
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 61 You are the only one with too much trouble

 "Okay, let me talk about professional skills first. After you obtain the profession, as long as your level reaches level ten, you can transfer ghost power to your title. The title contains regular runes. You can choose which runes, and then Engraved in the body."

 "This process may be difficult, or it may be easy. There are many factors. Your talent, the difficulty of the runes, the quality of the ghost power, and the level of the title are all related."

 "After you successfully engrave the runes, you can activate the ghost power runes to perform skills when using them."

 "The higher the title, the more powerful your skills will be."

 "But you must remember that if the title disappears, then the runes you inscribed will also lose their effect. Because of the title connection rules, your runes are just conductors unless you can carry the title."

 "Turn the title into your own title. According to statistics, an ordinary human can carry 1,000 white titles, 50 green titles, and one blue title. If you want to continue to carry it, you need to improve your mental power. Mental power is a A power discovered and named by man."

 "This kind of power is not weaker than the power of ghosts. Powerful spiritual power users are called spiritual masters. However, it is very, very difficult to get started with this kind of power. If students are interested, they can choose the spiritual power subject. To understand it. I won't say more."

 "Let's continue talking about professional skills. If you want to obtain a powerful professional skill, a high-level title is indispensable. How can you obtain a high-level title?"

 "Some students think that the title you get in the college entrance examination will stay with you for a lifetime. This is wrong. Obtaining the title is easier than you think. The most common white title, as long as you have entered the horror world and scored above 65 , you can get it."

 "The green title also requires you to have a serious profession in the horror world, a profession that can be called by name, and the blue title requires you to further improve your status in the horror world. There are some things that ordinary people or ordinary ghosts cannot do. ability."

 "For example, if you are a waiter with a green title, then if you are promoted to store manager, you may get a blue title."

 "These may seem difficult at the beginning, but when you level up, you will find that it is not difficult to obtain the blue title."

 "Then there is the title of blue with purple. This is a title between blue and purple. Such a title means that you are an elite. Take the store manager just now as an example. You must at least kick out the original restaurant manager. The boss, who counterattacked from a waiter to become a boss and owns a company in the horror world, has a certain probability of winning the title of Blue with Purple."

 "That student who raised his hand, what's your question?"

 The teacher was giving a lecture when he suddenly saw a student in the fourth row raising his hand.


 Chen Gang stood up.

 "Teacher, I have a question. I have become a boss and have hundreds or thousands of employees. Why is my title still blue?"

 It was Chen Gang who raised his hand.

 After hearing the teacher's lecture, Chen Gang had some enlightenment in his heart.

 But then the problem arises.

 My own conscience company is obviously very large and has many employees.

 Why is my title, Boss of Conscience Co., Ltd., just a blue title?

 The teacher nodded and motioned for Chen Gang to sit down.

 "Well, it seems that this classmate is very good in the horror world. Everyone should learn more from him."


 Brother Tian, who was sitting in the third row, turned around in disbelief.

 He looked at Chen Gang in shock.

 "Brother, you, are you so powerful? I used to..."


 A piece of chalk flew over.

 A small piece of chalk doesn't have much power, but it depends on who throws it.

 That's the teacher at lv49!


 The chalk directly penetrated the table in front of Brother Tian and was firmly fixed between Brother Tian's legs.

 Brother Tian was frightened.

 I almost lost my happiness in the rest of my life.

 I couldn't help but wipe away the cold sweat.

The teacher had a cold face.

 "This classmate doesn't look very good. If he doesn't, just listen to my class! I hope everyone won't learn from him."

 Then he explained to Chen Gang with a smile.

 "This has to be said about a problem. The company's main business scope. If your company is a hotel, then it will be difficult for your title to reach blue with purple. If you are in some other high-end industries, or have great influence, industry, then the probability of reaching the blue-with-purple level will be much greater. If your company does not have a main business, then it will definitely not have the title of blue-with-purple. This classmate, what is your company's main business? "

 Chen Gang thought for a moment.

 How to say? Charge protection fees? Or loan fraud? Or a pure gang of gangsters?

 Chen Gang shook his head.

 "Teacher, our company has no business direction yet."

 The teacher clapped his hands.

 "This makes sense. If your company is not in business yet, then your title will definitely not be blue with purple in it, so you need to find a company's business direction as soon as possible, preferably a high-end one. Another thing, if you If your mental power is not strong enough, then although you can bear the title of blue with purple in it, you will often have splitting headaches."

 "If you don't practice spiritual power, if you want to bear the title of blue with purple, you must be at least level 30. Every time you upgrade, your physical fitness will be improved in all aspects, plus a little bit of mental power."

 "Do you have any other questions?"

 Chen Gang shook his head.

 "No, thank you teacher, you explained it very well."

 The teacher smiled and nodded.

 "Teacher, I have a problem."

 Brother Tian in the third row raised his hand.

 The teacher raised his head.

 "you say."

 Brother Tian scratched his head.

 "This knowledge is too far away for us. If we want to run a company, it will be impossible for us to graduate. So, what you teach is useless."

 The teacher's face turned upside down.

 "I don't allow you to talk about yourself like that! Remember, there is still a long way to go, don't be too crazy, you can't decide who will be the king! I will never allow you to call yourself useless! This is too embarrassing for me."

 Brother Tian was at a loss for a long time.

 The teacher suddenly changed the subject.

 "But you can say it."

 Brother Tian was stunned.

 "Ah? Why, why?"

 The teacher pointed at Brother Tian and said seriously.

 "Because I'm not going to teach you, go! Get out! Let the dean of students reclassify you!"

 Brother Tian: "..."

 "Tiantian, you are the only one with a lot of things! If you are not effective, why don't you let others become effective? Just say some depressing words! In ancient times, you just disturbed the morale of the army. It was polite to let you go out. Generally speaking, drag you out and chop you. Got it!"