

— That's it...—Radoslav smoothed the edge of the hull.— If I had a knife, I would have trimmed it...—

— Here you go...—General Thomas appeared out of nowhere.

— Thank you, James...—Radek examined the knife and began to cut off the edges of the skin with it, which went over the edge.— Nice knife. I remember giving the same one to Shimek.—

— And who is Shimek?—Dariush asked in surprise.

— My brother... The youngest. When the situation is calm, we will definitely go to him.—Radoslav helped Dariusz to dust himself off.— He's very sweet, almost like you. And almost the same age. He lives with my father...—

— Get in as soon as possible, and then you will discuss it.— General Thomas opens the door.— We've stocked up on this... Have you been packing all day?—

— No, an hour...—Radoslav couldn't help but chuckle softly.— Should we hide in the trunk?—

— No, because I have privileges - I am not searched. But when we get to the border of the city, I ask you to hide in the shower or in the toilet... I don't know what you have here.—General Thomas connected his car to their trailer.

— Both this and that. But it will be physically impossible to hide in the shower stall. After all, it's automatic, when you enter it, water pours...— Radoslav sat on the sofa that was closer to the window to the driver's cabin.— And how will we contact you?—

— Here it is. The communicator. The main thing is not to shout into it, otherwise I might go deaf...—

— All right, James...—Radoslav came up and gave him a brotherly, friendly hug.— You always help me... Thank you...

— It's okay... I'm always happy to help.—

The engine started gently.

— Here he is, look. This blond guy. It's beautiful, isn't it?—Radoslav took out a photo from behind the passport cover.

— He looks so scared.—Darek said.

The dark blond man in the photo, holding the hand of the then even younger Radoslav, looked fearfully into the void. It seems that something scared him when they were doing a snapshot. He had a broad face, blue eyes like Radek's, and platinum-colored hair.

— Is he even a little older than Darek?—Cornelius asked.

— Of course... He is sixteen, the difference is huge - four years!—Radoslav laughed.— Only the fate of this sweet guy is unhappy - he has never seen this world. Blind from birth...—

— Poor boy...—Darek sighed, looking into the unseeing sky-blue eyes.— And here, on the other hand, is another photo... Who is it?—

Radek turned the picture over.

— This...—He frowned.— This is the most terrible person the world carries...—

— Mariusz...— Cornelius unexpectedly noticed that his father, Shimek and Darek were blond, and Mariusz was brown-haired, like himself. An unpleasant feeling crept into his heart.

— Yes, Mariusz... He was terribly strange even when he was little...— Radoslav turned the photo over so as not to see his younger brother's face.

— Are there no elders in the family?—Darek asked.

— No, only Dad is older than me. Shimek lives with him...—Radoslav sighs.

It seems that for some reason he cannot be with his father and younger brother.

The communicator came to life.

— Hey, the alarm.—General Thomas's worried voice said over the communicator.— Hide in the toilet.—


Running into the toilet, Radek and Cornelius stood as close to each other as possible against the wall, and Darek was put with his feet on the toilet bowl - thanks to a very small gap under

No one will see them through the door like that.

Radoslav held his breath, stroking the opal cross hanging around his neck.

— False alarm. These are my wife and daughter...— the general said over the communicator.

Cornelius exhaled.

— God damn it, God!—He swore softly.

— Don't take the Lord's name in vain...—Radoslavv said. - Yes, who here hears! —

Darek laughed, looking at his father and brother talking.

Lizzie peered cautiously into the trailer. The general's only and dearly beloved daughter was too timid for everything.

Darek, noticing a familiar face through the gap in the door, immediately scratched on this very door, causing a sound that revived the association with old movies by ear


Lizzie squealed and James Thomas laughed.

— We're going further. — he said. — Kaminsky, you're hiding at my first word.my first word.—

— Does Dariush call you "Lizzie-Dizzy"?—Radoslav asked, getting out of the toilet stall with Darek in his arms.— Oh, I'm sorry, we look a little dirty here.—

— It's okay, Radoslav. Hello, Dariusz.—Helena Thomas greeted them.— Sorry, I'm not familiar with you, alas.—

— Cornelius, the eldest of the brothers.—Corey sat down on the couch.

— Nice to meet you, Cornelius. You and your father are so different... That's probably what Dariusz was saying about you all the time. He often talked about wanting to be like his brother.—

Cornelius smiled as he watched Darek chasing after Lizzie.

It seems that everything has become almost normal again...


The engine is humming.

Cornelius looks at his father falling asleep. The opal cross on Radoslav's neck knocks against the zippers and the stones sparkle dazzlingly in the sun.

The medallion around his father's neck was also made of opal, old cracks were spreading across the stone.

Cornelius reached out and stroked his father's hair. His father's hair was shining with gray.

— I'm sorry, I fell asleep...—Radoslav yawned.— I haven't slept in a couple of days...—

— Give me the communicator and get some sleep, Dad...—Cornelius moved over.— Darek is already propping me up on one side, but you can do it on this one...—

— I don't have to sleep, who's going to take the calls?—Radoslav said indignantly, but Cornelius hugged his father encouragingly

— I'm here...—

Radek's eyes were slowly closing, and Cornelius carefully helped him lie down on the sofa.

Cornelius stroked his father's hair and hugged him. He tried to remember at least some lullaby, but for some reason they all ran away from his mind.

— I'm so tired...—Radoslav says softly, falling asleep.

— Dad, go to sleep...—Cornelius looked out the window.

A shudder runs through the trailer. It looks like the road is not very good…

— General Thomas, how is the road?—Cornelius asked over the communicator.

— It's not good. Is it that noticeable?— James froze. — Be careful, it's going to be a very turbulent road! —

— I already figured it out...—Cornelius shudders.— General Thomas! General!— he suddenly shouts into the communicator.— Turn off! You can't drive on this road! —

— What's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly freaking out?—James made a strange sound.— And now I'm deaf in one ear...—

— Turn off!—Cornelius screams and the air sways.

Apparently, General Thomas felt it too, if he wasn't even angry that Cornelius yelled at him.

The car spun in a dashing somersault.

There was a clang of crumpled metal.

— General Thomas!—Cornelius shouted into the communicator.

— James! Answer me!—Helena joined in his cry.

Darek and Radoslav woke up.

The front door was kicked.

— Open up! Or Mr. James Thomas will be finished!—

— Mariusz...—Radoslav said through his teeth.

— It seems that this man will become our curse...— said Cornelius quietly.

— Became? He has been, moreover, for a very long time...—father sighs.