
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 300 General Crab

"Defense! Don't hide! Gather the ghost power and hide together!"

The housekeeper ghost yelled at the ghost.

At the same time, the figure flashed quickly, constantly killing some high-level sea fish to prevent them from massacring ghosts.


The ghosts and ghosts put up shields one after another.


The sea fish hit the shield, and the powerful impact killed them on the spot.

But there are too many fish in the sea.

Dense than raindrops.

Fish started to rain on the island with thunderous clatter.

And above.

High-level alien ghosts also fell to the ground.

"The Connor Town Guard is coming for support!"

A group of ghosts held a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, and rushed over in an orderly manner.

The lowest level of the escort team was lv400 or above, and they started massacring as soon as they entered the scene.

A group of seafood is no match for the escort team.

Blocking from the left and right, he was hacked to death in a few blows.

The high-level sea fish noticed something was wrong.

Also join the battlefield.

 lv400, sea urchins five or six people tall were running rampant.

The poison on the thorn is even more harmful.

Even the guards could only resist with their shields.

There are more than two hundred kilograms of prawns, and the legs are flying fast.

The sharp head thorns can even pierce the shields of the guards.


Island shore.

A huge round head gradually stretched out from the deep sea.

Octopus Pioneer lv420.

Subsequently, a large number of tentacles with suction cups appeared in the water all along the shore.

It hit suddenly and killed a group of ghosts instantly.

The butler ghost yelled.

"I'll meet you!"

A cane appears in the hand.

Instantly appeared above the head of the octopus.

The crutch in his hand struck hard.


A crisp sound came from the octopus's head.

"It's pretty hard! Let me see how many times you can take it."

The cane in the butler ghost's hand knocked out an afterimage.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!"

After a while, the octopus dived back into the deep sea with its head full of bags.

There were only a dozen tentacles left that were swung around randomly.

The guards worked together to cut off several tentacles.

The octopus finally couldn't bear the pain and completely retreated into the deep sea.

General Crab, who had already fallen to the ground, finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Swing the pliers hard.

"Come together and conquer the entire island!"



One by one, the sea fish use their tail fins as legs to initiate impulses.

The thick sea snake slid quickly on the ground.

Even the scallops stand upright, using their shells as legs to move quickly on the ground.

The abalone, which is more than one meter long, attracts ghosts and refuses to let go.

General Crab wields a sword.

The sword is long and straight, and the blade is barbed. If it hits the body, it can take away a large piece of flesh and blood.

Look carefully at the sword in General Crab's hand.

Hairtail lv445.

Chen Gang: "..."

How did you convince a hairtail to take the initiative to be your weapon?

Hairtail is so hard and straight. Is it inconvenient for you to reveal your usual recipe?


A plume of smoke rose from the center of Connor town.

A ghost figure slowly appeared in the pit.


At this time, Connor was wearing heavy chain mail.

He is holding a lv450 sledgehammer in his hand.

It turns out that I just went to put on equipment.

Hammerhead pointed at General Crab.

"Come and fight!"

"I'm afraid of you? Jiligulu..."

General Crab mumbled and foamed at his mouth.

It seemed like the curse was quite dirty.

"I'll give you a fucking blow if I go up there!"


Huge hammer and hairtail collide.

The eardrums of nearby ghosts ruptured due to the shock, and blood flowed from them.

Connor shook his hand.

"It's pretty strong."

The Crab General's two big crab claws shook slightly. It was obvious that Connor's sledgehammer was not that easy to follow.

The hairtail fish in General Crab's hand instantly exuded hazy ghost power.

"Slash with fish!"

Connor: "...!"

Backhand hammer.

"What good will it do you to laugh me to death?"


Connor was knocked back a few steps.

General Crab, on the other hand, remained motionless.

"Huh? You two ghosts, fuse your ghost power and attack at the same time? You don't have martial ethics!"

He watched as the two alien ghosts used the power of their bonds to repel him.

Connor was a little anxious.

How can I let someone who has eaten seafood my whole life be bullied?

The sledgehammer in his hand was swung more powerfully.

Fight dozens of times.

Connor could no longer hold the hammer with both hands.

During this period, he finally hit the opponent.

It was also blocked by the opponent's hard shell.

It can't be fought, it can't be fought at all.

The two small eyes on the crab's head are spinning around.

Connor gritted his teeth.

The steps are wrong.

A dizzying pace, circling around the crab.

General Crab: "...GuluGulu!"

Hairtail sweeps across.

Side block from Connor.

But the originally hard hairtail suddenly became soft when it came into contact with the sledgehammer.

Like a soft sword, it bypassed the sledgehammer and made a huge gash in Connor's ribs.


Connor's chain mail was slashed open.

Blood spurts.

Connor took a few steps back.

Foreign body ghosts are difficult to fight.

Attack it yourself and it won't get hurt at all.

 It turned around and stabbed itself with the hairtail fish, and was instantly injured.

Originally, two versus one was no longer an advantage.

It's still hurt now.

It's even harder to fight.

Connor looked towards the battlefield.


Connor suddenly spotted a lewd figure.

All the ghosts are fighting against the alien ghosts.

This figure shuttles across the battlefield.

As long as a member of the Guard falls.

He arrived at the scene immediately, and then used extremely fast techniques to remove the space ghost weapons of the ghost guards.

Connor: "...Come and help!"

Chen Gang, who had a full bag in his pocket, suddenly raised his head.

I saw blood in front of Connor.

Turn around and run.

Are you kidding me?

You can't beat me at lv450, so let me go up and help.

"Fuck you!"

Connor's mentality collapsed, he turned his head sharply and ran towards Chen Gang.

Not helping, right?

I'll just lure the crab over!

A strange combination suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

A human was running in front, a ghost was chasing behind with a sledgehammer, and there was also a crab running sideways, waving hairtail and cursing.

Chen Gang turned around and cursed while running.

"Why the hell are you following me?"

Connor yelled.

"You give it an arrow! I can't hit it!"

Crab: "...GuluGulu!"

Chen Gang took out his repeating crossbow.

"Do you believe I gave you an arrow?"

Connor gritted his teeth.

"The worst case scenario is that I'll die. If I can't beat it, I'll die anyway! It won't hurt if you beat it to death."

Chen Gang: "..."

Really, it was the rules that saved you, otherwise I would have shot you to death with one arrow.

Chen Gang said helplessly.

"You stop him and I'll give him an arrow!"

Connor's footsteps stopped instantly, and he suddenly turned around and hammered.


The crab didn't react to this unexpected blow.

He was hit directly in the chest with a hammer.


A depression appears in the crab's shell.

There were also quite a few cracks appearing all around.

Chen Gang took aim and shot an arrow.



A scream came.

The butler ghost in the distance covered his thigh and roared in pain.

"Who did I provoke?"

"...Huh? Missed the shot?"

The ghost power carried by the arrow instantly invaded the body of the housekeeper ghost.


The butler ghost was blown to pieces.

Connor: "..."

My butler is gone!