
Chapter 13: Hidden Entrance

Navigating through the busy streets of the city, the car eventually halted in front of a modest ramen shop adjacent to a towering skyscraper bearing the insignia of Celestial Force.

"Eh? So, this is where the exam is taking place?"

Killua's youthful voice rang out, filled with wonder and anticipation as he stepped out of the vehicle. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he gazed up at the imposing structure before him.

The realization dawned on Raymond as he stepped out of the car, his eyes scanning the area.

Amidst the other buildings, the unassuming ramen shop stood out.

"No wonder acquiring the entire street was challenging. The Hunter Association has ties to this small shop," Raymond murmured, connecting the dots as he observed the surroundings.

He pieced together the puzzle, understanding why purchasing the entire street had proven difficult.

The Association's influence quietly permeated the neighborhood.

Celestial Force had grown into a powerful entity, with most decisions entrusted to Sakujiro, leaving Raymond to focus on pivotal choices that shaped the company's path.

So, he totally overlooked such a report back then.

"I should have seen this coming," Raymond muttered under his breath.

Feeling amused by the revelation, he continued toward the ramen shop

"Eh? Raymond, why are we stopping here? Are you hungry?"

Killua's voice broke through Raymond's thoughts, his curiosity piqued by their unexpected destination.

"No, this building is mine..."

Pointing toward the towering building that Killua was assumed to be where the exam would take place, Raymond offered a small smile while shaking his head in response.

He then pointed his hand at the small ramen shop as he continued, "And the exam is being held right here, in this unassuming shop."

Killua's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting the tall building to belong to Raymond.


However, the real shock came when he realized that the unassuming ramen shop was the venue for their Hunter Exam.

"Come in..."

Raymond simply shrugged, already striding toward the entrance.

With a hesitant pause, Killua followed suit, curiosity mingling with anticipation as they entered the ramen shop.

As they entered, the shop owner greeted them with a warm smile, "Hello there, welcome to the sto---"

"Welcome to my humble store, Master!"

The shop owner's demeanor shifted abruptly upon seeing Raymond, his eyes widening in recognition.

Hastily, he abandoned his post behind the counter to personally attend to Raymond.


Killua observed, his surprise evident as he glanced back and forth between the shop owner and Raymond

"Oh? Looks like we're on the same side," Raymond remarked, noting the shop owner's reaction.

The shop owner, visibly nervous in Raymond's presence, nodded in confirmation.

"Got it," Raymond acknowledged, understanding why Sakujiro had directed them to the shop.

He gestured towards Killua, "Okay then, send him ahead and give me the report later."

With a nod, the shop owner led Killua to a room that served as the entrance to the first round of the Hunter Exam.

"Oh, you have some business to take care of? That's a bummer. I was looking forward to sticking together," Killua grumbled childishly, his disappointment evident.

Raymond chuckled at Killua's lies, noticing the relief in the kid's demeanor as they parted ways.

"I'll catch up with you once I'm done here," He smirked at Killua.

"Ah? Ha ha, yeah, that sounds great..." Killua forced a laugh as he almost stood there, completely frozen by Raymond's remark.

His awkwardness was palpable as he scratched his head. Internally, he cursed his own stupidity, feeling his cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and anger.

Meanwhile, Raymond followed the shop owner to a different room, feeling thoroughly entertained by Killua's reaction.

Seated in the room, Raymond accepted the report from the shop owner, its contents detailing the recent activities in Yorknew City.

It was precisely what Raymond had requested to stay informed, especially after the setback caused by Albert's sudden death, which had disrupted their plans for solidifying influence in the city.

Celestia Consortium had been operating cautiously, avoiding any overt power struggles that could attract the attention of the Hunter Association.

In a city teeming with mafia factions vying for control, Raymond understood the need to navigate carefully.

Direct confrontation would only invite trouble, potentially escalating into a conflict with the Hunter Association—

—an outcome he sought to avoid at all costs.

"They're keeping a close watch on us. Any misstep could be disastrous," Raymond murmured to himself, weighing the delicate balance of power in his mind.

Though Raymond had strategically infiltrated the Hunter Association by embedding his men within its ranks to gain influence, he had exercised extreme caution to avoid drawing unwanted attention from the Chairman, Isaac Netero.

"...I must meet him, no matter what."

Raymond's resolve hardened as he contemplated his next move.

He understood the importance of assessing Netero's character and the Chairman's perception of him before devising any further plans.

With a decisive nod, Raymond closed the report and tossed it into the small fire crackling in the room.

The flickering flames illuminated his determined expression as he fell into a deep thought.

As the door creaked open, the shop owner cautiously entered, bearing a freshly tailored vest designed to discreetly hold a knife and a vial of mysterious white powder.

Raymond silently donned the vest, securing the knife snugly behind his back before slipping back into his blazer.

"Is there something on your mind?" Raymond inquired, noticing the shop owner's perplexed expression.

The shop owner hesitated, visibly trembling, before shaking his head.

"Just ask away. It's not like it's top-secret information," Raymond reassured him with a wry smile.

The shop owner hesitated, fidgeting nervously as he cast a wary glance at the concealed knife in Raymond's suit.

Finally, gathering his courage, he voiced his question.

"Master, why do you need a kitchen knife?"

"Ah, that? Do you know why I'm taking the Hunter Exam?"

Raymond chuckled softly, understanding the confusion behind the inquiry. The shop owner shook his head, his curiosity piqued.

With a piercing gaze, Raymond explained, "I aspire to become a Gourmet Hunter."


The shop owner's eyes widened in surprise.

Raymond chuckled at the shop owner's response, finding amusement in the exchange.

Glancing at his watch, he realized it was time to depart.

"I should get going, or I might miss the Hunter Exam," Raymond remarked.

The shop owner nodded understandingly, with sweat rolling down his forehead, "Of course, allow me to guide you to the lift."

"Thank you," Raymond replied.

As they reached the room designated as the lift, the shop owner bowed respectfully, wishing Raymond luck.

With a nod of acknowledgement, Raymond dismissed him and entered the lift alone, ready to embark on the next phase of his journey.


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