
Throne: Path to Supreme Power

'Throne' is a MMORPG in which players play characters with races, professions and equipment just like any others. Players can also build organizations, control cities, and even ascend the throne to become a king. The king has many powers, such as issuing quests, collecting taxes, and even making laws. Therefore, the throne is crucial and becomes the key for each big organization to fight for. William was once an ordinary player who missed the best opportunity, but he now has a chance to start over. Can he compete with those oligarchs with his own power?

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Guild, the Path to the Throne

Although it is not the first time to experience the process of novice quests, but William still feels a lot of emotions about the most basic team battle in front of him.

In the 'throne', although players spend more than 90% of their time traveling alone, world-class events, such as hunting crazy Behemoth, fighting raging undead, or even opening a national war between two countries, rely on teamwork.

Except for those top players, few people can change the course of such an event by themselves.

And even those players, most of them are the result of the monopoly level in the game player Guild feed, these have a large corporate injection of shares of the game Guild, through the tight collaboration, firmly control most of the game's resource allocation, any player wants to grow cannot bypass them.

The top players who work for them are also first tempted by the company to offer huge wealth to recruit talented players from the whole society, and then selected from the layers to get a whole union of resources to feed, growing at a rapid rate.

At the time of his rebirth, the two most powerful Guilds 'Heavenly Feathers' and 'Sacred Associations' already controlled a large country, the human empire and the orc empire respectively.

The heads of these two Guilds are both top players with flawless equipment, level, order and profession, as well as the king of a country, able to mobilize countless players and NPCs to do his bidding, so powerful that they are almost unbeatable.

If it were not for the fact that races and nations are constantly being born and dying in the world of 'Throne', he was afraid there would be no room for new players in this game to make a name for themselves.

William suddenly understood that he also needed to establish a Guild that obeyed his orders.

With the memory of countless treasures and special missions, he is destined to become a top player, and when the time comes, he can use his influence to recruit a group of players to establish his Guild, he provides help for the development of the Guild, and the Guild collects all kinds of precious resources, which will also drive his ability to improve.

But this is an extremely complicated job, not something he can accomplish alone, and right now all those treasures in his memory are still quietly sleeping, and he is only a level 1 ordinary friar, not even the first talent has been lit.

Putting away his complicated thoughts, William decided to get offline first and take a break.

With this thought, a translucent hover box appeared, and after he clicked on it, a feeling of floating up in the water immediately sprang up, and then he woke up from his hospital bed.

At this time is the real time August 1, 2025, the first day of service, but the time in the game has already passed four days, at this time most players are still addicted to the nearly real 'throne' world, unable to extricate themselves.

William has been playing 'Throne' for several years, and even the role has been practiced for two, and has long since detached from this novelty and enthusiasm, just browsing the news in the game forum on his phone.

The photo he uploaded of the village chief's emotion unexpectedly harvested many likes and replies, and someone even made a meme of it. his forum ID 'fairy tale' also became slightly popular as a result, but in this age, he dropped out after almost an hour.

The hottest topic now is the discussion about the first talent. Most players of the 'militia' profession have already gone through four to five days of fighting in the game and are close to the threshold of obtaining their first talent, and the discussion about talent selection and subsequent development has become mainstream.

Of course, there were also some discussions about other professions, after all, the slogan put forward by 'Interactive Network Technology' during the promotion was 'infinite number of professions', and now there was only one kind of militia that left players with the impression of being tired and dangerous, which inspired them even more interested in other professions.

The general perception of players at this stage is still that the novice village stage is only a transitional stage, and they should complete their quests as soon as possible to go to nearby cities, take up other professions, and open more quests.

This is actually correct, because at this stage of the novice village and novice mission period, has not been developed a set of mature profit scheme, a short period of time the most profitable way is indeed to go to the city as soon as possible, rather than in the novice village try to find out the possible existence of hidden events or treasures.

William only smiled contemptuously at this, he chose a career path involving multiple world-class events, at least until five years later, these events have occurred, before anyone will be proposed.

By that time the hidden quests, special treasures and even unique NPC partners and other benefits that exist on this path will have been almost developed by him, and future generations will only be able to sigh in wonder.

After browsing the game forum for a while, William saw a number of Guild recruitment ads, some of which were large Guilds that existed in other games before, and others were Guilds established by players on their own initiative.

The arrogant capital barons don't seem to realize the value of the 'Throne': due to the different time flow, a person can spend two or even three centuries of their life in the world of the Throne, experiencing all kinds of sensations that are almost completely real. Countless people will go crazy for their second life in the 'throne'.

The rise of other Guilds reinforced William's idea of building his own Guild. In his opinion, a mature 'Throne' Guild must include two parts, one for the people and one for the territory.

People are divided into two categories, the first is to pay for the combat power to overcome difficulties and develop the territory, and the other is to pay for the daily labor to maintain the normal operation of the Guild territory of ordinary players.

The territory will produce various resources, which will be fairly distributed according to the contribution through Guild, forming a virtuous cycle.

Eventually, through a series of Guild tasks, Guild even has the opportunity to control a country.

This is also known as 'the Path to the Throne'.

But until ten years later, there were only three Guilds that had the opportunity to complete this path, and one of them was a new country built by luck, with the help of world-class events, and far from being able to compete with the old empires that were built in the early Black Iron Age and had been passed down for tens of thousands of years each.

After moving his numb body on the hospital bed, William took the dinner brought by the bedside nurse: a carton of milk and a sandwich and ate it up.

After filling his stomach, he turned on the TV in the ward and saw that the news also happened to be discussing the surreal game 'Throne' which opened today.

To him, a visitor from 2035, everything in 2025 was so strange and familiar, as if an old movie in which he was in, and like a slowly coming internal combustion locomotive, full of the vicissitudes of the years.