
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
Not enough ratings
454 Chs

Chapter 305 Technology Ghost

Chen Gang: "..."

You are still insidious.

Chen Gang always thought it was the housekeeper who killed him.

I've killed the housekeeper twice in the past few days.

You've been doing this for a long time and it's you who framed me.

If it weren't for the steward being an aggregation of rules, there would probably be grass growing on the grave.

Chen Gang walked to the boat.

The boat moved automatically without wind and slowly sailed away from the mysterious island.

[Leave the mysterious island, the mission is completed. ]

[All tasks have been completed and are returning to the settlement space. ]


Chen Gang disappeared.

in the settlement space.

Chen Gang's figure appeared.

He was still holding the Linglong Tower in his hand.

This tower is of no use to me, but it is a high-level ghost weapon. If you don't take it, it will be useless.

I opened the Linglong Tower and took a look.

All the humans inside disappeared and must have been teleported away.

[The task is being settled...please wait...]

[Task 1, go to Connor Manor and enjoy dinner with Connor. Mission accomplished, dinner a success, and Connor hungry for the night. ]

[Task 2, without violating the rules, explore Connor's Castle and find Connor's hidden secrets. The task is completed. The housekeeper never dreamed that he would fall to the ground floor while sleeping soundly on the bed on the second floor. ]

[Mission 3, one day later, the rules aggregation will start the hunting mode and kill two humans every day. Please try your best to survive. The mission is completed. Of the two aggregations of rules, none of them would dare to attack you at night. ]

[Mission 4, kill the aggregation of rules. The mission is completed. It was killed, but not completely. It was killed twice, but it was not completely dead. ]

[Mission 5, crack the final secret of the mysterious island, mission completed. In ancient times, the emperor was used to control the princes, but now the son is used to control the parents. What's the secret? The secrets are all in your hands. ]

[Task 6, leave the mysterious island. The task is completed. The day you row the boat away, there will be only one panting person left on the entire island. ]

[All tasks have been completed and are being graded, please wait...]

[This rating is 98! ]


Chen Gang's eyes widened.

Not even full marks for this?

Are you a little bloated?

When I left, Connor was the only one left on the entire Mysterious Island. Could it be that Connor also had to be killed to get full marks?

[When it is detected that the person is carrying the origin of the world, a special score increase mechanism is activated. For every ten strands of the origin of the world, an additional point will be added. ]

[The final score of this mission is 100! ]

Chen Gang: "..."

28 wisps! I brought 28 strands!

It doesn't count as a fraction, right?

[Rewards are being distributed, please wait...]

[The winning streak mechanism is being enhanced...]

[Congratulations on getting it, the qualification for the Horror World Expatriate Specialist application is available at lv500, the private small world quota qualification is available at lv500, you get the green title, and you are a new star in the horror world. ]

Chen Gang looked at his reward.

My head is buzzing.

That is to say, we have never heard of this reward.

Click on the first one.

Qualifications for applying as a foreign dispatch specialist in the Horror World: lv500 can apply, and you need to enter a special scene trial. After passing the trial, the Horror World can assign the task of opening up the territory of the small world. After swallowing or controlling the small world, the minimum profit will be divided according to the level of the specialist. Five, up to fifty percent of the origin of the world.

Note: By passing the trial, you will get the small world opener, low-level thriller rule control authority, special skills, and rule clones.

Chen Gang looked at the introduction and felt dumb.

Isn't this Connor's current identity?

The world of horror is a big game.

It connects countless small worlds and recruits all kinds of talented and powerful people to work in the horror world.

This mode will make the horror world more and more powerful.

New blood joins it all the time to help it devour the small world and supply the entire horror world.

Click to open the second reward.

Private small world quota competition order: Enter a special scene to seize the private small world quota. If the competition is successful, you will have a private small world quota. The rules of the horror world will never invade this world.

The loop is closed, the loop is closed!

Chen just reacted.

Think about it.

You are an ordinary human being in a small world.

Your world has been invaded by the horror world, and you have no choice but to enter the horror world.

Through your own efforts step by step, you can raise your level to level 100.

You think you are invincible, but when you look up, you realize you are.

What he saw was just the tip of the iceberg of the terrifying world, a tiny tip of the iceberg.

The sheer size of the horror world will take your breath away.

You don't know if you'll survive the next mission.

You don't know when the horror world will find time to destroy your world.

You can only grit your teeth and continue to upgrade.

The level is raised to level 500.

You suddenly realize that the horror world is actually not that scary. In fact, the horror world is quite caring for human beings.

Because the strongest rule in the horror world is that you cannot harm humans at will.

You will not die, your world will not be destroyed, and you can still divide the world into your own name.

Thriller World respects you and says it will never invade your world.

Then, the world of horror comes calling.

Want to see a wider world?

Go fight for the horror world, invade other worlds, and obtain the origin of the world.

If you want, you can even enhance your world with world essences.

The future suddenly looked bright.

Chen Gang suddenly felt that the horror world was a true conscience.

But looking back, I suddenly realized.

If you think this way, are you giving up the horror world to the CPU?

This is not right, you are at KFC.

Click on the last reward.

Horrifying upstart: Wearing the title can suppress all ghosts below level 500. You are the real noble.


[Settlement completed and returning to the original world. ]


Chen Gang's figure appeared high in the sky.

The body falls slowly.

There is no such thing as being unable to react and falling suddenly.

Now, Chen Gang has almost regarded flying as his instinct.

 That is to say, the horror world always prevents me from flying, otherwise my feet will hardly touch the ground.

 Why should I walk when I can fly?

Avoiding the crowd on the beach, Chen Gang landed in a hidden place.

Change the level of the head to be more low-key.

Then I walked to the beach, found a beach chair, and lay down.

While basking in the sun, observe the system.

The boss points saved during this period are enough to upgrade to ten levels.

Also, the mall skills that appeared last time I upgraded to level 200 have not yet been redeemed.

Don't panic, upgrade first and then talk.




[Congratulations on unlocking Tech Ghost lv250. ]

Technology Ghost: Possessing excellent scientific research talents and a genius bodyguard.

A bodyguard wearing a scientific white coat and thick glasses appeared in the bodyguard space.

The system is failing.

Chen Gang turned over and let the sun shine on his back.

This is the first time that technical bodyguards have appeared.

It's not easy.