
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 264 Boarding Snowpiercer

 A group of old ghosts spoke vividly, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

 So, the total of the snow stone is one hundred and eight yuan?

 When I asked them, they all said they had seen him, and when I asked them again, they said they were all dead.

 Everyone I asked said they had seen the snow stone, but when I asked who had it in their hands, everyone hesitated and couldn't tell.

Chen Gang was a little confused.

There isn't even a definite location, where can I find it?

Ask where the most comprehensive items are sold.

All ghosts have the same caliber.


This mysterious train travels around the Snow Country every twenty years, and it carries all kinds of goods.

As you can imagine, there's nothing you can't buy on Snowpiercer.

If nothing else, there will be snow rocks on Snowpiercer.

Finding Snowpiercer is not difficult.

It has been traveling throughout the Snow Country, ensuring that it will visit every existing city within twenty years, over and over again.

Snowpiercer has just left southwest Snowpiercer for a year.

It was just time to return to the middle of Snow Country.

I made some inquiries in ice city.

In a month, Snowpiercer is coming.

The tasks arranged by the thriller world are very reasonable.

I won't leave you with no chance at all.

Therefore, what Chen Gang has to do now is to find out the purpose of the roving forces and wait for the arrival of Snowpiercer.

A large number of bodyguards left the Ice City on crystal snowmobiles and went to other cities in the central Snow Country to collect clues.

At the same time, Chen Gang was conducting business in ice city.

Selling crystal fragments.

No matter when the time comes, money still has to be earned.

Twenty days later.

The bodyguards have found several cities, but no traces of roving forces have been found.

Fortunately, the bodyguard's journey was not in vain.

The business of crystal fragments has completely opened up the market.

Every time the bodyguards go to a city, they buy crystal fragments in large quantities at low prices.

Then it is filled with ghost power and sold to them.

The cost is minimal.

The profits are frightening.

In just these twenty days, Chen Gang added a thousand ghost power crystals to his assets.

Excluding expenses, the total assets came to 6,000 ghost power crystals.

"Dong dong! Ding Ding! ~Woo~"

Outside the Ice City, many citizens walked out of the Ice City.

The city lord also happily stood at the gate of the city pulling two large carts of supplies.

Today is the day when Snowpiercer arrives once every twenty years.

It was also a day when there were only a few ordinary ghosts and monsters, and they had access to various high-end products.

So the ghosts and monsters stood outside the city gate waiting early.

There are also ghosts holding luggage.

Get ready to ride Snowpiercer and travel to other cities.

Slowly, a train appeared in the ghost's sight.

The train is very long. At a glance, it must be hundreds of knots.

The ferocious face on the locomotive is a bit scary.

Train ghost lv460.

This train is a ghost.

And at this level, iron eagle would have to get slapped twice even if he came here.

"Dong dong dong wait!!"

As the train gets closer.

A wonderful melody also followed.

The other ghosts are used to it.

Every time Snowpiercer comes, there is this song, which signals the arrival of Snowpiercer.

The more Chen Gang listened, the more something seemed wrong.

Why is this song so familiar?

As if he had heard it somewhere, Chen Gang took out his mobile phone and played a song.

The music and sounds on the phone are exactly the same as the tunes played on Snowpiercer. The melody and key are exactly the same.

 What the fuck ?

The music on Chen Gang's mobile phone was recorded by a master who he specially hired.

 The melody is exactly the snow beast summoning song that was rewarded previously.

Chen Gang slapped his thigh.

Damn, grab the snow beast, right?

Traveling around the country every twenty years, I really thought you were doing business.

It turned out that they were looking for snow beasts here under the guise of business.

"Welcome, welcome! Warmly welcome!"

The train became slower and slower and finally stopped steadily in front of the Ice City.


The train doors open.

All the ghosts rushed directly to the car.

Chen Gang also walked into the car with the ghosts.

As soon as you enter the car, your view instantly broadens.

Looking at the small car from the outside, it feels cheerful as soon as you enter.

A carriage looks almost as big as the City of Hope.

Chen Gang was not too surprised.

After all, I had seen it before at Baichuan University when I was only lv10.

I just didn't expect that this train would also use this kind of spatial method.

It seems outrageous, but compared to the fact that one square meter of land can expand an entire low-level ghost barrier circle, this is much smaller.

A loudspeaker at the door of the carriage repeatedly played train instructions back and forth.

"Welcome to Car No. 2 of Snowpiercer. This car is a trading car. You can buy items here. If you need to take the train, please go to Car No. 4 to buy a ticket and ride. All cars have rules. Please do not interact with other ghosts. Fight. This train will stay in Ice City for three days. If you are still on the train and have not bought a ticket, please leave the train. During this period, the train conductor will check the tickets."


Not long after getting in the car.

The train stalled and came to a complete stop.

Chen Gang was strolling in the car.

They sell everything.

The price is not expensive either.

Chen Gang looked around and didn't see the snow stone.

Asked two ghosts on the train.

The ghost said that Car No. 2 contained some very common things.

If you want to buy something more precious, you need to go to Car No. 6.

Car No. 6 requires capital verification.

If you don't have ten ghost power crystals, you're not allowed to enter?

Unexpectedly, the sales were divided into three, six or nine grades.

Chen Gang doesn't talk nonsense either.

Find the car connection and walk towards Car No. 6.

Pass through the carriage junction.

The farther back you go, the fewer the ghosts are.

At the connection point of Car No. 2, Chen Gang completed the capital verification.

Allowed to enter Car No. 6.


Open the door of carriage No. 6.

The bustling No. 6 carriage comes into view.

The goods sold here are no longer squatting on the ground and setting up stalls like in Car No. 2, but there are small houses.

A large number of rare supplies that are hard to find in other cities were placed on the table in the small house.

"It's a level 300 ghost weapon. Take a look at it. Buying it home will protect your life."

"Ten pieces of ghost power crystal, ten pieces, ten pieces, all ten pieces, clearance sale, if you miss it, it will be ten pieces tomorrow."

"You can't buy a ghost power crystal and you will suffer a loss or be cheated. You can't buy anything from a ghost power crystal, you poor bunch!"

Chen Gang: "..."


Why are there still people selling goods and selling things in a hurry?


Chen Gang hadn't taken two steps yet.

The door connecting the carriages behind me was opened.

Another human walked in.

It's the tall and thin guy.

Get together!

Chen Gang didn't dare to delay and quickly asked around.

I didn't expect these guys to come so quickly.

We can't let them get there first.

At the same time, release the ghost bodyguard.

While the ghost bodyguards were asking about Snow Stone's location, more than a dozen ghosts came running over and blocked the tall and thin man.

"Ah? Snow Stone? It's in the 188 store. That broken thing has not been sold for so many years."