
Throne of Blood: The Revenge of the Progenitor Vampire

Vlad lost his home, his family, and everything he loved in just one night after masked men attacked his family without any apparent reason. He could do nothing but watch as his father, his mother, and his siblings were killed one by one, and in the end, one of the masked men pierced his heart with a dagger. He should have died that night, but miraculously, his soul resonated with the magic of a powerful being in a faraway place. Now, he has been turned into a vampire, and he doesn’t plan to rest until he avenges his family.

LivingWisely · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Vlad Grando Alilovic



Vlad Grando Alilovic

Progenitor Vampire – Level 1


[Progenitor Blood]

The Bloodline of a Progenitor Vampire. Increased physical abilities. Increased senses. Resistance to aging. Can consume fresh blood to become stronger and recover from injuries.

[Radetic Heritage – Sword Heart]

Radetic Family's bloodline. Increased proficiency using sword-type weapons.


"Is this supposed to be a status screen?" Vlad asked himself with a strange expression.

There were a lot of things that he wanted to ask about when he saw the words that suddenly appeared. First, when did he become a vampire? Second, why was his name Vlad Grando Alilovic? He did not remember his name in his previous life, only his codename, [Silver Bullet], but in this life, his name was Vlad Radetic.

However, after analyzing the situation for a few seconds, he guessed the answer.

"Is it something that Ana did?"

In his previous life, he died after killing Ana, and Ana's full name was Ana Gando Alilovic, plus she was a progenitor vampire. It was easy to reach the conclusion that this Progenitor System was something that Ana created.

The question was, why?

Vlad thought for a moment, but he only had a couple of guesses and nothing he could be sure of.

"However, this is a good opportunity."

Vlad was not clear about Ana's goal, but right now, he was grateful to her.

Because this Progenitor System had given him the chance to avenge his family.

His mana core had been crippled. Normally, it would have meant that he was unable to cultivate and become a powerhouse.

But if this 'Progenitor System' was what he thought it was, then this was a quick way to grow stronger.

"I'm Level 1 right now, so if I want to grow stronger, I should increase my level. What is the mechanism to increase the level?"

With a confused expression, Vlad tried to interact with the words in his mind.

To his surprise, the words reacted to his thoughts.

[Level: A numeric representation of a person's strength. Killing other living beings will allow the host to absorb mana and soul fragments to increase his level, and every ten levels, the host needs to complete a special mission to continue leveling up.]

"I see. It's pretty simple, huh? What about skills?" This time, he touched the skill column.

[Skills: The abilities of the Host. Starting from level one, the host will unlock a new vampire skill suitable to him every ten levels.]

"Then it means that [Progenitor Blood] is the first and most basic skill. Is it a kind of bloodline?"

In this world, every human was born with a bloodline. These bloodlines could give the owner special traits and abilities.

The most common bloodline was [Human Body]. Ninety percent of the population had this bloodline, and it did not give the owner any special abilities. There were other bloodlines such as [Lightning Blood] or [Dragon Body], or even strange bloodlines such as [Shadow Cradle] or [Body of Filth].

The second skill on his skill column, [Sword Heart], should be his original bloodline. It was a bloodline that increased the talent to use sword-type weapons, and it was the bloodline that most members of the now-destroyed Radetic Family possessed.

"So now I have two bloodlines, huh."

Perhaps becoming a Vampire was not bad?

Moreover, he was a Progenitor Vampire. According to Vlad's knowledge, Progenitor Vampires did not possess any of the weaknesses that vampires were known for.

Ana was like that. She did not have any weaknesses. Quite the opposite, her constitution was much stronger than any human.

The only problem was the fact that he had to drink blood. However, that was not much of a problem either.

Unlike popular belief, vampires could survive without drinking blood and just eating normal foods. The reason they consumed blood was that it made them stronger and at the same time, it helped them to heal their wounds.

Vlad was not that resistant to consuming blood. He would not mind doing it if it was necessary.

It was strange considering that in the memories of his previous life, he hated vampires. However, right now Vlad did not hold any hatred toward them.

"... So that is it, huh... Yes, I'm Vlad Radetic. My previous life is just my previous life. There is no need to carry the grudges of my previous life to my current life." Vlad smiled self-deprecatingly.

In truth, he was not that attached to his previous life. The memories of his previous life were rather vague, so he unconsciously identified himself with his self of this world.

He did not even remember his name in that life. But strangely, his memories of Ana were clear. That was one of the reasons that he did not feel that resistant to the idea of becoming a vampire.

The other reason was that in this world, there was nothing like vampires.

Yes, vampires did not exist in this world. At the very least, Vlad had never heard of them.

He was this world's first vampire.

When that thought appeared in his mind, Vlad's lips curved up in a cruel smile.

"It is perfect, isn't it? I guess fate wanted to give me the opportunity to get my revenge."

In his previous life, Vampires were very dangerous beings that wielded several powerful abilities, and Progenitor Vampires were monsters that few people dared to offend.

The name of any Progenitor Vampire was enough to instill fear in their enemies.

If he could become as powerful as them, then killing the people that exterminated his family should be easy.

Vlad chuckled with an expression full of hatred.

Just at that moment, he heard the sound of a door being opened.

Surprised, he looked towards the door of the room and saw a girl looking at him with a startled expression.

Then, the expression of the girl brightened as she turned around and ran off excitedly.

"Sister, the guy that we rescued woke up!"

Vlad was stunned.

Only then did he notice his current situation.

He was in a shabby room, lying naked on a hard bed with an old blanket covering his body.

But he remembered that when he was killed, he was thrown into the river.

Then, where was he, and how did he end here?