
Thriller Train:I am Definitely Not the POPE!

“I’m spilling the beans! I busted the Bat-Signal; I conned Lex Luthor’s secret stash; Even set Arthur Curry up with that green hat… Fine, I’ll hand over Diana Prince’s combat gear… but seriously, that’s not gross! Diana’s personal stuff, gross?!! Watching Gotham burn, Dr. Gu Cheng smirked. Born and raised in this hellhole, he’s a notorious criminal. He usually gets fan mail every Wednesday ٩(๑ᵒ̴̶̷͈᷄ᗨᵒ̴̶̷͈᷅)و I mean, if anyone knows the address of G-0608 underwater prison. And why isn’t he in Arkham? ‘Cause he’s a freaking escape artist. But hey, the point here isn’t just about escaping… It’s about being a pain in the neck! How much of a pain? Well, for example, if you think this book is some kind of DC crime spree manual… you’re way off! “This book has absolutely nothing to do with DC… not even close!” - Dr. Gu Cheng”

unusertody · Games
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8 Chs

Chapter002, Loli Finny

"Hey! Hey! Wake up, dude! Sir, you gotta wake up!"

Gu Cheng groaned, scratching his nose…


Suddenly, he jolted upright, eyes wide with disbelief as he took in the scene around him.

It was a train compartment, with cozy pale yellow curtains and seats wrapped in fancy animal skin.

A hint of jasmine lingered in the air…

"This is… a train car? I Guess Pigface wasn't lying to me after all. Wronged the guy by chucking him into the sea…"

Well, when life gets you down, might as well gamble for some thrills…

Gu Cheng didn't feel an ounce of guilt for dumping Pigface into the ocean.

The rhythmic "click-clacking" of the train filled the air, occasionally interrupted by the distant whistle…

Peering out the window, darkness loomed, only confirming they were cruising through the skies, destination unknown.

But hey, kinda thrilling, right?

Gu Cheng grinned wickedly.

"Ah! Hey there, SIR! Ignoring the lovely waitress and spouting gibberish isn't cool, man!"

Clearly caught up in the excitement, Gu Cheng totally overlooked the presence of the maid Loli before him, oozing the scent of jasmine…!

Dressed in a neat maid outfit with twin ponytails and sparkling ruby-like eyes, she looked pretty classy.

"Nice day, huh! I'm Gu Cheng!" Gu Cheng extended his hand, shaking the loli's hand, "So, is this still Gotham?"

The loli giggled, placing a cup of almond tea on the table.

Then, she glanced under her skirt, revealing some machinery, and politely introduced herself,

"You seem chill, SIR! That's cool! I'm FAFGt-075, but you can just call me Finny! This isn't your typical world, it's an adrenaline-fueled journey you signed up for!"

"You can enjoy all sorts of services on this train for a fee, but for now, this compartment is your playground…"

"Our next stop is… the Beginner Enlightenment Zone! There, sir, you'll get more info! So, here's to a smooth journey in finding the meaning of life!"

"Finding the meaning of life, huh…" Gu Cheng mused, scratching his face.

Then, unable to contain a chuckle, he said, "So, our philosophies line up, huh? Seeking life's meaning through excitement…"

"Yup, sir! Flying trains are wild, but you're handling it like a champ! Finny's impressed!" The maid Loli blinked, her voice chirpy.

With a skip and a hop, she continued, "Alright, sir, kick back after that almond tea! Finny won't bug ya! Have a blast on this journey!"

With a playful tongue-out, she pushed the almond tea closer to Gu Cheng, eyes gleaming with anticipation.

But Gu Cheng wasn't in a hurry. He stretched lazily, then started pacing around the compartment.

The space wasn't exactly roomy, but hey, it could hide a body if needed.

A bed, a couple of chairs, a coffee table… that was about it.

The wool carpet was a nice touch, though, given this old steamtrain vibe.

And hey, there's even a separate washroom with a massage tub!

Gu Cheng cheered, then started undressing, turning on the hot water tap without a care in the world, much to Finny's horror.


He's diving right into that bath, huh?!

And robots don't mind exposure, right?!!

"Oh, right!"

With a cheeky grin, Gu Cheng slipped into his silk pajamas and then strolled barefoot back to the coffee table.

He took a swig of almond tea, then sheepishly asked, "Hey, mind sticking around for a back rub? Pretty please!"

Finny looked taken aback. "Um, SIR, robots aren't waterproof…"

But Gu Cheng just grinned, settling back in his chair. "Water should be warming up to 70 degrees now, climbing to 90 in a couple of minutes…"

Gu Chen suddenly sat up, propping his chin on the back of his intertwined hands.

"You sure your buddy won't end up getting scorched?"

Finny was caught off guard by his remark. Her expression shifted, and she blurted out, "How'd you... know?"

But in a flash, her smile returned. "Ha! Trying to pull a fast one on me, huh? Even if you're sharp, you're still on borrowed time! Mr. Guest... got any final words?"

"I knew it!"

There was a glint in Gu Chen's eyes, leaving Finny feeling uneasy.

"Even through gloves, you could feel gun calluses... and when you lifted your skirt, you blushed. Plus, trying to mask blood with a jasmine scent? Not exactly a pro. Let me clue you in, roasted coffee would've been better!"

Gu Chen took a sip of almond water, flashing a warm smile.

"So here's the deal... you probably offed someone, then dressed them in my threads and stashed them away! After all, a fresh face dying wouldn't draw much attention... right? I'm onto you! Help me with a back rub, and I might just give you some tips. Sound good, Iron Shorts Loli?"

Gu Chen's grin revealed his excitement.

Living with a bloodthirsty loli was definitely a thrill!

"You still wanna talk about massages?!!" Finny momentarily lost focus under Gu Chen's intense gaze!

Thankfully, she quickly pieced together the jerk's endgame, and her anger gave way to mischief.

Finny's crimson eyes blinked, and she swiftly sat beside Gu Chen, bringing a waft of jasmine.

With her knee-high black stockings, she pressed her legs against Gu Chen's and whispered triumphantly, "Feeling the adrenaline, Mr. Guest? Soon, your vision's gonna blur..."

Gu Chen turned, his handsome face inches away, eagerly continuing, "Nausea... vomiting... then chest tightness, trouble breathing, and eventually, losing control... you get the picture, right?"


Finny paled in shock, reaching for her concealed revolver.

But Gu Chen was quicker, using his robe belt to tie her up!

His movements were fluid, his knot-tying skills on point!

Without countless practice runs, he wouldn't have nailed it!

After securing her, Gu Chen stood tall, first turning off the tap, and then spitting almond water into the bathtub before Finny's eyes.

"How'd you...?"

"Cyanide in almond water? Clever move!" Gu Chen chuckled, snapping his fingers and spitting out a coin—Harvey Dent's (Two-Face) companion coin!

Without his belt, he awkwardly gathered his robe's front, looking slightly comical.


The coin flipped, landing firmly in his hand.

"Shiny side up... lucky break..."

Gu Chen grinned, "If the steam train banned original items, this coin wouldn't be in my mouth. So... Finny, quite the fibber, huh?" He gestured to his robe, "This outfit's from the unlucky soul, right? Quality material probably belonged to someone with soft skin!"

Before Gu Chen finished, the train shook violently! Lights flickered before darkness swallowed them whole.


After a while, a voice crackled through the train's speakers.

"Dear passengers: We apologize! Due to technical issues, repairs will take up to 3 hours!"

"Please open your doors and await the Rabbit Police..."

"The announcement will be repeated..."
