
Throne of Shadows: The Conqueror (HxH)

Imagine waking up in a dangerous Hunter x Hunter's universe. That is what happened to Raymond. But instead of fear, he feels a surge of ambition, setting his sights on conquering this fantastical realm. Join his journey on his quest for world domination! Follow me on Twitter (X): mythoast Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/mythoast

mythoast · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 90: Uncovering the Truth

A while ago at Dumpster Delights...

"Hehe, look at you, always busy. Why not take a break and join us for a bite?" teased an older man, his tone light and teasing.

"Shut it, old-timer! I'm good with my meat routine," Taka retorted, his annoyance evident as he balanced a stack of dirty plates.

He shot the old man with an annoyed look as he grumbled, "Unlike you, I eat that meat twice a day!"

"Hold up, you eat twice a day?"

Someone chimed in, and the surprise was evident in their voice.

"Yep, you got that right!"

Taka replied proudly, lifting his head with a hint of arrogance. 

Raymond couldn't help but sigh as the commotion drew his attention.

"Wait a minute, owner, you said one meal per day for everyone, what gives?"

Someone exclaimed, their tone accusatory, "Yeah, that's what you said! Are you trying to pull a fast one on us?"

Another chimed in, their skepticism clear.

Raymond remained calm as he responded, "I never lied. For any customers, you can indeed only order once per day."

He continued slicing meat with ease, placing the finished plate on the counter for Taka to serve.

"Then, are you saying the kid is lying?" Someone asked, shooting a pointed look at Taka.

"I'm not a liar!"

Taka protested, raising his hand indignantly.

"Hey, it's okay to lie a bit, kid. No harm done," another regular chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"I said I'm not lying!"

Taka huffed in annoyance, stomping to the back of the restaurant to deposit the dirty plates.

Raymond chuckled softly and shook his head, "The kid's not lying, though."


"What do you mean by that, Owner?"

"Just as the kid's saying, he gets to eat twice a day because he works for me," Raymond continued with a small smile on his face, "He still gets his salary, so consider those extra meals as a bonus for taking care of all of you."

"Sigh... now that you put it that way..."

"Well, we can't really argue with that logic, can we?"

Then, someone raised their hand, speaking up, "Anyway, Owner, are you looking for another waiter? He's still a kid; why not choose someone like me?"

All eyes turned expectantly toward Raymond, including Taka, who watched anxiously.

He was hoping Raymond wouldn't replace him.

"Please, no," Taka silently prayed.

Observing their hopeful faces and Taka's worried expression, Raymond couldn't help but chuckle. "Not anytime soon..."

"Eh? Why?" 

"That's unlucky..."

Everyone was disappointed as they grumbled. They couldn't help but look at Taka jealously, who beamed with relief.


Raymond shook his head and resumed his cooking, unfazed by the commotion.


A deafening boom reverberated through the city, startling everyone.

"Whoa! What was that?"

"The whole ground just shook!"

Nervous murmurs filled the restaurant as patrons exchanged worried glances.

Raymond's expression grew serious as he sensed the disturbance in the city. Setting aside his chopsticks, he swiftly turned off the stove and made his way to the door.


Surveying the area, Raymond's attention fixated on a distant part of the city. The air crackled with tension, indicating a significant conflict unfolding there.

Raymond's expression twisted in confusion as he tried to make sense of the sudden chaos enveloping the city.

"...What is going on?"

He had a basic grasp of the power dynamics in Meteor City.

There used to be three major forces in the city...

Sakujiro was once one of them, after all, he was once a local mafia boss.

Unfortunately, his group was annihilated, leaving only two forces left.

Watanabe and his crew, who were a powerful force within the city and the mysterious elders, whose influence remained shrouded in mystery.

Raymond didn't have a clue how Watanabe had managed to annihilate Sakujiro's men yet spared his life.

As for the elders, he knew they stood as guardians over Meteor City's inhabitants.


Because of their old age, even though they wielded formidable power... They intervened only when the city faced imminent peril.

For the most part, they remained aloof, preferring to observe rather than intervene in the day-to-day affairs of the city.

Their motives and numbers remained a mystery, known only to a select few.

But when their presence was felt, it was a signal that the city faced a threat too dire to ignore.

As Raymond pondered the intense collisions and pressures he sensed from a distance, a chilling realization dawned on him.

"Could it be... Watanabe crossing swords with the elders?" he murmured to himself.

Recalling his encounter with the old man, Raymond detected a hidden ambition beneath Watanabe's seemingly jovial demeanor.

Being a man of ambition himself, Raymond understood the desire for power all too well.

"That man wants everything," he concluded, his eyes gleaming with understanding.


As he pondered these puzzling developments, Raymond felt a sense of urgency creeping in.

Though the situation remained shrouded in uncertainty, Raymond couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to act, to uncover the truth.

Trusting his instincts, Raymond made a decisive choice. "I'm shutting down the restaurant. I have to go check that out...."

"Seriously? Right now?"

His customers protested, their voices filled with disbelief. But Raymond's unwavering gaze left no room for argument.

"Will you open again later?"

One of his customers, still hungry and disappointed, ventured to ask.

"I'm not sure..."

Raymond hesitated for a moment, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. 

But looking at their expression, he added, "But... If it turns out to be nothing serious and I return soon, maybe I'll reopen."

His words sparked a wave of relief among them who hadn't even had a chance to get their meals.

With nods of understanding, they exited the restaurant, leaving Raymond to his urgent task.

"Should I wait here, Aniki?"

Taka inquired, tilting his head with a puzzled expression.

Raymond shook his head firmly, "No need. Go back to your place. I'll call you if I need to reopen the restaurant."

"Got it. Take care!"

Taka replied, flashing a smile as he dashed off to his own place, eager to spend time with Sin.

Back with Sakujiro and Watanabe...

"I see..."

Sakujiro's response was devoid of emotion, his blood tears ceasing.

Watanabe tensed, sensing a surge in pressure, and released his Nen to match.


Without a word, they blurred into motion, a deafening boom echoing as a shockwave rippled through the area.

Watanabe's men retreated as a cloud of dust billowed out, obscuring the fighters.

Yet, within the chaos, the clash of these two monsters persisted, the battle raging on.