
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 347 I will trust you in this life

The Principality of Delta is divided into five major regions.

East, West, South, North and Center.

The east, west and south are each controlled by a powerful gang.

There, the gang's power is supreme.

To the north is a chaotic area.

There are a lot of small gangs gathered here.

Every day, the streets in the north are filled with a lot of blood, feces, and ghost limbs.

At the same time, there are also various dark underground transactions here.

Many citizens who can no longer live in other urban areas have their final destination only in Beicheng District.

There is a saying that has been passed down for thousands of years in the Principality of Delta.

No matter you are a powerful ghost, the head of a group, or a roving rebel, as long as you are not a ghost of the three major gangs, your final destination will only be the North City District.

The central part is naturally the territory of the royal family of the Principality of Delta.

The Delta Royal Family owns the entire central area, which covers an area of more than 200 square meters.

There are two royal family members living there, the King of the Principality of Delta, and his third uncle.

Outside the capital of the Principality of Delta, there is another very powerful force.

That's the Resistance.

The number of rebel ghosts is unknown, their ranks are unknown, and their locations are unknown.

But the organization does exist.

They are an organization that cannot bear the oppression of the gangs, so they spontaneously resist.

The gangsters killed everyone they saw.

This also caused the rebels to not dare to establish base areas blatantly.

There are also a large number of ghosts living in the three districts of East, West and South.

But they are all rich ghosts.

The three major districts are incomparable.

Beicheng District.

Seventy percent of the ghosts in the capital live here.

But it covers only 10% of the entire capital.

Various old buildings are crowded together.

To facilitate walking back and forth.

Almost every building has pathways connecting other buildings.

This makes the building more compact.

And the interior is as messy as an ordinary maze.

It's like being in the same building.

Maybe you went to a restaurant today and thought it tasted great.

You won't be able to find this restaurant tomorrow because you can't remember how you found it.

It's really too crowded and noisy.

On average, each room is no more than twenty square meters.

If you have money, live in a bigger place; if you don't have money, live in a smaller place.

A large number of emerging forces or forces from outside the capital city are crowded here.

There are more than 600 gangs, large and small.

Because the building is too tall and overcrowded, except for a circle of buildings on the outside, there is almost no sunlight inside.

The lights can only be turned on round the clock.

To gain light.

The poorer ones don't even dare to turn on the lights.

When all buildings are connected together.

The entire Beicheng District has a new name.

Is this the Walled City?

"Stop! Don't run, chop him to death!"

A group of ghosts chased a young ghost around.

Walk through the hallways, across the aisles, through other people's homes.

The young ghost is familiar with this place.

So I kept going back and forth between several buildings.

The ghosts who were chasing him behind him were not familiar with this place at all.

Don't you think they are all here? They are in the walled city.

There are so many places they haven't been yet.

Let a level 200 ghost come over and start exploring from the first building, looking at all the rooms.

It would be impossible for him to visit the entire Walled City in his entire life.

In addition, it is easy to accidentally break into the territory of other gangs, and it is even more difficult to explore.

The young ghost pushed open a door.

There is a table inside.

There was a ghost and a human sitting on both sides of the table.

The young ghost did not stop, but continued across the room, opened another door in the room, and ran out.

Immediately afterwards, a group of ghosts from behind also poured into the room, and then chased towards the back door.

One person and one ghost watched the retreating figures of many ghosts.

He didn't speak for a long time.

The human was the first to speak.

"Ahem, landlord, look, your neighborhood is too dangerous. I'm willing to rent the big house with the platform. One ghost power crystal is already a lot."

The old ghost sitting opposite the human was a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Chen, this is not how you bargain. I said one ghost power crystal is for one month, but you insist on renting one ghost power crystal for one year. This is too outrageous."

Sitting opposite the old ghost was Chen Gang.

Chen Gang said slightly unhappy.

"I told you, I rent a big house to establish a gang and open an incense hall. Think about it, if you have a reliable gang here in the future, you will no longer have to worry about other ghosts suddenly coming to harass you!

The old ghost picked up the kettle on the table and wanted to pour some water into the cup.

Only to find that the kettle was empty.

He looked at the four kettles behind him.

The old ghost sighed helplessly.

"Mr. Chen, you win. After talking with me for three days, I drank five bottles of water. You are really good at speaking.

I agreed, but there is one requirement. You gangsters must not only protect my rooms, but also not interfere with other tenants. "

Chen Gang nodded.

"Don't worry, my conscience is here to help, and I will definitely protect you. My men are of extremely high quality and will never disturb the neighbors."

The old ghost took out a key from his pocket, put it on the table, and pushed it to Chen Gang.

"This is the key to that room. Go ahead. Remember, the rules of the walled city are that you cannot destroy the walled city."

Chen Gang waved his hand.

"Don't worry, I know."

Chen Gang took the key and walked out of the room.

Go through intricate passages.

Chen Gang came to a door that looked well-decorated.

Use the key to open the door.

This room is a little over fifty square meters.

The only advantage is that there is a big platform.

This is the fourteenth floor. The platform is ten meters long and is built on the building in front.

On either side, you can cross the platform to get to another building.

Chen Gang waved his hand and released ten bodyguards.

Clean up the platform first.

There are a lot of sundries from the neighbors placed on the platform.

The bodyguards picked up the things and threw them downstairs.

It was cleared up quickly.

Then take out the tables and benches from the space and place them on the platform.

Hang a wooden plaque above the door.

There are three big characters written crookedly on the plaque.

Conscience Gang.

Establishing a gang here does not mean you can establish it just because you want to, you must meet the conditions.

There is a certain amount of space, and gang signs must be hung.

Finally, an incense hall is opened, where you can worship whatever you want.

The bodyguards covered the front table with red cloth.

Then he took out a little golden man, a statue made of pure gold.

put it on the table.

There is an incense burner below the statue.

Chen Gang took out three long incense sticks in his hand.

The bodyguards stood neatly behind Chen Gang.

Chen Gang bowed respectfully to the statue.

"I, Chen Gang, are here to apply to establish a gang. From now on, my brothers will enjoy all the blessings and share the troubles. May you appear and I will believe in you in this life!"

Then insert three long incense sticks into the incense burner.

Green smoke rises from the long incense.

The little golden man in front of him was motionless.

The statue of the little golden man is sitting cross-legged, with his head splayed back, wearing high-end clothing, and look at his face.

Exactly the same as Chen Gang.