
Throne Of Heroes

A curse born out of malice for what the world wanted him to be. A boy reborn in the flames, dreaming to be a hero. Angra Mainyu, with total control over an omnipotent Corrupted Grail. Emiya Shirou, Master of the Throne of Heroes. Corruption unleashed, ancient legends summoned. A destined clash, where only one will prevail. A Fate/Stay Night Fanfiction

IntriguedShitcan · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


Irisviel von Einzbern was born for one thing, or so she believed. She was a homunculus designed to be a Lesser Grail for the Holy Grail War. Then she was "given" to one Emiya Kiritsugu. At first, she thought of him as an odd person. He treated her no differently than an actual human. He even went as far as teaching her various things she didn't know. Her time with him was a happy one.

Eventually, she fell for him, and the two of them got married. It was not an official marriage, but it was enough for her. From their union, they were blessed with a beautiful daughter. Illyasviel, Kiritsugu named their baby after Irisviel herself. Those days were the happiest she had ever felt.

However, the war came, and she had a duty to fulfill. Kiritsugu and she bid farewell to Illya and went to Fuyuki to participate in the Holy Grail War. Many things happened there, from the invitation from the King of Conquerors, Iskandar, to join his army, to The Banquet of Kings. Then the moment arrived, the moment to carry out her duty as the Lesser Grail.

It was a bitter moment. She had to leave Kiritsugu, and she didn't have the chance to see Illya grow up, but she thought it was fine. With this, she could fulfill her duty and grant Kiritsugu his wish—to save the world.

Then it happened. Angra Mainyu immediately devoured her, corrupting her function as the Lesser Grail and taking over most of the grail's functions. She then witnessed how the corrupted grail forced Kiritsugu to confront his worst nightmares. It even used her own face to spit and curse her dear husband.

Irisviel tried to do something, anything! But the corruption had already spread so deep that it robbed her of everything.

She had no mouth, and she must scream.

After Kiritsugu's failed attempt to destroy the grail, Irisviel could only watch as black mud poured down and burned everything it touched.

No, please, no more.


Then, a glimpse of hope emerged. By some miracle, some parts of the grail system remained untouched by the corruption. Irisviel saw the uncorrupted system begin to do something unthinkable, disregarding its own rules. In a flash of light, Irisviel felt her body being pulled out from the grail and immediately sent somewhere else.

At this point, she was starting to lose consciousness, but she didn't mind. It was better than spending eternity trapped in the corrupted grail. When she woke up, she found herself lying on a vast grassy plain. She was confused, but it didn't take long before something attempted to connect with her.

Initiating retrieval of Lesser Grail vessel. Reestablishing connection attempt.

A buzz hummed in her head.

Connection established. Commencing data transfer to the Lesser Grail.

She saw images flashing before her.

Data transfer complete.

She fell to her knees, one hand holding the side of her head. Whatever happened, it had crammed years upon years of knowledge straight into her mind.

Initiating boot sequence for [XK Class End of the World Protocol] system...

Progress: 2%... 17%... 30%... 46%... 76%... 87%... 97%... 100%...

[XK Class End of the World Protocol] system online.

Threat level elevated to maximum.

Reconfiguring Lesser Grail status to Overseer classification.

Something had changed. She had lost her connection to the grail, yet another unknown connection had been made. This new one felt like many little strings converging into one big rope. It was an alien feeling, that's for sure.

Constructing a suitable foundation for the host unit.

The surroundings around her started to glow in red sparks.

Transplanting magic core into the host...

Progress: 2%... 14%... 27%... 48%... 66%... 79%... 86%... 95%... 100%...

Transplantation process accomplished.

Initiating activation of the magic core...

ERROR encountered.

Host body incompatible with magic core.

Status of magic core: Dormant.

Searching for an alternative solution...

Suitable alternative identified.

Forging the necessary magic circuits.

Countless glowing lines appeared on the vast plain where she stood.

Progress: 4%... 13%... 24%... 32%... 49%... 62%... 73%... 85%... 95%... 100%...

Forging process completed.

Attempting activation of magic circuits...

Activation unsuccessful.

External stimulus required...

Requesting assistance from the Overseer to resolve the issue...

Status of magic circuits: Dormant.

Irisviel, still holding her head, understood that whatever it was, it wanted her help.

Establishing connection to the Throne of Heroes...

Connection established.

Constructing essential groundwork...

Progress: 1%... 1.2%... 1.3%...

The buzzing continued, leaving Irisviel a little disoriented. Her new duty, alongside her new title. With the bits of disorganized knowledge she had gathered, she knew what she needed to do. Irisviel took a deep breath. She accepted it.

[Overseer] system online.

Compiling objectives...

Objective 1: Purify the curse

Objective 2: Cleave the wicked grail

Behind her, glowing golden sparks started to solidify into countless forms.