
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 221 It’s better to withdraw

in the settlement space.

A milky soft glow blooms.

Chen Gang's mind was empty.

[In this mission, leave the low-level ghost barrier circle and never return...]

The sound of the horror world paused.

[This mission, leaving the Senluo Group Breeding Park, has been completed. ]

[Rating in progress, please wait...]

[Congratulations on getting a score of 65! ]

[Get the reward, 10 million ghost coins, the resident account of Southwest City in the horror world. Welcome to the horror world. ]

So, now we have entered the horror world?

[Returning to the real world]

The light flashed and Chen Gang's figure disappeared.


Chen just appeared in the real world.

The octopus symbol exploded instantly in the palm of his hand.

With a crisp sound, it disappeared forever.

Chen Gang: "..."

How about playing?

Then how can I get in next time?

You can't sneak across the border, right?


A chain of rules stretched out from the void in front of Chen Gang.

He quickly took a few steps back.

This is the first time Chen Gang has seen this thing in the real world.

The chains are entangled and condensed.

The last black flame.

Flying towards Chen Gang.

Directly attached to Chen Gang's arm.

Just about ten centimeters downward from the palm of your hand.

You can see it just by raising your hand.

Chen Gang looked at the black flame mark.

A piece of information appeared in Chen Gang's mind inexplicably.

It turns out that this is the real mark of the horror world.

The octopus before was just the symbol of the Senluo Consortium.

Chen Gang was shocked.

Doesn't that mean that Senluo Group knows that the real world exists.

Chen Gang was silent for a long time.

If I had known earlier, I would have continued to harvest the ghost coins from the breeding farm.

Damn, what a loss!

I am still worried that the Senluo Group will attack the real world.

As a result, people had known about it for a long time and didn't take it seriously at all.

Also, the benefits that the real world can bring to them are too small.

Once you decide to attack, you will be met with full resistance from all countries.

In the end, we can only harvest some ingredients.

But if stocking.

Let humans be active in the breeding garden.

Not only can greater benefits be obtained, but the level of ghosts in the breeding park can also be improved more quickly.

The income is obviously much higher.

In general, the real world is currently very safe.

At least it will be safe until a human reaches level 100.

Chen Gang walked on the street with his hands behind his back.

It's useless to think too much, it's better to become stronger quickly.

You have the confidence to do anything like this.

He took out the ghost coin and was about to return to the horror world.

Chen Gang suddenly thought of Chen Ya.

It's been so long since Chen Ya entered the world of horror.

I have entered the dungeon twice, and I don't know how Chen Ya is doing now.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Chen Ya's number.

"Du~du~ Saori, the number you dialed is not in the real world."

Okay, let's enter the horror world again.

The thriller world is in Tianlin County, the breeding park of Senluo Group.

Outside Fengling City, Fengling City is a first-class giant city.

At this time, the walls of Fengling City were filled with soldiers.

And in the mountains and forests dozens of kilometers away from Fengling City.

Chen Ya held a walkie-talkie.

"Second Battalion Commander! Fire!"

Hundreds of artillery pieces, large and small, were set up in the mountains and forests.


The moment Chen Ya finished speaking.

Hundreds of artillery pieces fired simultaneously.

Ghostly cannonballs hit the walls of Fengling City like raindrops.

"Boom! Click!"

The soldiers on the city wall were blown away.

Even the city walls are somewhat overwhelmed.

The artillery fire will never stop.

Round after round.

Until the Fengling City wall was completely destroyed.


The artillery stopped firing.

A large number of soldiers came out of the mountains and forests and charged towards Fengling City.

The official Tianlin County unification plan has been in progress for almost half a year.

Almost occupying most of the low-level cities in Tianlin County.

But the first-level giant city and the main city are a tough nut to crack.

You can only attack them one by one.

Every time we attack, we have to pay a huge price.

This is still suppressed by the official possession of ghost-powered artillery shells.

Otherwise, the casualties will only be greater.

This attack was led by the most powerful official, Nangong Wudi.

Chen Ya also serves as the leader of the backup mountain artillery team.

He is said to be the team leader, but in fact he just uses a walkie-talkie and shouts a few words to fire.

That's enough.

After all, he is the first recipient of the purple title.

I bring it with me for any official activities.

Increase experience.


The Lord of Fengling City charged with his soldiers.

The official soldiers in the front row carried three-meter-long spears.

A row of soldiers from the opposite side were first stabbed to death upon contact.

The first two rows of soldiers cooperated with each other and killed each other first.

The soldiers at the rear finally rushed up together.

The front man gave up his spear instantly.

He pulled out his long knife and started fighting.

Official soldiers also began to suffer casualties.


Chen Ya held a long knife and was about to rush forward.

The soldiers quickly stopped him.

"Team leader, please stop it. You are only at level 55. You can easily be hacked to death with random swords."

Chen Ya: "...For half a year, I haven't been allowed to attack every time. Am I that bad?"

The soldiers remained silent.


Lingfeng, the lord of Fengling City, holds two swords.

Cut people down when you see them.

Like a top, it caused huge damage in an instant.


A human suddenly flew over the battlefield.

Holding a silver-stemmed spear.

One shot penetrated Lingfeng's abdomen.

Lingfeng firmly grasped the barrel of the gun that was thrust into his abdomen.

"I know you, Nangong Wudi? Hahaha, today is your death day."

Lingfeng turned sideways, and a soldier in armor suddenly appeared behind him.

Kick out.

Extremely fast.

Before Nangong Wudi could realize what was going on, he was kicked by him.


Nangong Wudi vomited blood and flew out upside down.

His face was full of disbelief.

The soldier took off his helmet.

The title hidden behind numerous soldiers was revealed.

General Zhenguo lv82.

Nangong Wudi's eyes widened.

"How can it be."

Lingfeng sneered.

"I've known for a long time that you humans are going to attack Fengling City, so I specifically asked..."

The general kicked Lingfeng aside.

"Stop talking nonsense. The villain dies because you talk too much. Kill him first!"

The general used his bare hands.

Chen Ya, who was behind, said anxiously.

"Hurry up and help Brother Nangong."

"Don't worry, team leader, someone has already gone."

Several humans above level 75 quickly gathered around Nangong Wudi.

"Commander Nangong, you retreat first."

Nangong Wudi struggled to stand up, feeling his stomach churn.

The general's ghost power was raging crazily in his body.


"Just give me two minutes. I want to see what this general is like."


Several people rushed towards the general.

The general is ruthless and doesn't talk much.

He has rich combat experience, and with his superb combat skills, he killed two people on the spot.

A human was kicked over and fell next to Nangong Wudi.

"Commander, let's withdraw. Let alone two minutes, we can't hold it for even one minute."