
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
Not enough ratings
454 Chs

Chapter 282 Reply

[Congratulations on completing all tasks and returning to the real world. ]


Chen Gang's figure gradually disappeared.

within the settlement space.

Chen Gang's figure appeared.

The horror world is here as expected.

[Settlement in progress...please wait...]

[Go to any city in the Snow Country, the mission is completed, there is no win or lose in life, and the ticket goes to the capital. ]

[The level is increased by ten levels, the task is completed, the shackles of a level have been successfully overcome, and the score has increased slightly. ]

[Still alive after being chased by the alien ghost in the snowfield, the mission is completed. From beginning to end, the alien ghost didn't even notice where you were. ]

[I heard that there is a powerful force circulating in the Snow Country. Find out their purpose. The mission is completed. It is necessary to declare once that the reward you receive is the Snow Country Treasure Map, not the Snow Country Treasure. ]

[Get a piece of snow stone, the mission is completed, no one will wait for you forever, except the old bastard, I really admire you, old bastard. ]

[Additional tasks are being settled...]

[Possess the head specimen of the leader of the alien ghost in the snow field, the mission is completed, in the southwest of the snow country... the alien ghost has been killed and turned into a protected animal. ]

[In the middle of Snow Country, there is a property, the mission is completed. Too polite, so polite that you can buy out all the cities except the capital. ]

[Go to the middle of the Snow Country. The mission is completed without using the ability to fly. During this mission, your feet never even left the ground. ]

[Rating in progress, please wait...]

[This rating is 100! ]

[Win streak rewards are stacking...]

[Congratulations on obtaining the Mysterious Island mission scroll, the lv500 level golden watch set, and 1,500 ghost power crystals. ]

What the hell is that?

Chen Gang looked confused.

The rewards in the world of horror are getting weirder and weirder.

Three objects slowly floated down in the sky.


Chen Gang couldn't help but cover his eyes.

The light on one of the faces was too dazzling.

Golden Watch Set lv500.

Monolithic gold-rimmed glasses lv500: Can see through the true profile of ghosts below level lv500.

Gilt and jade flying clothes lv500: Can be loaded with 2000 ghost power crystals, used for defense, protection, disguise, and appearance change.

Escape from the Dust and Enter the World Hua Pants lv500: Can hold 1,000 ghost power crystals to enhance ghost power. The double pockets have a small storage space.

Running on the snow with cloud shoes lv500: Can be loaded with 500 ghost power crystals, which can be used to greatly increase running speed.

Set effect: Consume all loaded ghost power crystals and teleport to any safe location randomly.

Oh, I have grown up.

I really like what the Sha Diao netizen said.

ah? ah! ah?

What the hell is this magical thing?

The world of horror is quite sensible.

Know how to give good things.

This set of equipment, if nothing else, looks quite nice.

And it also has quite a lot of additional functions.

Chen Gang took the reward.

Take off your pants.

Can't wait to put it on.

[Settlement completed and returning to the real world. ]



Chen Gang left the settlement space.

real world.

Chen Gang was teleported directly.

Chen Gang, who was wearing underpants, was wearing a pair of trousers embroidered with gold edges.

One leg just slipped into the pant leg.

Chen Ya: "..."

Nangong Wudi: "…!"

A group of soldiers were busy in the hall: "..."

"Ahem, Chen Ya, let's continue talking. This gap in the world of Tiangui Kingdom is too scary on the other side. I think it's better to hide it and don't explore it rashly."

Everyone in the hall became busy instantly.

It was as if Chen Gang didn't show up at all.

Chen Gang moved quickly and put on his clothes.

Then he coughed slightly.


Nangong Wudi was startled by the sound, and then looked at Chen Gang.

"Hey, eldest brother is back, and his level is higher again. We didn't even see it if you didn't say anything."

The soldiers on the side nodded.

Chen Ya tilted her head and asked.

"Brother, why did you come back naked?"

Chen Gang: "..."

Could you shut up?

Nangong Wudi hurriedly spoke out.

"Comrade Chen Ya, don't talk nonsense. Comrade Chen Gang has just returned from the horror world. The horror world is full of dangers. I don't know how much pressure he has endured. He should take a good rest now."

Chen Ya tilted her head.

"But I've seen it all. He's such a big man and he's still wearing cartoon underwear."

Nangong Wudi looked serious.

"It seems that Comrade Chen Ya has entered the world of horror too much recently. She was oppressed by the huge mental pressure and had hallucinations. Someone, please take Miss Chen Ya down to rest."

"Huh? Huh? I'm not stressed?"

Chen Ya was helped back to the room by several soldiers.

Nangong Wudi asked cautiously.

"Brother is back this time. Is there any breaking news?"

"Well, what qualifies as breaking news?"

"Whatever comes out of your mouth should be quite explosive."

Chen Gang: "...Stop talking nonsense. I just heard what you said. Did you find the gap in the world? Where is it! How to solve it?"

Nangong Wudi tidied up his words a little.

He spoke.

"We discovered the Heavenly Ghost Kingdom on a small island in the center of the Pacific Ocean, and the gap in the horror world is in a dry well in the middle of the island. This gap is not big, and ordinary people have to lie down to crawl in."

Chen Gang nodded.

Then he asked again.

"Then what does it say? Should I fight or keep it?"

Nangong Wudi pursed his lips.

"We haven't announced yet, so I guess the possibility of closure is higher."

Chen Gang looked at Nangong Wudi.

"Then what do you think?"

"Me? Follow the arrangements."

"What's the level of the opponent? It seems that you are quite worried."

Nangong Wudi took out two pieces of A4 paper, with a lot of words written densely on them.

"According to relevant reports from the explorers, the ghosts and ghosts in the horror world opposite are basically at level 200 or above. We don't even have one with level 100."

Chen Gang nodded.

There is nothing wrong with this choice.

Use a large bowl according to your ability.

You don't have to worry too much about it.

"Send me the coordinates of the gap in the world, and I'll check it out later."


Nangong Wudi agreed without any hesitation.

In his mind, Chen Gang was the representative of invincibility.

It's just a lv200 ghost. Chen Gang could spit it to death.

So I heard Chen Gang asked for the address.

Without saying a word, he directly sent the location.

"Brother, if you want to go, I also have the phone numbers of the brothers on the island. How about asking them to hold a welcome banquet for you?"

Chen Gang: "...That's not necessary. Just live a good life and don't be fancy."

"Brother is right."

Chen Gang took out his mobile phone and looked at the location and distance of Tiangui Kingdom.

Calculate silently.

If you want to get there, it will take at least three to five minutes.

Okay, not too far.