
yeah life

being in college gives us some huge amount of freedom and that too i was in a girls college we felt free inside the college our personal struggles with the studies and teachers were there but spending time with friends was a plus point and actually worth it

But my best friends preferred to stay at home and i always wanted to go to college so they stayed at home and i went to college i was angry at them i wanted to spend time with my best friends but they preferred to stay at home so i just moved on and talked to those people who were regular in college

they were also my good friends now i gelled up easily with them. i was the spoilt one in the group of those serious girls i enjoyed the time with them i never worried about what people said about i just felt free to live my life as i wanted to then after four months of the year Angela started coming to college she also started to go to a nearby coaching....

she suggested me also to join that coaching but i declined i said ill manage so angels used to go to coaching with her old friends from school i didnt mind she drifted apart somewhat when a hostler befriended her she almost replaced me with her i used to be her study partner and suddenly everything changed and she was her so called partner