
Throne of Shadows: The Conqueror (HxH)

Imagine waking up in a dangerous Hunter x Hunter's universe. That is what happened to Raymond. But instead of fear, he feels a surge of ambition, setting his sights on conquering this fantastical realm. Join his journey on his quest for world domination! Follow me on Twitter (X): mythoast Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/mythoast

mythoast · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Slow updates announcement

Hey guys,

I've been telling you that if I have no chapter ready, I'll give you advance notice. However, it seems like I'll need to notify you in advance more frequently so I decided to compile everything at once in this post.

I've been experiencing a sudden surge of busy days lately and haven't had much energy left to write a serious story like this fanfiction.

I can still write some lighter stories like my new fanfiction since I don't really need to think twice about it, you know?

It's a pretty straightforward plot and quite simple.

I enjoy writing it because it offers me such immersion, allowing my soul to breathe a little amidst my busy schedule.

But this fanfiction, this Hunter x Hunter fanfic, requires more deliberation when writing.

I know it's partly my fault for introducing a slightly complicated plot (although it may not be as complex as some other great stories).

It demands more energy and time to write.

I do enjoy writing this since I've always wanted to create my own Hunter x Hunter fanfic, but I want to inform you all that this fanfic will be in a peculiar area where I may update it sometimes, or I may not.

This month?

I'm not sure if I can provide constant updates, but I will do my best to release new chapters during the weekends if I don't have client meetings.

So, yeah, that's about it.

I'm not abandoning this project, but the updates will be a bit slower and less consistent compared to my new fanfiction.

I sincerely apologize for this. Hopefully, you guys will understand.

And I guess that's all for now.

Have a great day, everyone!