she raised her opinion of William a little more, while also drawing a circle and saying, "Praise be to the Sun God, and praise be to the Coronal Church."

She then asked, "Does the church have any instructions for the status quo? New patients are still being created, and we would like to find a way to prevent this dreaded 'Great Gout'."

William just smiled mysteriously and said, "His Grace the Bishop has his own arrangements, just be patient."

Clementine would understand, and instead of talking about these secrets, just took out a small cowhide bag and pushed it to William.

William took it and saw that inside the bag was actually a bag of pearls, which was one of the several gems that the coronal church esteemed.

"Brought you some small gifts, this is a snack specializing in the Shallow Water Province, try it?"

William nodded and put the small bag away, saying, "This snack looks delicious, thanks to Ms. Foster."

Immediately afterward, his words turned to an old story: in the South Sea Province about three hundred years ago, a group of cultists held a ceremony to pollute a local volcano, which ultimately caused a terrible accident with heavy casualties.

He looked into Clementine's eyes and sighed, "It's so saddening! Don't you think so, Ms. Foster?"

Knowing what he was referring to, Clementine's face turned hard, and she nodded, silent.

Seeing that she was a bit depressed, William added encouragement, "I believe that the church will be able to handle this incident properly this time, after all, this is Phoenix, which is near the 'Land of Ascension'."

Clementine was slightly surprised and asked incredulously, "William, you mean..."

Without waiting for her to say those words, William immediately reached out one finger and pointed it at her soft lips to stop her.

Only when she controlled herself did William then retract his finger, secretly savoring the soft touch of the noble lady's lips before saying, "If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first, Miss Foster."

Clementine Foster hurriedly caught up with him wanting to ask for clarification, but he just blocked her words with a joke: "The church's carriage is charged according to the length of time it is used, so I won't stay here much longer, and you should also appease the miners. More potions and friars will be here in a few days to treat them."

Clementine was not in a good reason to force him to stay, although he was only a most ordinary church friar, here was Phoenix after all.

While Clementine was secretly gritting her teeth, William had already exited the game in the carriage, the fracture in his leg had been recuperated after a period of time, although it hadn't recovered, he could already go home to recuperate and didn't need to be hospitalized any further.

Eating a piece of bread and a bit of fruit as breakfast, William sat on the hospital bed quietly waiting for his sister Mona to pick him up and discharge him from the hospital.

Not long after, wearing a pair of sneakers and a dress Mona rushed into the hospital room like the wind, although quite a bit older than him, but still a bit childish Mona gave him a big hug as soon as he came in, and then said excitedly: ''I bought a dream catching net from my neighbor, Mrs. Stanley, and she logged on to it and was terrified, and thought that it was a horrible conspiracy, so I traded her just a bag of tomatoes for that dreamcatcher."

William blinked; his sister had never played 'Thrones' before he was reborn.