
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 288 Is your brain sick?

The woman was stunned for a moment.

 Forgot to even cry.

Chen Gang said to the woman next to him.

"Why doesn't she cry? Go and beat her to tears. You are lv150, and you can make her cry for a long time with one punch."

The woman chuckled.



The woman went up and knocked him on the head.

Tears welled up in her eyes instantly.


"Hey, that's right."

Chen Gang waved to the woman in the corner.

"Come here."

The woman covered her head and moved over step by step.

"What is your name?"


Chen Gang rubbed his chin.

"How did you get here?"

Emilia said stumblingly.

"My father is seriously ill and needs money urgently. There is also a younger brother at home who needs to go to school. There is no way..."

"Stop talking nonsense, weren't you sold here? Besides, a son of heaven, can't even afford to support his younger brother's education?"

Emilia raised her head sharply and looked at Chen Gang.

"You, who are you?"

Chen Gang grinned.

"I am an alien from the planet Kepler 2b, and I am currently the strongest person in Country H."

Emilia's eyes widened.

"Country H? Are you also from Blue Star?"

Chen Gang spread his hands.

"Obviously, I'm interviewing you, and I'm also from Blue Star. Why are you so unsuccessful?"

Amelia hugged Chen Gang's legs.

"Brother, take me away, I don't want to be here anymore."

"Then what can you give?"

Emilia gritted her teeth and reached out to grab Chen Gang's pants.

"Brother, I don't know if you like this."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Chen Gang lifted up his pants.

Lai Lai, I was almost forced to do so.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll redeem you, and the money will be doubled in the future. If you see me again in the future, no matter what the occasion, you must call me "Lord."


"Ahem, just keep your head down and do things when you see me in the future."

Emilia nodded in understanding.

"I see."

Then he lowered himself.

"Hey, it's not that low, tsk!"


Noon the next day.

Chen Gang walked out of the bathing center.

The sun was shining slightly, and it was another beautiful day.

The ghost bodyguard has sent information.

It's not even intelligence.

The Hell Prison is famous throughout the city of Noah.

The people inside are all extremely vicious criminals.

Generally, those who are sentenced to death or above are imprisoned in extreme prisons.

The so-called death penalty or above means that ordinary ghosts cannot be killed.

Even if you commit a crime.

Ordinary ghosts are no match.

Only the noble knights took action, captured him, and imprisoned him in a hellish prison.

Then work in the worst prison to squeeze out surplus value.

Ghosts are more valuable as long as they are alive than dead.

The world of thrillers is strange.

If there is a ghost police station in the city, it means there is law.

After all, when the police station was born, it was given rules to maintain order by the horror world.

In layman's terms, if you commit a crime and are seen, they have to arrest you due to the rules.

If you can't see it, that's okay.

It counts if a dog reports it.

Generally ghost police will not take the initiative to go out to catch ghosts.

After all, ghosts in the horror world usually have bad tempers.

As long as you catch him, the other party will resist 100%.

Only a fool would risk his life for such a small salary a month.

If upgrading the city level does not require special buildings, most cities would not even build a police station.

Therefore, if you want to go to the worst prison, you have to break the law in front of the ghost police.

Then he was sent in naturally.

Or just kill some ghost policemen and be captured by the noble knights.

Chen Gang thought about it twice.

The steps slowly came to the door of the ghost police station.

Create a clone and hide the clone suffix.

Modify the level of the head.

Blue title.

The boss of Conscience Co., Ltd. lv298.

The main body got into the bodyguard space.

I picked up a stone and weighed it twice.


Smash a piece of glass.


A ghost policeman walked out of the police station.

Chen Gang raised his hand.

"I, I'm here to call the police."

The ghost policeman walked up to Chen Gang.

He looked Chen Gang up and down and saw Chen Gang's level.

His expression turned slightly respectful.

"Ahem, sir, you can call the police and just go in and report. There is no need to smash the glass. You need to compensate for the damage to the glass."

Chen Gang shook his head.

"No money."

Ghost Police: "Well, let's forget it this time. Be careful next time."

Chen Gang: "..."

So polite?

The ghost policeman swallowed.

Damn lv298, just bear with it.

How much money can a piece of glass cost? Don't cause any other troubles. There is no need.

The ghost policeman took Chen Gang into the police station.

A chair was arranged.

The ghost policeman took out a notebook.

"Sir, please describe why you called the police?"

Chen Gang crossed his legs.

"I went out today and met a ghost. He didn't give me any money."

The ghost policeman scribbled in his notebook.

"Oh, it means that there is a ghost who owes you money and won't pay you back, right? OK, what's his name? Where does he live? What is his contact information? We can help you."

Chen Gang shook his head.

"No, he doesn't owe me money. I don't know him."

The ghost policeman was stunned.

"Then why should people give you money?"

Chen Gang said confidently.

"Because I have no money, why doesn't he give it to me?"

The ghost policeman was confused.

"Isn't this robbery? What do you want money for?"

Chen Gang spread his hands.

"Looking for a young lady."

Ghost Police: "Prostitution, right?...You continue, I'm remembering, where did you find the young lady? How do you know?"

Chen Gang thought about it for a moment.

"It's the bathing center in the alley behind. He Daqiao took me there before."

The policeman frowned slightly.

"He Daqiao? Who is He Daqiao? How do we know him?"

Chen Gang answered fluently.

"We met last time we were gambling together."

"You still gamble, right? OK, OK, why are you gambling? Don't you know that gambling makes people lose money and money, and their wives and children are separated?"

Chen Gang rubbed his hands.

"Isn't this a lot of pressure, so I bet twice."

"Why are you so stressed?"

"Alas, I committed fraud, but I didn't get much money from it."

 "...You're still fucking cheating? How much have you cheated?"

"Not many, a few hundred ghost power crystals."

"Hundreds of ghost power crystals? Where's the money?"

"Have you taken it to restock?"

"What kind of goods are coming in?"

"Control ghost weapons."

The ghost policeman's eyes widened.

"Illegal selling of controlled ghost weapons? This is a serious crime. Where is the purchase channel? Who is the seller?"

Chen Gang touched his head.

"Seller, I quit now."

The ghost policeman was stunned.


Chen Gang nodded affirmatively.

"Absolutely sure, it's just that, uh, the deal wasn't settled last time and I was asked to kill him."

Ghost Police: "...Come on, be obedient and put on this bracelet."

Chen Gang put on a pair of silver one-piece bracelets and asked.

"When are you going to help me deal with that boy who won't give me ghost coins?"

The ghost policeman waved his hand.

"That's not important anymore. You broke the law, did you know that? Your crime is serious. Even if I pull you out and shoot you for half an hour, it's a minor offense!"

Chen Gang looked confused.

"Huh? But I am the one who reported the crime."

"No, you're not, come on! Come on, come on! Where the hell did you get the idea that this is so wrong?"