
Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse

Ex-Pro gamer Yoo Joonghyuk is suddenly thrown into a real life game world filled with monsters, quests, and deadly scenarios. Will he be able to survive, and what secrets does this game hide under it’s already dark undertones?

g0d123 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Flooded City

The nearest park was around ten miles away, running would take nearly two and a half hours; If I was a normal person. Thanks to Sprint and my Agility stat I can run almost three times faster than the average human, meaning it would only take about fifty minutes to reach the park.

As I ran through the street I noticed the city was overrun with monsters, ranging from giant insects to giant lions. I tried not to lose focus on my running but I was intercepted by a large rabbit.

I used Bloodlust but it had no effect, this meant the rabbit was stronger than me. I didn't worry, I could overpower it using my brain.

It rushed at me with astonishing speeds, I was barely able to dodge out of the way, I baited it into running at me again and then I threw one of my poison dagger at it.

It lodged itself into the rabbit's throat and began to do it's work, the rabbit quickly flopped to floor, paralyzed. I was going to cut it up into food but two things stopped me; One, it might not be the same as the rabbit in restaurants, Two, I just poisoned it so there may be traces of poison in the meat.

I slit its neck and let it bleed out, all I could do was kill it and leave its corpse to rot away. I continued to run toward the park and on my way I saw a giant pack of wolves.

I hid behind a building and thought up a reason for why the city was flooded with monsters. Wait, flooded? I got it! Shin Yoosung must've been the cause, she flooded the city with monsters, not water.

I felt proud of this discovery and began to walk toward the park once more, but I forgot about the wolves that were keeping guard.

They immediately jumped at me all at once and I used Bloodlust.

This time all the wolves fell to the ground and began to shiver in fear. These wolves must be regular animals, unlike that rabbit. I was grateful for this easy encounter and continued to the park.

I arrived and met up with my team mates. They began to scold me for running off by myself and leaving them in the wreckage, and I couldn't blame them.

We had a look around and noticed that there was a camp set up, but no one was there. We searched inside the tents for a sign of life, and we found the opposite.

All the tents were filled with blood and mangled corpses, organs and bones were dispersed all around the park. Most likely they were ambushed by monsters in the night and didn't wake up in time to defend themselves.

We rounded up as much leftover food as we could, took equipment, and took medical supplies. Any amount of support would go along way when fighting and SS rank threat.