
Throne Of The Primordial Ones [Dropped]

Dropped Due To An IRL Problem.

Boreas · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Storm

Just a week ago, Jyouji Chastain was an ordinary junior high school boy. But now he felt powerful, both figuratively and literally.

But today his worries were not focused on that. No, apparently to become an actual God he still had to train but it was mostly in a secluded time dimension where time ran faster.

Currently he was practicing a swordsmanship style taught to him by Ares. It made the use of his momentum and gravity to deal heavy damage.

For example a single slice vertically can be devastating all by pushing forward, effectively dropping their weight onto the sword itself.

In addition to the repetitive swings he had to do, he also trained his newly awakened magical power.

By constantly absorbing and expelling energy from his body. The magic quality and purity will rise to an insane amount.

Problem was he drained himself of stamina too quickly and could not handle the strain of doing both magic and sword training at the same time.

But thanks to the modifications done to his body by Apollo and the other medical related Gods; his body now withstood immense pain and severe recoil due to the cells proliferating at an accelerated rate.

Not only that, he was now able to control his own bodily processes with surgical precision. From mitosis to hormonal balancing, he could manipulate it all.

He was unsure of how they did it but thanks to that he was able to remove his so called limiter.

"1,087. 1,088. 1,089. 2,000....." After reaching the two thousand mile mark he fell down completely.

Even if his body was now that of a highly advanced human, he was still at heart human and got tired easily.

Drinking copious amounts of water he lay on the floor to sleep. But before he did so he snapped his fingers and a futon as well as a cotton lined blanket appeared beneath him.

Draping the blanket over him he fell asleep setting an alarm on his phone so he could wake up at the most optimal time.

Which was about four hours from now.


"Lord Zeus; are you sure about granting him Godhood this early? I mean, think about it

for a second. There's no telling whether Yggdrasil or Odin would approve of him." A bare chested man wearing shin greaves and a bronze pteruges* of linen and leather.

His tanned muscular body were heavily tinted with a crimson red; most presumably from the blood of his fallen enemies.

"Ares, my son. I know that you are unsettled by the fact that a new Demigod has been born, but believe me the Fates and the Norns has foreseen great potential in him. Not only that, the Akashic Records have an incredible affinity with him."

Ares was surprised by this fact; he knew that the mortal boy had immense amounts of potential but did not know his full extent, "Are you serious? The Akashic Records would never let us optimise it to its full power no matter what. Only giving us 90% or below, that stingy World System wants a human as its owner?"

Zeus stroked his greyish-white beard, even he was astonished by this revelation. After confirming its sincerity with Veritas and Uriel; Zeus decided to let the Akashic Records descend and latch itself onto the boy so when the time came the World System would activate.

His eyes became clouded with emotion as thunder flashed inside his palace. Times were changing and the tides of history could not be stopped.

"Go to Frey and tell him to meet me and Apollo. Those two will be his bodyguards for now, after all they are the most free out of all us." Ares bowed and took the request seriously, nowadays anything concerning Jyouji was a matter not to be taken lightly and had to be done carefully.

His potential as a God was boundless which meant that he could usurp their positions anytime, but at the same time by guiding him they can gain many benefits and strengthen their own position as a deity amongst their own ranks.

"As you command my Lord." And soon he was off, riding his golden chariots drawn by bloodthirsty dragons.


"Hecate. You have a good relationship with the Fates right?" A mischievous grin could be seen upon the handsome face of Hermes, he felt that something amusing was about to happen.

Hecate; the woman adjacent to him looked over with her arms crossed, she was surprised but not completely taken aback by it, "As a matter of fact I do have a great rapport with them. In exchange for telling me the future I give them great quality thread from the silk of my specially cultivated silkworms."

As a witch that needed many resources to make potions; she felt an impulse to scam the trickster god of his money.

Not only for revenge, but to get his attention with an interesting product. After all as a merchant, selling unique products was what he was all about.

But as expected he wasn't so easily fooled, "You won't scam me you three faced woman. I'm not so stupid to fall for such an obvious trick."

"Oh dear, it seems that you lost to Belphegor again. So this time you can't swear huh, that's interesting." Hecate retorted in a bewildered tone, the current lover of a Goddess of Luck lost to a demon because of luck....

And the fact that that demon was actually his lover's ex-boyfriend really rubbed the salt into the wound.

She tried to hold in her laughter, but quickly regretted when two snakes appeared out of nowhere to bite her.

She swiftly swerved to the side and spoke softly, "Arrête ça.*" In an instant the two snakes froze in midair, restrained by a mysterious force.

"Tsk, your magic has gotten stronger after learning Kotodama. I knew it was a bad idea to send you to Japan." Hermes was disgusted by her perverse ability to bend reality and was envious of mages being able to do so.

But even if he could steal her power away, he would still be unable to use it efficiently the way she did, after all she had trained in the arts of magic while he was at the advanced level.

"Hehe, you should have come with me then. Japan has lots of rare stuff you can't get anywhere else, like real wasabi or those white strawberries Bastet likes." The witch gloated over her newly advanced combat capabilities.

She was now at least as strong as Athena or maybe at least a few levels below her. But that did not matter, after all she wasn't really a Goddess in the first place so the Goddess of Wisdom was surely far stronger than her as a new generation deity.

'Wait, deity? If the Gods are already this strong then what about the new generation? Since that mortal is the first of all of them it is understandable he would show incredible prowess and potential but wouldn't that mean that there are others like him?!' Hecate's eyes widened in shock as she realized the severity of the situation.

She glanced at Hermes and was about to tell him her worries. But she knew that it would be hopeless, fate had been decided already.

She could only prepare for what was to come. "I'll be taking my leave now." Hecate nodded towards him as a sign of courtesy and walked away, transforming into a mist like substance.

When she arrived at her base she clenched her fists and jotted down her conjectures, 'A storm is brewing and we have to prepare for it beforehand.'

To her safety was the main priority. She worked with Death but that only made her fear him more after meeting him personally.

'The storm is coming, I can feel it.'

Pteruges: Its the part of an armour that are beneath the hips and goes under the cuirass. Search it up.

Arrête ça: Stop it in French.

It would be much appreciated if you showed me any errors I made so I can swiftly patch them up.

Boreascreators' thoughts