
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 165 The end of the first day


Gu Chao was beating and suddenly grabbed a soldier.

Take a bloody bite.

Bite off a soldier's head.

Then he aimed his mouth at the soldier's neck.

Suck hard.

The soldier's originally burly body was sucked into a ghost and fucked.


Gu Chao's mouth was full of blood and he was mad.

He swung the stick hard and actually knocked back the lv70 knight on the opposite side with one blow.

In ancient times, fighting is more and more courageous.

The level above the head is sometimes lv69 and sometimes lv70.

Levels fluctuate.

But Gu Chao's combat power has been increasing.


Gu Chao held an iron rod as thick as his thigh in one hand and knocked the lv70 knight off his horse.

The soldiers around him also came to eat one by one.

Those who knew it were here to fight, but those who didn't know it thought they were here for a buffet.

Gu Yong in the distance usually looks taciturn.

It sucks harder than Gu Chao.

You can't say chewing it, it's just chewing it raw.

After all, he doesn't have such a big mouth as Gu Chao.

Chen Gang silently directed the bodyguards to stay away from the two eldest brothers.

Afraid that the two eldest brothers would start sucking, they also sucked the bodyguard.

And Chen Gang himself has been wandering on the edge from the time he entered the game to now.

Put psychological pressure on the opponent and make them fearful.

Gu Chao Gu is brave and the more he fights, the more he becomes braver.

The two ghosts can fight against three lv70 knights on the opposite side.

But in this crazy state, it is difficult for ghosts to not worry about their mental state.

Gunn stood on the high platform.

Seeing his two sons killing each other, I didn't feel happy at all.

On the contrary, I was a little scared.

This bloodthirsty power is too evil.


The crazy Gu Chao is getting more and more clueless.

By accident, he was stabbed through by a two-meter-long knight's spear.

But Gu Chao didn't back down at all, and instead acted bravely and aggressively.

He grabbed the knight's spear and moved forward with force.

The knight's spear continued to penetrate deep into Gu Chao's abdomen.

The lv70 knight opposite opened his eyes wide.


Gu Chao opened his bloody mouth and bit the knight.

The knight quickly let go of his spear and tried to retreat.

But Gu Chao's bloodthirsty power was passively stacked too high, and his speed was extremely fast.

He bit off half of the knight's head in one bite, and his entire face was torn off.


The knight screamed in pain.

Gu Chao still wanted to attack, but was repelled by two lv70 knights.

Gu Chao wasn't angry either.

Pull out the spear with force.

He grabbed a few soldiers around him with his big hands, crushed them into minced meat, and then threw them into his mouth.


There was a surge in his thick throat.

Along with the soldiers' flesh and blood.

Gu Chao's physical injuries were slowly recovering visibly to the naked eye.

The knight who had half his head chewed off yelled.

"What is this! There is something hanging on the other side!"

Blood flowed from the shameless face.

Gu Chao stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips.

He rushed forward directly.


Several knights turned around and ran away.

This is obviously not normal on the other side.

"Where to run!!"

Gu Chao chased while roaring.

Both his own soldiers and enemy soldiers stayed away from him.

Gu Chao's huge body covered a distance of several hundred meters in two or three steps.

A bite to the last knight.

"I told you to chew it!"

The knight looked at Gu Chao's big mouth.

The knight's spear in his hand was stabbed directly in.

"Ouch! Cough! Ah! Ouch!"

The spear passed through the back of Gu Chao's neck, and half of its tip popped out.

Gu Chao twisted his body.

The mouth was stuffed with a spear and could not be closed.

He couldn't stop the retching in his throat.

I wanted to pull out the spear, but it was difficult to do so.

Forced to stop bloodthirsty.

The huge bloodthirsty power in his body surged back and forth.

Red light kept emerging in the blood vessels, rushing around Gu Chao's body.


Gu Chao suddenly fell to his knees, wailing heart-breakingly.


Blood vessels all over the body burst suddenly.

A lot of blood spattered out.

Like a sharp sword, it penetrated a large number of surrounding soldiers.

The soldiers who were penetrated by blood had dry blood all over their bodies.

In an instant, he became as skinny as a stick and could be used as a mummy without having to remove his organs.

A lv70 knight accidentally had his arm pierced by blood.

He just cut off his arm decisively.

The arm that fell to the ground slowly became shriveled.

The lord across from him widened his eyes.

He murmured in his mouth.

"Bloodthirsty power? Blood devil!"

His widened eyes were full of surprise.

Then he stopped looking at the situation on the battlefield and ran away.

"Super! My son!"

Gunn on the high platform shouted sadly.

Then he yelled at Chen Gang on the edge of the scene.

"Why don't you come!!"

Chen Gang looked confused.

What does it have to do with me?

What am I going up for? Shot to death together?

Gu Chao's soldiers also went crazy.

My mayor was killed.

Although it was said to be a self-destruction, without the shot from the opposite side, Gu Chao would not have died.

The soldiers started a desperate fighting style.

Some soldiers followed suit and opened their mouths to bite the opponent whenever they got close.

It seems that Gu Chao is still very important in their hearts.

This time the opponent won't be able to deal with it.

The soldiers on the opposite side were frightened by the crazy appearance of Gu Chao's soldiers.

They fought and retreated.

It's definitely impossible to beat.

Even the lord ran away.

He could only barely avoid being chewed to death and kept retreating.


The horn sounded.

It means the first day is over.

The soldier on the other side breathed a sigh of relief.

It's finally over…huh?

The horns have sounded.

Why is the other side still attacking?

It looked like the soldiers were getting more and more crazy, with no sign of retreating.

The other side can no longer hold on.

Turn around and run.

Anyway, the first day is over.

Even if he runs away, he is not considered a deserter.

The soldiers chased them all the way to the opponent's camp, and then they had to stop.

Because there were two rows of lords above level 75 standing in front of the opponent's camp.

Although the soldiers were red-eyed, they were not mad.

For them, lv75 is a crushing level.

The lord cannot participate in the battle for the first three days.

But that also depends on the situation.

You've already gone to someone else's lair.

They can only be forced to fight back.

Watching Lord Gunn's soldiers on the opposite side slowly withdraw, they couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.


Let's fight. Why are you chewing on ghosts?

Chen Gang is also gathering his ghost bodyguards.

Although the ghost bodyguards use soldiers as human shields, they still cannot avoid death.

Seven of the ten thousand ghost bodyguards died.

More than two hundred others entered the bodyguard space in time.

Only then did he escape.

High risks often lead to high returns.

Although Chen Gang suffered heavy losses, the gap in experience points was finally made up.

There are more than nine thousand ordinary ghost bodyguards at level 50.

Even the two confident ghosts are at level 70.

If it weren't for lv50 being the current level limit for ghost bodyguards.

Then Chen Gang will at least have a few more lv70 ghost bodyguards.