
Thrilling Love Games

Embree is a 23-year-old man who has no idea what he is about to get into. All the supernatural monsters that you thought were terrifying turned into puppies and kitties in the wake of the most powerful beast ever to exist. Now after the monster's pet is loose to play, Embree's world changes forever but will he regret the choices he makes? New friends will be made and old ones will become only memories as the young boy goes through a newly gained life and walk the path that will be either his future or demise.

Sabrina_Lerssen · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Alien Knights Don't Exist

As her hair cleared his vision of Lila's face her appearance became more unreal. Once beautiful unscathed flesh became scared and leathery looking. Upon closer inspection those spots were not stationary, they were moving about in some patterns. The hairy beast charged at her as young Embree stared on in confusion. "I'm dreaming or I hit me head on something. Maybe I'm just losing my grip on reality because of all the stress I'm going through." As that thought crossed his mind the beast came flying towards him. "Ahhhh!!!!" The pathetic yell was all that escaped the young man's mouth as the wolf-ish beast slammed into him. Feeling all the weight of said beast on his much fragile body made breathing a bit harder for him. Trying to think of how to get away unnoticed was a faint thought in his foggy panicked mind.

The wild great beast eased off of the smaller man, locking his eyes once more on the woman. A growl sounded from deep within it's chest then it lept at the frightening woman's direction. With the fight continued Embree was doing everything he could to get up enough to still be hidden from the two crazed creatures and get away as fast as possible. With a soft grunt he failed to get his upper body up off the ground. His whole body screamed in pain as a twinge shot through him. 'Great my ribs are either broken of fractured.' "Who is going to believe me when I tell them it was a huge shape shifting dog-man and my secret alien knight neighbor who cause my injuries?!"

Gulping as silence fell over the area Embree glanced around him slowly. 'Where the heck did they go off to? I don't know what is worse? Them fighting each other with alien powers or them up and disappearing like this?' Blinking a few more times he slowly stood up. Just as he began walking over to what was his bedroom door Lila appeared in front of him. Shock clear on his face, Embree took a hesitant step back. "Hey I am the guy who is always so nice to you Lila. Why don't we uh, talk this all out later huh? Any chance that could be a thing?"

Her beautiful face was back once more and a sweet smile graced her lips. "Oh well since you are willing to put this behind us..." Her hand came up and clasped around his throat within seconds. Gasping for air, he began prying at her hand around his neck. "Can't...breathe." The weak sound made a different smile appear this time. Her soft sweet lips began to tighten with her grip as she spoke. "You're a filthy waste of life energy Embree. I always wanted to know if you would ever have the guts to approach me? Now I see that you are as weak as the dog I had put down."

Fear gripped at his very soul as his vision began to darken around the edges. Barely able to stay focused on anything except trying to get air into his lungs. Squirming in her unbelievably strong grip, Embree froze when he seen that quote on quote ''dog'' she had put down coming up behind her. A loud rumble sounded as it lunged at them both but the young man's fight for air won and he faded out of consciousness.