

In a dark laboratory.

A man wearing dark blue robes with magical runes flickering occasionally was creating a spell formation on the ground. It was made up of pure blue mana glowing brilliantly and causing strange shadows on the gloomy walls. The spell array was insanely complicated: 3-D runes smaller than an ant were constantly twisting changing into strange shapes. The man was completely focused on the spell formation while muttering weird incantations.

Then the sound of a door opening broke the eerie silence. A tall man dressed in black robes with golden runes on it walked in. His face was charming in fact, it was too handsome, enough for an average girl to lose her head. His short black hair was neatly combed, an aura of nobility and power radiated from him. Occasionally one could see space around him distort. He slowly walked in.

"Are you done yet?" the man in black robes spoke with a calm manner yet one could sense the chill his voice carried.

"Just a bit more ", the other spoke, standing up and brushing his jet black hair.

The other man furrowed his brows and said," You know that we can't hold them for long."

"C'mon you were the demon king, bet you have some more aces up your sleeve!", the other man laughed.

"More like the fool king... Immortal of the time do you think he is capable ?"

"Ah! I'm sure he will be able to fulfil his destiny... Now that we are gonna mess with the world timeline I can't accurately determine his actions... After all, we both were different."

"' Were'? I guess you are pretty sure this spell is gonna work"

"Ha ha even though I am an immortal I can't easily violate the laws of the world! Especially the ones which origin laid out," the man in blue robes scratched his head with an awkward smile.

"I trust you," the other snorted.

"Wish you could have done it 112 years ago!"

The former demon king frowned and waved his hand, "Get to work already!"

"Fine," The immortal turn and got back to the spell formation.

A few minutes passed by, and the man continued with his work deeply engrossed in it. He occasionally scratched his head and sighed.

Boom! A deafening sound of explosion sounded in the vicinity of the lab.

"Guess they are here..." The immortal smiled wryly.

"YOU DAMN IMMORTAL I WILL SEAL YOU BODY FOREVER THIS TIME!" The shout of a woman sounded across the lab.

"Hurry up!" Demon king's voice carrying a hint of panic made the immortal sigh. The sound of the battle ensuing outside the lab was making the immortal worried about his friend. His dexterous fingers worked twice as quickly while his chanting speed increased.

"It is done," he said after a minute. He lazily stretched his arms and hopped a few times.

"Let's begin..." His forefinger touched his temple and slowly drew out a silvery thread glowing with white light and place it in the centre of the spell array.

He chanted in an ancient language, "O ye who flowed endlessly, the one who never stopped or turned, thee who hath corroded kingdoms, vanquished empires and annihilated civilizations. I beseech thee turn for once, change thy tides and bring back the old... Break free of laws which bounded ye and shackled your wild surges, with my knell open and send this to the gone... Time, I command you surge! Surge! Surge!"

The spell formation glowed brightly enlightening the whole room, an even complicated spell array expanded and stretched endlessly encompassing the earth, then the solar system, then the galaxy and extended to the boundaries of the dimensions.

"That immortal!"

"What power!"

"Is this it?!"

Countless beings exclaimed across the cosmos some in awe, others in boundless fear.

"Damn it," A woman emerged, destroying the wall of the lab. In her hand was a bloody body similar to that of the demon king. his robes were torn and blood dripped down his head. A faint laugh sounded from the body.

"Damn, these women are ferocious," he said softly. The woman threw him aside and glared at the man in blue robes. A spell circle glowed in her hand.

The woman lunged at the immortal, her purple gown glowed red from the friction caused by air, sonic booms sounded. But then she saw a smile on the man's face, a chill went down her spine. Her purple hair glowed and violent tremors encompassed the planet. The planet whose vegetation was brunt, seas dried out and thunder clouds rumbled, a few inhabitants felt the great undulations and prayed, "Immortal of time you are our last hope".The purple-black spell formation in the woman's hand grew more powerful the circles rotated creating a terrifying force.

"God Sla-"

But before she could cast her spell.

The man softly spoke, "Rewind."

The word was spoken lightly but it was heard in every creature's mind present in the universe.

The spell formation glowed with an incomparable light as humongous amounts of mana were sucked into it from the expanse of the universe. The formation enveloped the whole dimension, black holes, stars and pocket dimensions nothing was spared, it was even breaking out of the boundaries of the dimension. Bright light swallowed up everything. There was silence... one last sound was heard-

"Its all up to you Damien..."

Hello Dear Reader,

This book is a collective effort of my friends, namely- Orion, Dumbtable and I.

We had already published this book on RoyalRoad, however, we thought that we need to expand our audience thus, we ended up publishing on WebNovel too.

RhagnarOrionDumbtcreators' thoughts