
Throne of Shadows: The Conqueror (HxH)

Imagine waking up in a dangerous Hunter x Hunter's universe. That is what happened to Raymond. But instead of fear, he feels a surge of ambition, setting his sights on conquering this fantastical realm. Join his journey on his quest for world domination! Follow me on Twitter (X): mythoast Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/mythoast

mythoast · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 10: Brick by Brick

Over the course of two years, Raymond dedicated himself to scouting resilient beggars, each possessing an indomitable will to survive and bringing them into his fold.

The gradual process involved training them in the basics of physical conditioning and providing them with nourishment to restore their malnourished bodies.

Raymond took a hands-on approach, personally overseeing their training while delegating miscellaneous tasks to the subordinates provided by Luke.

Many of the recruits were familiar faces from Raymond's time on the streets, making it easier for him to earn their loyalty.

The initial group of recruits held immense significance in Raymond's master plan. He invested an entire year, molding them into formidable fighters.

Instead of traditional instruction, Raymond chose a more immersive method, engaging them in sparring sessions where they honed their skills through hands-on experience.

As they gradually developed their own unique fighting styles, Raymond provided guidance and pointers to help them refine their techniques.

Their rapid progress brought him immense satisfaction, knowing they had evolved into fully-fledged fighters capable of holding their own in the 190s of Heaven's Arena.

But perhaps most importantly, their unwavering loyalty to Raymond stemmed from the fulfillment of their desires.

He had given them purpose and opportunity; in return, they pledged their allegiance to him without hesitation.

Over the span of two years, as he reached the legal age, Raymond established a holding company known as Celestia Consortium, adopting the surname Celestia for himself.

Under this umbrella, he consolidated Amazing, FedUp, and Tatiana's small business, rebranding the latter as Lewis Futon, specializing in custom-made clothing for the affluent.

Though their operations were confined to the Republic of Padokea, Raymond's ambitions stretched far beyond.

Understanding this, Luke tirelessly traversed the country, bolstering political alliances and forging connections to expand their influence.

While Raymond recognized the importance of these endeavors, he knew they needed more than mere connections to solidify their power.

Hence, he made a decisive move and acquired a security company, christening it Celestial Force, and enlisted his trained recruits as security personnel under its banner.

Despite the progress made with his current force, Raymond understood that it was still insufficient.

He traversed the country for another year, recruiting beggars who met his stringent criteria.

With his newly trained fighters by his side, Raymond's task became more manageable and efficient.

By the year's end, his influence extended across the entire nation.

However, he exercised caution, refraining from immediately uprooting these recruits from their slum dwellings to avoid drawing attention.

Instead, he strategically deployed his men to oversee each slum, effectively creating a vast network of information-gathering operatives.

This gave him eyes and ears in every corner of the country, bolstering his intelligence-gathering capabilities.

However, he recognized that this network primarily covered individuals from medium to low social standings. Understanding the need to extend his influence to higher echelons of society, Raymond devised a new plan.

He gradually erected high-end bars and gambling dens, exclusively for the elite, all under the jurisdiction of Celestial Force.

Armed with his formidable force, Raymond began to extend his influence into neighboring countries.

He established yet another company, Sam Song, under the Celestia Consortium umbrella.

Sam Song specialized in consumer electronics manufacturing, leveraging Raymond's knowledge from his previous life to introduce renowned designs into this new world.

Over the next five years, Sam Song's products gradually permeated the market, replacing outdated appliances and gadgets with their sleek, innovative designs.

Consumers eagerly embraced Sam Song's offerings, ordering them through Amazing and having them delivered via FedUp.

Even the affluent indulged in luxury clothing from Lewis Futon, with deliveries efficiently handled by FedUp.

Over the past five years, Raymond had entrusted his most loyal subordinates with the task of acquiring knowledge of Nen, a mysterious power that few understood.

Gradually, Celestial Force transformed into a security company, with the majority of its bodyguards possessing proficiency in Nen, enhancing their effectiveness and further solidifying Raymond's dominance.

As rumors of Raymond's burgeoning influence circulated, a sense of alarm swept through many circles.

Yet, by the time they realized the extent of Raymond's power, it was already too late!

Unbeknownst to them, they had unwittingly become pawns in Raymond's grand scheme. His vast network of information-gathering operatives had brought every powerful figure to their knees.

Now, those in positions of power understood that to maintain their status or ascend to greater heights, they had no choice but to align themselves with the Celestia Consortium.

During this time, a joyous event occurred as Luke and Tatiana officially tied the knot, marking the beginning of their married life together.

Their wedding was a spectacle of grand proportions, attracting guests from far and wide who sought to curry favor with Luke, now hailed as the wealthiest man in existence.

Yet, beneath the surface of the celebration, many attendees were aware that their true aim was to curry favor with Raymond, the true powerhouse behind the scenes.

Raymond couldn't help but smile as he reminisced about when Luke achieved this remarkable feat, becoming the richest man on the entire continent.

"Raymond, look at this! I'm now the richest man on the continent!"

Luke exclaimed gleefully, brandishing a newspaper with his name emblazoned on the headline.

Raymond chuckled in response, "Congratulations, Luke. Being the richest man on earth is quite the achievement."

However, Luke's elation quickly faded as he remembered that Raymond owned a significant 70% share of his company.

"Never mind, I forgot who I was talking to..."

With a sigh, Luke shook his head.

Raymond simply shook his head in response.

In the room, a middle-aged man with a stern countenance approached Raymond, his expression grave as he whispered something into Raymond's ear.

Raymond nodded in response, bidding farewell to Luke as he turned his attention to the middle-aged man.

This man was none other than the head of Celestial Force, a former beggar whom Raymond had discovered in Meteor City several years prior.

Initially hesitant due to the man's already proficient Nen abilities, Raymond extended a hand of help to him on his deathbed, earning his unwavering loyalty in return.

Surprisingly, it was this middle-aged man who imparted advanced knowledge of Nen to Raymond, who absorbed it eagerly like a sponge, much to the man's astonishment.

Recognizing his competence in leading and managing their team, Raymond appointed him as the head of Celestial Force, granting him full authority to oversee the training of Nen within their company.

In the underworld, he was feared and respected as the Ice Emperor, Sakujiro!


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