
Intermission (12)

Editor: Sigma

The server was closed about one hour before Feng Bujue turned the computer on. In that time, many things had happened. When he was browsing the forums, a limitation had been set on posting so that everyone could only post once every five minutes, but even so, the front page was refreshing like once every ten seconds.

The system closed the queuing function at 8 am and would not generate any more scenarios while informing the players to go offline. Players still in the scenario were not notified yet. At 10:20 am, one by one, the previously gaming players slowly wrapped up their scenario. In those two and a half hours, the notification to log off was attached to every player's log-in lobby. At 10:30 am, players who refused to leave were forced out of the server, and then the server shut down.

After that, the players swamped the forums. Seeing the highlighted noticeboard, the players were shocked, and everyone had something to say.