
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 336 Heavenly Book

Bai Ling knocked on the table.

"I want to reiterate that we are not rebelling, we are trying to bring peace and stability to the people of the world."

"Then hurry up and get out of the mountain. People all over the world are in dire straits now. You have to stand firm, kill ghosts and monsters, and help the country. This is what you should do."

Bai Ling shook his head decisively.

"No, now is not the best time."

Chen Gang slapped his forehead.

"Just be cowardly. Who can be more cowardly than you?"

Bai Ling gritted his teeth.

"Let's not give up. Wait a few more days, and when the saint has mastered the Heavenly Book, we will be able to overwhelm Kyoto and eradicate the evildoers."

"Huh? The Book of Heaven? Steal that one from the boat?"

Bai Ling suddenly covered his mouth.

"It's all your fault. If I let something slip, the leader will definitely not like me if he finds out."

Chen Gang comforted.

"It's okay, it's okay. He never liked you anyway."


"You should talk about the Book of Heaven. What's going on?"

Bai Ling shook his head.

"No, I can't say it anymore. This is a secret within the church."

Chen Gang crossed his arms.

"Secret? Then why did you leak it? You don't want me to tell the leader about you leaking the secret, right?"

Bai Ling listened to these strange words, and felt that there was some kind of malice approaching.

She couldn't help but tighten her clothes.

"What are you going to do?"

"Be obedient and tell me about the Book of Heaven."

Bai Ling struggled in his heart.

Chen Gang added another fire.

"I am also at the eighth level of martial arts. I am considered a high-ranking member of the sect, right? And I was almost beaten to death in order to save you. And I also took Heart-corroding Bone-corroding Pills. What are you afraid of?"

This whole bunch of words came out.

Chen Gang felt that he was loyal.

Bai Ling listens.

He nodded slightly.

"Then I will tell you one person, but you can't tell others."

Chen Gang nodded.

"Don't worry, I, Chen Gang, have the strictest mouth. I will never say anything."

Bai Ling closed the door.

Sitting next to Chen Gang.

"This heavenly book is a secret treasure from Lingnan. Legend has it that it was given by the immortals in the sky. If you can understand the secrets, you can climb the tower, view the sea, and embrace the moon."


"It's over."

Chen Gang: "...It's just a shitty secret. I'm afraid if I go out and find two old men from the village, they will know more details than you, right? Isn't this just a myth and legend?"

Bai Ling pouted.

"What do you know? The reason why the Holy Fire Sect dared to establish is because the saint can read the heavenly book."

"Talk carefully."

"The Saint was originally a young lady from a Lingnan family. She accidentally took a look at the Heavenly Book and discovered that it was mysterious and unusual. The Saint had never practiced before, but this glance at the Heavenly Book directly gave the Saint the combat power of the fifth level of martial arts. This time Lingnan's tribute to the Heavenly Book was secretly promoted by the Holy Fire Sect."

Chen Gang had a profound look on his face.

"To be honest, I have also been a genius since I was a child. Why don't you let me read the book? Maybe I can practice faster than the saint."

Bai Ling: "...I'm going back first. The leader said he won't let me play with fools."

"Huh? Why are you still swearing?"

Bai Ling trotted out of Chen Gang's room.

Chen Gang looked helpless.

Why not believe in the fact that I am a genius.

I have only entered the horror world for two and a half years, and I am already lv599.

Doesn't this explain the problem?


You won't let me see it, but I still want to see it.

The golden watch suit on Chen Gang's body surges with ghost power.

Chen Gang turned into the leader.

At the same time, the ghost power spread out to explore the surrounding situation.

Avoid actual encounters with the leader.

Stand up.

Walking towards the saint's room.

"The leader."

"Hello, Master."

The soldiers on the road all greeted Chen Gang.

"Yeah. Hello to you too."

Chen Gang dealt with them one by one.

Come to the saint's room.

The ghost force sensed it.

The saint was alone in the room.

Knock on the door immediately.




Chen Gang's voice was exactly the same as that of the leader.

The figure of the saint in the room stood up.

Come to the door and open it.

Seeing Chen Gang, he bowed slightly.

"The saint has met the leader."

Chen Gang nodded.

"Well, I came here to see how your study of the Heavenly Book is going?"

The saint turned sideways.

"Master, please come in."

Chen Gang walked into the house.

The saint closed the door and locked it.

"Huh? Why did you interrupt the door?"

The saint suddenly laughed so hard that it was hard to express.

Walked to Chen Gang.

As soon as he stretched his legs, his long, white, straight legs rested on Chen Gang's body.


The man lay on Chen Gang and rubbed against him.

Talking while rubbing.

"Why did you close the door? There is no one in the room, so why are you pretending?"

Chen Gang: "!!!"


No one told me that they were having an affair!

Chen Gang coughed lightly.

"Ahem, don't make a fuss. I really came to see how your reading of the Holy Book went."

The saint said slightly perfunctorily.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, I'll let you see enough right away."

The saint's clothes were taken off one by one.

Chen Gang didn't dare to move.

Who knows whether the leader should move or not at this time.

Cold sweat broke out on Chen Gang's head.

Don't take it off, I really can't stand this test.

The saint takes off her clothes halfway.

Pointing to the table.

"Isn't that just the Book of Heaven? Look at it. It's useless for you to read it. In my eyes, the secrets of the Book of Heaven are clear to all. In your eyes, the Book of Heaven is just the Book of Heaven without words."

"Huh? Okay, let me take a look."

Chen Gang picked up the heavenly book on the table.

When I first came in, I saw an empty notebook and thought it was for calligraphy practice.

It turns out that this is the heavenly book.

Chen Gang opened the heavenly book.

It's exactly what the Saint and Bai Ling said.

Not a word on it.

Chen Gang's eyes were filled with ghost power.

The golden watch lens operates at maximum power.

Pictures slowly began to appear on the heavenly book.

But very slowly.

It seems to be being cracked bit by bit.

"Hey, don't, don't rub it."

 "Look at you, I want to touch you. Look at you, don't you really like it?"

Chen Gang gritted his teeth and continued to decipher the heavenly book.

"Da da da."

There were footsteps outside the door getting closer and closer.

Chen Gang became more and more nervous.

The saint nudges her faster and faster.

The more the goddamn book is cracked, the slower it becomes.


The lock on the door was pushed, and the chain in the heavenly book shook.

Chen Gang also widened his eyes.


The saint took a sip of water.

Walk towards the door.



The saint was stunned.

"You're not in the house..."

The saint turned back.

Chen Gang's figure has disappeared, leaving only a heavenly book on the table.


Chen Gang was breathing heavily in his room.

So exciting.

Fortunately, my golden watch suit has an invisibility effect.

Although the stealth strength is not very high, you can't see it without looking carefully.

He turned invisible and flew away from the window.

I am so surprised.



Chen Gang turned back suddenly.

Bai Ling was looking at Chen Gang in Chen Gang's room with a puzzled look on his face.

"Teach...ah, Ling'er, why did you come to Chen Gang's room?"

Bai Ling looked at Chen Gang, who had transformed into the face of the leader, with a silly smile.

"Leader, let me confirm. I'm afraid that Chen Gang will die suddenly."

Chen Gang: "...Ling'er is awesome. Without you, the Holy Fire Sect would be broken up."

"What about you? Leader."

"Me? I stroll."