
Throne of Blood: The Revenge of the Progenitor Vampire

Vlad lost his home, his family, and everything he loved in just one night after masked men attacked his family without any apparent reason. He could do nothing but watch as his father, his mother, and his siblings were killed one by one, and in the end, one of the masked men pierced his heart with a dagger. He should have died that night, but miraculously, his soul resonated with the magic of a powerful being in a faraway place. Now, he has been turned into a vampire, and he doesn’t plan to rest until he avenges his family.

LivingWisely · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Level Seven

A few minutes later, the guard that had seen Vlad was inside the old store together with an old man.

Several torches had been put in the store to lit it up, showing the four people that Vlad had killed.

The two of them observed the four corpses silently before looking at the hole in the last room.

"So this was one of the hidden stashes of the Radetic Family, huh."

The guard nodded.

"That was my conclusion too. Most likely, the four of them learned about his place and came to sack it, but they met someone else here and were killed."

"One of them seems to have been tortured." The old man stated while looking at the man missing a leg and with traces of torture in his body.

"Perhaps the killer wanted to know if they knew about another place like this?"

"Perhaps." The old man nodded. He then moved his gaze to the strange symbol on the wall. "Do you know what that is?"

"No idea. I thought it was a spell, but one of my subordinates told me there is no spell like that."

"I agree. And I don't feel any magical fluctuation coming from it."

The reason why they did not feel any magical fluctuation was that they had been masked by the mana in the blood. For the people of this world, the symbol on the wall was just a very strange drawing.

"Perhaps it's the symbol of a new gang or group?"

"It's possible. We should investigate it." The old man nodded.

"How troublesome. The destruction of the Radetic Family sure left us with a mess. I wonder who the culprit was."

"It's better if you are not too curious." The old man's expression became solemn. "Several of my superiors warned me against investigating that case, and even the clues that we found were mysteriously destroyed a few hours later. You know what that means, right?"

"… The big nobles don't want to find the culprit."

"Yeah. It's better if we forget about that. If we try to investigate, they can make us disappear."

The guard nodded with a grave expression.

The Radetic Family was a viscount family with hundreds of years of history and a deep foundation. In the past, this family had even managed to reach the marquis rank.

The fact that a family like that was destroyed in a night without any survivors remaining was alarming.

Strangely, however, their destruction had not caused any big waves, and even the investigation to find the culprit was superficial.

Few people in the empire had the power to do something like that, and none of them were people that they could offend.


Five hundred meters away, Vlad was listening to the conversation between the guard and the old man.

When he finished listening, he frowned.

"As expected. The truth about the destruction of my family is not simple."

Vlad was already expecting it, but now that he confirmed his guess, his expression became dark.

"Currently, the only clue I have is that the family of my fiancée is involved. However, they are just viscounts like us. They are not strong enough to do something like that by themselves."

If Vlad was not mistaken, he could find the information he wanted from the higher-ups of his fiancée family.

Unfortunately, he was not strong enough to force them to reveal that information.

A viscount family had one or more powerhouses in the ninth realm. Powerhouses at that level only needed a finger to crush him.

"For now, I should focus on becoming stronger and finding as many clues about my family's destruction as I can."

After organizing his thoughts, Vlad focused on the messages in his mind.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[You have reached Level 7!]



Vlad Grando Alilovic

Progenitor Vampire – Level 7


[Progenitor Blood]

The Bloodline of a Progenitor Vampire. Increased physical abilities. Increased senses. Resistance to aging. Can consume fresh blood to become stronger and recover from injuries.

[Radetic Heritage – Sword Heart]

Radetic Family's bloodline. Increased proficiency using sword-type weapons.

[Vampire Instinct]

Vampires are the supreme predators, and years of evolution perfectioned their instinct for hunting. When activated, all the senses and physical abilities are enhanced. In exchange, it increases the burden on the body and mind


"I rose three levels after that fight. Less than I expected."

He had killed one person at Level 8, one person at Level 9, someone at Level 11, and someone at Level 13.

He expected to gain four or five levels with that fight, but he only gained three.

"It looks like rising my level is not as easy as I expected. But my level should rise faster if I kill stronger people. Should I find a few people to kill tonight?

"No, that is not a good idea. I should not kill people just to increase my level. That is an easy way to turn into a monster."

Vlad's memories of his previous life were rather vague, and he did not even remember his name. But he remembered that his previous self always avoided involving innocent people in his actions.

According to him, when someone stopped caring about who to kill, he was just half step away from turning into a demon.

Thus, even in this life, Vlad wanted to draw a line about the people he killed.

Only targets of his revenge, enemies, and evil people.

"Perhaps I should find a few evil people to kill. That should not be a problem, right?" Vlad smiled wryly. "No tonight, though. I should see if I can gather more information."

Vlad decided to go to a tavern. It was easy to find information in that kind of place. If he was lucky, he could learn something new about the disaster of his family.

But when Vlad arrived at a tavern, his body stiffened.

At the entrance of the tavern, he saw a tall man laughing while talking to a young woman.

And in the arm of the man, he saw a tattooed name.


It was the same tattoo as the man that killed him.