
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
Not enough ratings
454 Chs

Chapter 7 I didn’t take it to heart at all

 "Thank you, classmate Chen Gang. Thank you very much for your help."

 Chen Gang waved his hand.

 "Okay, okay, don't thank them. Stop the bleeding quickly. If they bleed for a while, they will be gone."

 Liu Xue grabbed her T-shirt and tore it off in a circle.

 Bandage both of them.

 Chen Gang turned around, gathered his bodyguards, and made his next plan.

 The entire eleventh carriage of the train has been controlled by Chen Gang.

 The bodyguard also has a lv3 one.

 And now has the loopholes to not break the rules.

 Basically, bodyguards can be continuously trained according to the current model.

 So the next step is to gradually cannibalize the entire train.

 Chen Gang made a plan. A group of bodyguards pretended to go to the ninth carriage, and then blocked the door of the ninth carriage, determined not to let any ghosts escape.

 He will lead a group of bodyguards here to form a flanking situation.

 Annihilate the ghost in the tenth carriage in one fell swoop.

 Well, the plan is fine.

 A group of bodyguards followed Chen Gang's instructions to block the carriage door.

 Two other bodyguards had already opened the train door.

 You can catch ghosts and kill them at any time.


 Chen Gang waved his hand.

 "What are you doing! What are you going to do!"

 There are two level 2 ghosts in the tenth carriage.

 It's a pity that Chen Gang has 6 here, and there is also a lv3 one.

 They couldn't resist at all.

 The powerful ghost power suppressed them and made them unable to move.

 Then the bodyguards swarmed over.

 Pull it out of the seat, take it to the door, tear it into pieces, and then devour it.

 The movements are smooth and smooth, done in one go.

 It's comparable to assembly line work.

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 Not even half an hour.

 In the tenth carriage, all the ghosts have been eliminated.

 Chen Gang looked at the time.

 There's still half an hour left. If we work hard, we should be able to take down the ninth carriage.

 Next, the train conductor comes to check the tickets.

 This is a problem.

 After all, three carriages and hundreds of ghosts suddenly died on the train, and the conductor was not blind.

 It definitely can't be hidden.

 But now is not the time to confront the train conductor.

 Chen Gang's side is only a newly upgraded lv4, and is far from being a match for the lv7 Train Conductor Ghost.

 If the ninth carriage is successfully destroyed.

 It is estimated that there will be one more lv5 bodyguard at his disposal.

 In this case, there is no room for maneuver.

 Chen Gang gritted his teeth.

 "Continue! Destroy the ghosts in the ninth carriage, and be sure to end the battle before the conductor comes!"


 The bodyguards repeated their previous plan and continued to block the carriages and kill ghosts.

 At this time, Liu Xue and others had already settled the injured male classmate.

 Liu Xue followed Chen Gang to the tenth carriage.

 He saw the many busy ghost bodyguards, and a dumb look flashed in his eyes.

 "It, how come they obey your orders?"

 Chen Gang turned around.

 He spread his hands helplessly.

 "Maybe I have a very charming personality. People like us who spend all day fighting and killing in the arena have naturally developed a leadership temperament. Even if we come to the horror world, we will have a certain appeal. This Pretty reasonable, right?"

 Liu Xue's eyes were a little confused.

 Automatically conjure up a figure who is studying the horror world knowledge seriously in school and at the same time rules the entire city or even the provincial underground gangster.

 Liu Xue murmured.

 "Yes, people like you must have a hard time, right?"

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 [System value +1]

 [System value +1]

Chen Gang's eyes were gradually covered by memories.

 He thought of the days when his parents took turns to educate him with sticks.

 Ever since I hired temporary workers, my pocket money has never exceeded one hundred yuan.

 Couldn't help but sigh.

 "Life was really hard back then."

 "By the way, are they all settled?"

 Liu Xue nodded.

 "I'm settled in, but there's a male classmate who got hard."


 Chen Gang looked at Liu Xue, who had torn his T-shirt to the point where he could not tear it anymore in order to bandage the wound of his male classmate.

 "It's normal to have a hard bottom, it's human nature. Who can withstand this kind of temptation?"

 Liu Xue sighed.

 "Hey, it's a pity that we only rescued one."

 "Huh? No, what you said is tough, is he dead?"

 Liu Xue nodded confusedly.

 "Ah, yes, the blood is almost gone and my body is hard. What's wrong? Why do you think it's hard?"


 Chen Gang touched his nose.

 "I thought my body was hard. Okay, just stay in the eleventh car and don't run around. There should be no danger."

 Liu Xue nodded in agreement.

 "Thank you very much, Brother Chen."

 Liu Xue bowed gratefully, and his T-shirt was completely torn apart due to the stress.

 Chen Gang grinned and waved his hands.

 "Don't thank me anymore. If you thank me again, it will be harder."

 "Huh? Another male classmate is dying too? Then I'll go back and take a look."

 Liu Xue hurriedly ran to the eleventh carriage.

 Chen Gang saw Liu Xue running back to the carriage.

 He straightened his hunched body and straightened the gun without leaving any trace.

 Then he strode towards the ninth car.


 "Dong dong dong!"


 The ninth-stage carriage door was pushed open.

 The train conductor ghost walked in carrying a serrated sword.

 "Check the tickets!"

 In the ninth carriage, Chen Gang and his bodyguard sat obediently on their seats, holding the tickets they had prepared in their hands.

 The conductor ghost frowned when he saw the number of people in the carriage.

 "Why are there so many ghosts missing?"

 How come there are so many empty seats in the last few carriages that were originally full?

 But the train conductor didn't pay much attention.

 Maybe it's two carriages behind.

 As usual, I checked the tickets of many ghost bodyguards.

 "Meet humans again."

 The conductor slapped Chen Gang's injured shoulder again.

 Use slight force.


 The train conductor was stunned.

 Why is this lv0 human suddenly so tough?

 The unbelieving train conductor suddenly exerted force.


 There was a sound of bone cracking.


 Chen Gang took a breath.

 The shoulders that had just been restored by ghost power were crushed by the train conductor again.

 [Didi didi! If any behavior that harms passengers with tickets and seats is detected, please stop immediately and ask for forgiveness, otherwise the train will send a conductor to impose punishment. ]

 Train conductor: "..."

 Did I punish me?

 The train conductor cursed secretly.

 At the same time, the vigilance against this human being rose to the highest level.

 This human being was obviously only level 0, but it took him enough strength to reach level 5 to even be able to hurt him.

 What kind of monster is this?

 If this were not the case, he would not have to compete and trigger the rules.

 The train conductor ghost quickly put a smile on his face.

 "Ahem, um, this passenger, I'm really sorry. I originally wanted to express my joy to you about meeting old friends, but I didn't expect the joy to be overwhelming. I think you should be able to understand my joy and forgive me. Bar?"

 Conductor Ghost's hand holding the serrated sword couldn't help but tighten a little.

 His eyes were full of threats.

 Chen Gang used his ghost power to repair his injured shoulder.

 An indifferent shrug.

 "The train conductor is too polite. One family doesn't speak the same language. It's just a small matter. I don't take it to heart at all."

 "But take it seriously!"