
Three shooting stars

Nothing too serious, three friends get transmigrated to an anime mash up world, and their adventures navigating their world, the anime world is pretty much au, with some similar aspects to their original works, but molded how i felt would fit this story the best, (also using this as an excuse if i end up misremembering something ;;;), i do not own any of the characters besides my own oc's This is something im writing for fun to practice my writing, so if you see any blaringly obvious mistakes please do excuse them on that note, i do not have any plans of dropping this any time soon, ill be writing for this fic whenever im motivated to write and just wanna have fun, so i hope you all enjoy whatever it is i end up putting together, and if you all have any suggestions please do let me know!

ValAverescu · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Ch. 9

"You two…" Said Satsuki as she stared at the two boy panting while laying on ground, sprawled out near each other, "you really don't know how to hold back, huh?" She asked as she gave them a wry grin before passing the two something to drink, after which they quickly downed them trying to escape their thirst

 "I don't know about you guys, but seeing all of that has made me hungry" she said as she rubbed her stomach sheepishly

 "I could eat" said Akira as he and Satsuki looked towards Aomine, to which he also nodded his head, "I don't wanna leave our match on a draw, but I haven't eaten today either" said Aomine

 "He was too excited to show me his new friend, he was waiting by my apartment ten minutes before the agreed time" whispered Satsuki towards Akira, "I can hear you, you know?" Responded Aomine

 This caused Satsuki to turn her head to the side and whistle in response, trying her best to act innocent, "let's get changed and then we can head to W*cDonald's or something" she said

 'W*c...?' Ah right, anime world' thought Akira as he grabbed his gym bag and headed to the public bathroom side by side with Aomine, a conversation having sparked up due to the mutual respect they had for the other's skills

 'I never would have thought… Aomine willingly engaging in friendly banter with someone else' thought Satsuki as she saw the two boys hitting it off rather exceptionally

 Once inside the two couldn't be bothered to actually enter one of the stalls, so they decided to change in front of the mirrors, treating the public bathroom as a sort of gym locker

 Aomine quickly took notice of Akira's toned body and couldn't help but stare, "while I do not mind the complimenting gaze but…" Said Akira as he noticed Aomine's stare, "I don't swing that way, I do hope we can stay friends" he continued in mock rejection as he bowed his head slightly, with a joking apologetic face 

 "You…!" Screamed Aomine with a red face as he threw his water bottle at Akira in response, before huffing "It's nothing like that you idiot, I'm not gay!"

 "I was just surprised you were so built" he said, "what's your secret?" Aomine asked after a moment of contemplation

 "Oh, that??" Responded Akira, "I just hit the gym, I don't really know what to tell ya"

 With a huff Aomine continued changing silently thinking, 'lucky bastard, he can probably eat whatever the hell he wants'

 "Oyyyyy" cut in Satsuki's voice, "are you two almost done in there? I swear you take longer to get read then I do!"

 Hearing Satuki's voice, the two quickly hurried to finish changing and head back out, not wanting to further anger the poor girl

 "Alrighty, so which way are we headed?" Asked Akira, still not completely having familiarized himself with the area

 "Is this your first time in Tokyo?" Responded Satsuki, questioning Akira's lack of knowing

 "Mm" Akira simply responded, not really knowing how to answer, 'I mean technically… this is my first time in this world'

 "Where are you coming from?" Questioned the curious girl, as they followed Aomine who had started walking in the right direction, "Oh, uh…" Responded Akira, at a loss for words

 After a few moments of thinking, Akira felt a small sense of nostalgia before bits and pieces of fractured memories started to slowly appear in his mind, the most notable of which were a faint memory of Akira's first ever steps on Japanese soil, 'what the hell is that?' he questioned

 "Akira? Are you okay?" Asked Satsuki, having not gotten a response to her question, noticing that the young blonde seemed to be lost in thought, having come to a step as he tried to make sense of the memories that were slowly trickling in

 "Huh?" Said Akira, "Oh sorry about that, I just happened to remember a few things"

 "But yeah, I'm actually not originally from Japan" said Akira simply

 "Explains the height, and the hair" said Aomine from in front of the two

 "Anyways, let's continue this inside. Don't wanna continue blocking off the entrance"

 "Oh, yeah" said Akiira

 The group now inside the small fast food restaurant they quickly ordered their food, once it was Akira's turn to place his order, the two couldn't help but marvel at just how much the blonde had requested to eat, "hey… I was planning on paying, since I invited but...," said Aomine as he reached for his wallet scared, he just might not have enough to afford the sheer amount of food the blonde had asked for

 "Ah that, nah don't worry man. This one is on me" responded Akira, "Think of it as a small thank you gift for giving me such a warm welcome to Japan" he smiled as he handed the cashier enough money to cover the groups bill, once the group had received their food, which had taken awhile due to a certain blondes appetite, they headed for a small table for three, located near the back most corner of the place

 "Where does all of that food even go?" Asked Satsuki as she saw the blonde simply inhale all that was placed in front of him

 "Hey, before you make fun of my appetite" said Akira, "I'm a growing boy, and if I want to continue getting stronger, I have to eat this much"

 "At least that's what everybody told me while living in America" he continued, slightly tilting his head, never having really understood the sentiment, but following it nonetheless, "And you," Akira said, turning to face Aomine

 "If you don't wanna be left behind, I suggest you take these kind of things seriously as well" said Akira, "though really, the hardest part is actually getting all that food down," he grimaced as he remembered a small sense of nausea that had plagued for a pretty long time

 'Still, I wonder where I'm getting all of these memories from' thought Akira as he recalled what had happened on the walk here, the splitting headache having somewhat receded by now, 'I'll have to talk to the others about this'

 "Hey, what are the states like?" Asked Satsuki, Akira then responded with a small and vague recounting of his time in another country, hoping that as he talked his bodies memories would slowly fill him in with more details

 As the three continued to talk and eat their food, making idle chatter here and there, Aomine asking the blonde of his work out routine and the such, time quickly passed and Satsuki had to start heading home, "ahhhh, I really don't wanna spend summer break studying for the entrance exams…" Lamented Satsuki, as she recalled how much studying she has to do to get in to her dream school 

 "Oh yeah, what school are you going to, Akira?" Asked Satsuki

 "Oh that?" Responded Akira, "one of my closest friends is gunning to enter Shuchi'in academy, so I'll be trying to go with that"

 "Oh! If you can actually get in, we'll be going to the same school… if I can get in" she whispered the last bit, a worrying look on her face

 "I'll be going there too," said Aomine, "they offered me a sports scholarship, and since they have the nation's strongest team, I figured why not?"

 "I see, I'll be sure to try my best," smiled Akira