
Throne Legacy

A college dropout tries his luck with a VRMMO game "Throne" in which the media and pro-gaming community gathered their interest on.

_Pajaman_ · Games
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6 Chs

Martial God Class?!?!

"I've been practicing for hours but i haven't practiced the full step in one motion" Arven said to himself.

Arven memorized the steps in his head then compiled it in one big motion.

The steps flow naturally like moving water he then reimagined the steps over and over until it is fully ingrained in his mind and body.

"Wooh! thats super complicated but i finally completed the swordsmanship all thats left is to perform it and i will gain the skill" Arven said to himself.

Arven readied his stance then concentrated with his breathing he began his first step by inhaling a lot of air the he lunged forward swinging the sword overhead.

He repeated the same move twice the he swung the sword left and right making an X slash after that he exhaled returning to the first stance.

Arven inhaled a lot of air again then took an aggressive stance putting the sword near the head and pointing forwards while squatting.

He then lunged forward stabbing an imagined chest then swingging it in a C shape to the right after that he exhaled again returning to the first stance and putting the jian sword back to its scabbard.

Like the first and second steps he inhaled a lot of air again then he took a drawing stance timing it when the enemy attacks he draws the blade and makes a large cleave after that he exhales and returned back to the first stance.



[Sacred Lotus Moon Carving Swordsmanship]

skill acquired.

The Oni Disciple recognized your swordsmanship.


"Yes! Finally!! it feels like i've been doing that for days" Arven commented.

After acquiring the skill the Oni Disciple approached Arven with a happy expression.

"Congratulations You have completed the trial you may now proceed to the master hall" the Oni disciple said.


Trial 3 Completed

Next Trial Door Unlocked


"I acquired a sword skill lets see" Arven commented while checking his skill tab.

=======Skill List=======

[Sacred Lotus Moon Carving Swordsmanship]

Type: Passive

Tier: Divinity

The swordsmanship of the Death God Asura it is renowned for killing thousands in one breath.

1st Breathe: Ripple slash


Cooldown: 10 sec

cost: 90 mp

Lunging forward while making a cross slash it kills anything in its path.

2nd Breathe: Crescent slash

Type: Stun + Taunt

Cooldown: 180 sec

cost: 150 mp

Lunging forward stabbing the chest then making a crescent slash it stuns the enemy and taunts the surrounding enemies. (Invincible for 60 sec)

3rd Breathe: Crescent Cleave

Type: Self Buff + AoE

Cooldown: 60 sec

cost: 180 mp

Timing a great cleave when an enemy charge it buffs and kills enemies on its range. (Attack Speed increases by 25 on each kill)

4th Breathe: Recovery

Type: Area heal

Cooldown: 120 sec

cost: 80 mp

Heals Everyone including yourself while in recovery stance.


"Holy Sh*t! Clydes gonna flip when he see's this i should tell him later hahaha" Arven commented.

Arven closed his skill tab and continued on to finish the last trial.

He opened the door as he lept one foot on the door he sensed a strong killing aura from the master hall.

"What the heck is that aura? it can stun ordinary players" Arven asked himself.

Arven walked carefully because he cant fully resist the strong aura.

As he walked throughed the stairs he saw a beautiful dragon sleeping in the middle of the hall this made Arven nervous as he doesn't expect one to be here.

"A dragon?!? is it a monster or an npc?!?" Arven asked himself.

There was no indication that it was a monster so Arven assumed it was an npc so he slowly approached but while approaching his jian sword glowed and vibrated.

"Whats happening?!?" Arven asked.

"So you finally came inheritor oh how i've waited for thousands of years" The dragon commented.

As Arven approached the dragon glowed in a beatiful blue color making his sword vibrate more faster.

"Inheritor will you accept the inheritance?" the dragon asked.


Change class to [[Martial God]] ?

=Yes= =No=


"What the?!?! Martial God?!? is that a hidden class?" Arven asked.

"This is the power left by Asura to balance the worlds karma accepting it means gaining a higher power and understanding of things" the dragon replied.

Arven chose yes and suddenly the dragon flied around him before finally going through his body Arven floated while his body glows and absorbing energy around.

after hours of body modification Arven fell down to the ground with some obvious changes to his body first he noticed his body is more muscular than before then the most noticceable thing is a blue colored tattoos of a dragon wrapped around his body.

"Holy Molly!! what the hell did i absorbed the dragon?!?" Arven asked.

"Not literally you've just become my vessel go look in the mirror theres one more change you haven't notice" the dragon replied telepathically.

Arven immediately ran to the mirror which is on the left side of the hall.

"My hair?!?! its long and white!!" Arven shouted.

"Calm down! its cool right?!?" the dragon commemted.

"Cool my ass! i looked like a hermit" Arven replied with a teary eyed expression.

"Oh yeah also open your status tab" the dragon replied.

Arven opened his status tab immediately to see if it was worth the change.


Name: Arven

Hp: 999999e/999999e

Mana: 999999e/999999e

Qi: 999999e/999999e

Class: Martial God (Core Forming stage)

Strength: 999999e

Dexterity: 999999e

Agility: 999999e

Will: 999999e

Intelligence: 999999e


Divine Presence - you emit a godly aura which repels status infliction around you.

Divine Strength - Maxes out your entire stats.

Dragon Gods Blessing- immune to physical attacks.


As a he saw that Arven barfed a lot of blood he cannot belived what he saw.

"What the heck is that i'm already overpowered" Arven commented.

"Hahaha! this is only the Core Forming stage kid once you reach higher stages you will be more overpowered" the dragon replied.

Arven stared at the wall for a minute realizing he broke the game and that clydes gonna kill him.


Quest Completed!

Trial - 4/4 cleared

Reward: Misty Cloud Robe & Asura's Jian Sword

[Misty Cloud Robe]

Type: Armor

Tier: Legendary

Bound to Arven

A white robe with cloud patterns and gold accents it is the typical clothes of an immortal it can also summon a legendary mount.

Active Skill:

[Summon Heavenly Cloud]

A mount which can take you anywhere.

[Asura's Jian Sword]

Type: Weapon

Tier: Divine

Bound to Arven

The sword held by the God Asura it is capable of destroying weapons below its tier.

Passive Skill:

[Divine Creation]

Destroys weapons and armors below its tier.


"Holy sh*t what the hell game!!!" Arven shouted.

"Mehehehe Accept your fate" The dragon commented.


Tier List:







Class Cultivation Stages:

Qi forming (I-VII)

Core forning

Golden Core (I-VII)

Nascent Soul (I-VII)

Saint (I-VII)

Saint King (I-VII)

Divine Ascension (I-VII)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

_Pajaman_creators' thoughts