
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 216 Who wants to kill eldest brother?


The soldiers of the Zenith Dynasty, who still didn't know what was going on, raised their heads, and their faces were instantly covered in a large amount of magma.

Howl of pain.

The lava burned through their bodies.

Then it falls to the ground and gathers.

The killing range of this magma rain is extremely large, and its effect is also very strong.

A large number of soldiers fell.

Of course, this large-scale move cannot distinguish between friend and foe.

Therefore, the soldiers of the Western Dynasty who were fighting with the soldiers of the Zenith Dynasty were in bad luck.

Not killed by the enemy.

Taken away by one's own AOE skills.

Quite tragic.


There was a sound of sword sound.

The ghostly sword energy scattered the blood-red clouds in the sky.

The lava rain all over the sky gradually stopped.

The rear of the Zenith Dynasty army.

A group of twelve generals were wearing armor and holding swords.

None are below lv90.

General lv95, walking at the front of the team.

The group of generals walked faster and faster, and then gradually started running.


The generals roared angrily.

Even the magma on the ground was shaken away.

It splashed all over the ghost soldiers beside him.

"Ah!! You, you can just run away! Did I affect your output while I was still alive?"

The soldiers died wailing in pain.

the other side.

A ghost haunted by blood-red ghost power.

Suddenly he smiled evilly.

The blood-red ghost power all over his body was instantly retracted from his body.

The title above the head also became clear.

Prince of Toschi Dynasty lv88.

Then it changes instantly.

Blood Devil lv99 (temporary)!

Generals: "..."

He braked suddenly, turned around and ran away.

Damn it!

Playing and throwing up sand.

The general took the lead and led the other eleven generals to quickly escape from the battlefield.

But how could their speed be faster than the blood devil at this time.

A mobile phone appeared in the general's hand and was thrown to a general.

and yelled.

"Run separately and call His Majesty! Tell him that their prince has joined the war! Ask for support!"

The twelve generals dispersed instantly.

The blood devil's body flashed, chasing after the general.

The general roared.

"He called the emperor. The phone is with him. Are you blind? Are you going to chase me?"

Holding the mobile phone, the general who had not run far said: "..."

Just throw away the phone and run away.

The blood devil looked at the general with a grin.

General: "...he is such a beast!"


The blood devil stretched out its bloody mouth and bit off the general's head.

Perhaps the general can hold on for a few more moments in a head-on battle.

He only cared about escaping without caring about his actions behind him, which made him die very hastily.

The blood devil bit off the general's head, then quickly turned around and chased the other general.

The red-robed female ghost behind raised her staff again.

"I pray that the power of the lava penetrates their bodies and uses ghost power as fuel to burn more and more vigorously."


The bodies of the eleven generals instantly burst into flames.

Like eleven human-shaped torches, burning brightly.

A lv90 general has not even taken two steps.

The body gradually hardened, exuding a rock-like color.

Then a lot of cracks covered the body.


It exploded directly, and a lot of magma spurted out from his body.

The remaining ten generals were also hindered by the magma in their bodies, and were caught up one by one, and then killed by the blood devil.


The blood devil spit out a mouthful of magma.

He said to the female ghost behind him.

"Next time, don't let lava pour into your brain. I won't even be able to eat my favorite brain."

The female ghost's expression was cold.

"How long can you hold on? Don't ruin the plan."

The blood devil grinned.

"I have been able to master most of the Blood Devil titles, and it won't be a problem to maintain them for a day or two."

The female ghost nodded.

"Okay, remember, the Zenith Dynasty is not important. The task given by above is to kill Chen Gang! He is the murderer who brought trouble to the entire ghost barrier circle."

The blood devil nodded and asked curiously.

"Who is this Chen Gang? What has he done? Can it attract the attention of the higher-ups?"

The female ghost's expression was still cold.

"This is not your business. Killing Chen Gang will allow you to cross the barrier of low-level ghosts and go to a larger world. Only there will you know what a real horror world is."

The blood devil nodded.

There was a unique kind of ghost in the Western Dynasty called the praying ghost.

They are not born with it, but change their real name later in life.

Their power is incredible.

Just pray and you have the power to control the lava.

The power of lava can appear wherever they look.

And the female ghost in front of me.

It is the leader of the praying ghosts.

He found himself a few days ago and asked him and her to kill a man named Chen Gang.

Who are you? Prince! The ghost with the red title, the future controller of the Toschi Dynasty.

Can you bear it? Can you follow her orders?

As a result, when she took out a bottle of blood devil's original blood, the prince's heart was moved.

This is the blood of the first generation blood devil. As long as you take one drop, you can master the power of the blood devil to a large extent.

Later she even said it.

As long as you obey, take yourself out of this low-level ghost barrier circle.

Go to the outside world.

In the outside world, lv100 people are not considered strong, they are just kids who barely make it out of the town.

There, you can become stronger.

The prince couldn't bear it anymore.

This is much more interesting than inheriting the throne.

So the prince agreed.

The prince took the initiative to ask his father for help and wanted to eliminate the top power of the Zenith Dynasty.

The emperor naturally agreed.

Both are blood devils, and the emperor knows the power of the blood devil.

If it weren't for my old age and frailty.

I would have gone over there and killed them.

Therefore, the emperor was very pleased with the prince's offer.

Even if he sends troops to hunt down his own brother.

The battle for royal status must be ruthless!

Besides, what the hell is Gust?

The emperor almost died of anger when he looked at a dog that the intelligence department had photographed.

The royal family of the Central Continent is inappropriate. Being a dog, right?

How could such a thing become the emperor of the Tusqi Dynasty?

Therefore, two ghosts, the prince and the female ghost, appeared on the battlefield.

The prince absorbed the blood of the entire battlefield.

The bloodthirsty power reached unprecedented heights.

This powerful force can almost burst him.

But the prince took the original blood.

The blood devil's power was firmly controlled by the prince.

Moreover, it can last for two days.

Blood Devil lv99 (temporary).

Praying ghost leader lv90.

The female ghost said to the prince.

"Let's go to the Zenith Dynasty Imperial City quickly. Before the Emperor of the Zenith Dynasty can react, kill Chen Gang first to avoid the Emperor's intervention."

The prince nodded.

Showing a cruel smile.

"How do we get there?"

The female ghost turned her hand.

Two metal pillars appeared and were inserted into the ground.

"Pass through the dust world."

The prince was stunned.

"The dust world?"

"It's what you call the giant space."


A portal appears between two metal pillars.

"fast forward."

The two ghosts walked in.

Two metal pillars exploded directly, which was obviously a one-time thing.

"Let's go, don't worry about anything else when we get here, just kill Chen Gang."



The two ghosts haven't taken a step yet.

A huge lion's head stuck out in the sky.

"Who the hell wants to kill big brother?"