
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 99 Your orders are better than my life

Chen Gang held his forehead.

"For three seconds, disappear from my sight, or I'll let you and the greasy ghost go to the middle gate to snipe."

The wretched ghost's eyes lit up.


Chen Gang was furious.



The coward ran out of the shop in a hurry, not forgetting to take the coward's underwear with him before leaving.

Chen Gang looked up at the sky.

His eyes were dull.

Suddenly, Chen Gang sat up straight and gritted his teeth.

"Keep pumping! Three hundred! Let me see what's going on?"

Click on the wheel to start.

Click on the carousel to stop.


The text on the blank turntable slowly emerged.

Congratulations on winning the bodyguard skill, you are durable.


Chen Gang was shocked, skills?

Quickly click on the skill introduction.

Durable: Following the big brother, he was starved for nine meals in three days, and had to be beaten with a small steel rod from time to time.

How can you be a bodyguard if you don't resist beatings?

Effect: The bodyguard's anti-attack ability is slightly improved (can only be installed on bodyguards with the same name)


Chen Gang shouted.

This skill has not improved much, almost not at all.

But what does he represent?

Bodyguards have skills!

Chen Gang dragged the resistance skills to the bodyguards of ordinary ghost bodyguards.

[Whether to add the skill: resistance to beating to the ordinary ghost bodyguard]


[Skills have been added, and your ordinary ghost bodyguard's resistance to attack has been slightly improved]

"Strike while the iron is hot! Get a Level 4 shot!"

This is the third level of the lottery wheel, and you can draw something as cool as a skill.

If this was Level 4, it wouldn't be allowed to take off.

Chen Gang watched as his value of 1,500 was deducted.

The carousel appeared, and I couldn't wait to draw.

A line of text appeared.

Get smoker lv37.


A ghost appeared next to Chen Gang.

The ghost is as skinny as a stick.

He said eagerly as soon as he appeared.

"Hello boss, do you have any cigarettes? Here are two."

Chen Gang: "..."

He took out the Tashan that had not finished smoking last time.

Hand it to the smoker.

The smoker took the cigarette, took out one and sucked it hard.

Chen Gang took out his lighter.

"Light it first...I'll join in! I'll suck it! It's really awesome!"

Chen Gang watched the smoker suck the cigarette hard, and the cigarette slowly turned red and then burned.


When a smoker takes a long puff of cigarette, a large amount of nicotine enters the body.

One cigarette was finished in one puff.


The smoker exhales a puff of smoke.

Then maybe it felt like a waste, so I inhaled the smoke again.

Chen Gang: "..."

The second time it passes through the lungs, first-hand smoke and second-hand smoke make you smoke all the time.

You know how to smoke, and you won't suffer any loss.

The smoker took out another cigarette.

Chen Gang stood up and kicked the smoker.

"Go, go, go! Get out and smoke!"

These ghosts.

None of them are normal.

Chen Gang looked at the five-level lottery wheel.

This is the lottery wheel with the highest unlock level currently.

It's worth a full 7,500 big bucks.

Summoning a greasy ghost is worth five thousand bosses.

Chen Gang clasped his hands together.

"I hope this time it will be more powerful! Don't give me useless things again."

The smoker smoking at the door: "...?"

Chen Gang stood up straight.

"Level 5, come!"

The blank carousel continues to emerge.



Words poured out.

Congratulations on winning the fishing guy ghost lv45.


No good goods came out.

But that's ok too.


A fisherman appeared with a fishing basket on his waist, a sun hat on his head, a fishing rod in his left hand, and a net in his right hand.

"Hello boss! Is there a river near here?"

Chen Gang was slightly silent.

It seems that the ghosts extracted from the system have some hobbies.

But it's all okay.

It's not a special hobby.

Chen Gang nodded towards the fishing guy ghost.

"There is a sea."

The fisherman's eyes shone.

"Sea fishing? That's great! If the boss has something to do, please leave me a private space. I'll go fishing for a while."

The fisherman ran away, fearing that Chen Gang would stop him.

Chen Gang stretched out his hand.

But the fisherman ghost has disappeared.

It's nonsense, the bodyguards summoned must be reliable.

This group of ghost bodyguards are all evil! !

It seems that he is resigned to the situation, but in fact he is rebellious.

"Bah bang bang!"

The fisherman ghost suddenly ran back again.

Chen Gang was stunned.

Is there anyone loyal here?

The fishing guy stretched out his hand towards Chen Gang.

"Boss, can you give me some ghost coins?"

Chen Gang squinted his eyes.


"Ahem, no, let's buy something to make a nest."

Chen Gang wanted to test the loyalty of the lottery bodyguard.

So he said with his hands behind his back.

"What if I don't give you the ghost coins?"

The fisherman scratched his head.

"Then I'll go out and grab it."

Chen Gang asked again.

"What would you do if I never allowed you to fish again?"

The fisherman ghost looked sad.

"That would make me sad."

"Just sad?"

The fisherman nodded.


"Have you ever thought of quietly disobeying my order?"


The fisherman ghost knelt directly on the ground.

"Boss, I am more loyal to you than my own life. For your sake, I don't mind this little hobby. I will never disobey your orders at any time. This is worth my life!"

Chen Gang understood.

The bodyguards drawn by lottery are still loyal to themselves, but they have a few more hobbies and are more lively than ordinary bodyguards.

Chen Gang took out a one million ghost coin.

"Go ahead and go fishing and making a nest."

The fisherman ghost happily took the ghost coin.

"Yes, boss!"