
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 182 Autistic Ghost

Chen Gang thought for a moment.

A slap on the table.

Help me.

Wait for me to level up.

Still need to help other principalities?

I'll capture one first, and then I'll beat you two one by one.

Boss value: 1.7 million.

System mall upgrade requires: 400,000 boss points.

More than enough!

"Upgrade the system mall!"

The boss value of 400,000 was instantly deducted.

The next upgrade requires 800,000 boss points.

"Open the system store."

lv1 ordinary ghost bodyguard: 10 boss points.

lv10 grumpy ghost bodyguard: 100 boss value.

lv20 pain ghost bodyguard: 200 boss value.

lv30 greedy ghost bodyguard: 1000 boss value.

lv40 greasy ghost bodyguard: 5000 boss value.

lv50 doctor ghost bodyguard: boss value.

lv60 Confident Ghost Bodyguard: Boss value.

lv70 explosive ghost bodyguard: worth 100,000 bosses.

Level 1 Lottery Wheel: 100 Boss Value.

Second level lottery wheel: 200 boss value.

Level 3 lottery wheel: 300 boss value.

Level 4 lottery wheel: 1500 boss value.

Level 5 lottery wheel: 7500 boss value.

Level 6 Lottery Wheel: Boss Value.

Seven-level lottery wheel: Boss value.

Eight-level lottery wheel: worth 140,000 bosses.

Bodyguard breeding system: worth 100,000 bosses.

Chen Gang looked at the newly appeared explosive ghost bodyguard and clicked.

Exploding Ghost Bodyguard: Explosions are art! It is specially born for fighting, has its own ghost power attribute, and explodes!

It looks so popular.

"Summon an explosive ghost bodyguard!"

One hundred thousand boss value was deducted.

A ghost with an afro appears.

The bodyguard of the Explosive Ghost is 1.7 meters tall, has dead fish eyes, and his face is expressionless and a little dull.

Chen Gang waved his hand in front of the explosive ghost bodyguard.

"What unique skills do you know?"

The dead fish eyes of the explosive ghost bodyguard slowly looked at Chen Gang.

"Hello boss, I only know how to fight,"

Chen Gang pursed his lips.

At least this one looks a little more reliable.

At least he's more reliable than the confident guy before.

"What does your explosive ghost power attribute mean?"

The explosive ghost bodyguard's eyes were dull.

"Above level 100, ghost power will gradually produce attributes suitable for your body. My attribute is explosion."

Chen Gang was stunned.

"You're not even at level 100."

The explosive ghost bodyguard blinked and replied dully.

"I don't know about this either."

Chen Gang: "..."

Okay, it's an attribute that can only be possessed by level 100, so it should be very powerful, right?

The Explosive Ghost Bodyguard can be upgraded to lv80.

But the king is lv85.

You have to level up one more level to be able to firmly suppress the king.

Chen Gang looked at the remaining 1.2 million Dabo value.

Gritting his teeth.

"Improve the level of the system mall!"

This is the first time that I have been upgraded twice in one day.

Eight hundred thousand boss value was deducted.

The next upgrade requires: 2 million boss points.

Damn it!

This time it more than doubled.

Fortunately, there are more bodyguards now.

The boss value is also obtained faster.

You can get almost 100,000 in one day.

Two million, that's twenty days.

Don't panic.

Chen Gang looked at the newly added ghost bodyguards.

lv80 autistic ghost bodyguard: worth 200,000 boss.

Chen Gang: "?"

Looking at the name, something doesn't seem right.

"Summon an autistic ghost bodyguard."


A ghost bodyguard appeared in front of Chen Gang.

The ghost bodyguard's long hair completely covered his face and hung down to his waist.


Chen Gang was stunned.

It was the first time I saw a female ghost bodyguard, and I was a little excited.

The autistic ghost raised his head slightly and said something to Chen Gang.

"Hi boss."

Then he walked to the corner of the office, faced the corner, and squatted down silently.

Chen Gang couldn't help but speak out.

"what are you doing?"

The autistic ghost replied.


Chen Gang: "..."

Let's just say, there are no serious ghosts among high-level people.

Autistic self-confidence, self-confidence, and an afro over there.

Chen Gang looked back helplessly.

If you are autistic, just be autistic. Just don't be autistic when fighting.

Look up at the two new mall skills.

Bodyguard reproduction system: Your bodyguard now has a complete reproductive system and can be reproduced. The ghosts born will also become your bodyguards.

Chen Gang was stunned.

Now, can my bodyguard give birth to a bodyguard?

Thirty thousand bodyguards and more wives.

It's not allowed to double four or five times a year.


When you marry a wife, you have to give a bride price, buy a house, and buy a car.


Chen Gang slapped his head.

It seems like my ghost bodyguard doesn't even get paid.

How can they afford a wife?

 If it doesn't work, let them harass the neighbors.

 My family is poor and I can't afford a wife, so I borrow the neighbor's wife to use it.

In fact, to be honest, Chen Gang's bodyguards are all very high-level.

Even if you don't give ghost coins, there will always be ghosts who give you money.

Chen Gang managed to send a message to all the ghost bodyguards through the system.

"Work hard to find more wives and give birth to more fat boys next year. You can take your wives to the bodyguard space. There are quite a few empty houses in Qiangwei City."

After sending the message, he looked at another mall skill.

Bodyguard experience sharing: When a bodyguard's level reaches the upper limit, the excess experience points can be equally distributed to all other bodyguards.

Yo ho.

This is good.

With this skill, low-level bodyguards can be upgraded even without last hit.

High-level bodyguards can continue to kill ghosts when their experience points are full.

This way, experience points are not wasted.

Chen Gang waved his hand and exchanged all two skills.

The value of the boss is completely lost.

Squander the boss value accumulated for a month.

Chen Gang slumped on the chair.


"You two hurry up and upgrade. With the experience equally divided, you can work harder and strive to raise your level to the upper limit before the end of the month."

"Okay, boss."

The explosive ghost bodyguard nodded.

Then he walked to the corner, plucked the autistic ghost's hair, and pulled the autistic ghost out.

The Autistic Ghost remained the same, even when being carried by the Explosive Ghost's bodyguards, he showed no sign of resistance.

Chen Gang: "..."

If the boss is not worth enough, draw a ghost from the high and low lottery.

These are all outrageous bodyguards.

"Woof woof!!"

At the door, a puppy was wagging its tail and looking at Chen Gang eagerly.

The title above the head is very eye-catching.

Super cute puppy lv66.

Chen Gang waved.

"come over."

Gust's four short legs jumped quickly and ran towards Chen Gang.

"You've risen in level quite quickly. You're worthy of being a blood demon."

The red title is Niubi.

It has only been half a month and I have returned to level 66.

Gust stared with big eyes, stuck out his tongue, and wagged his tail.

This is treating yourself completely like a dog.

Originally, Chen Gang thought that he was deliberately pretending to be like this in order to get close to him. Later I discovered that he really liked being a dog.

Chen Gang couldn't help but stroke Gust's dog head.

"You have to be well, your heart is already very abnormal, and your body must be healthy."

"Woof woof!!"